Where does the calorie content of vodka come from

Yes Yes. Her darling also has a calorie content, and according to GOST, all manufacturers, without exception, must indicate it. Studying this information, I came across very strong claims, straight scientific disputes. I have already forgotten chemistry, and I was not fond of nutrition, but the essence is clear to me: the nutritional value of a product lies in its nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Caloric content, or energy value, is the amount of energy that is released when these substances are oxidized during metabolism. Alcohol itself, in its pure form, is 7 kcal / 100 g (for clarity: 1 g of protein and carbohydrate = 4 kcal, 1 g of fat = 9 kcal). But vodka is not pure alcohol.

Of course, ideally, vodka is alcohol diluted with water. Let’s take a look at these ideals. The calorie content of vodka ranges from 221 to 253 kcal / 100 g. Here is a small list taken from the labels of bottles of different brands:

  • “Nemiroff”, “Khortytsya” – 221 kcal;
  • “Finland” – 222 kcal;
  • “Dining room” – 224,3 kcal;
  • “Bulbash” – 224,8 kcal;
  • “Blagoff Original” – 225 kcal;
  • “Soft” – 235 kcal;
  • “Sibalco” – 252 kcal.

I also found information that regular vodka contains about 0,4 g of carbohydrates / 100 g of product. Where do these carbohydrates come from? Well, as you know, vodka is made from some kind of raw material (cereals, sugar syrup, etc.). In any case, this raw material contains some carbohydrate-containing product: sucrose, glucose, tribose, lactose, etc. Hence the carbohydrates, which in the process of digestion turn into calories. But there is still a calorie content of ethyl alcohol. As it turned out, everything is very complicated and confusing.

Where does the calorie content of vodka come from

Why the calorie content of vodka does not affect the figure

I also found this formula for vodka:

NAD+ + С2Н5OH ->H+ + NADH + CH3CHO

NADH (Nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide) inhibits the very TCA (Krebs cycle, which I already wrote about in this article). It turns out that the use of vodka inhibits the metabolism in the cells themselves. Perhaps this is the reason why vodka does not get fat.

There is also infa, which states that the processing of ethyl alcohol and any alcohol consumes five times more calories than is released. That is why the use of alcoholic beverages leads to the excitation of appetite (explains the essence of aperitifs). But if we take into account the previous information, it turns out that even with a plentiful snack it will not work to get fat – metabolism is inhibited. Actually, have you ever seen a well-fed drunk? Me not.

Where does the calorie content of vodka come from

In short, after much thought and study of information, I never came to concrete conclusions. It is not clear where the calories and nutritional value of vodka come from? If all the energy is in ethyl alcohol, then how is it absorbed by the body? So far, I just realized that vodka is one of the most high-calorie foods. But, I do not despair and I hope that you will help me. Maybe some pundit will pass by and give an answer to my question: where does the calorie content of vodka come from? Here is such a confusing post I got, dear readers of Romovy. I look forward to comments on this.

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