Where does sinusitis come from – causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

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Sinusitis is often a problem for people who go to the swimming pool regularly. This disease should not be underestimated, because simple treatment will avoid very serious complications.

Some people joke that the sinuses are only there to make them sick. Laryngologist Dr. Maciej Wątróbki assures that they have several other functions. They warm and moisturize the air reaching the lungs. They also act as shock absorbers that protect the brain in the event of an injury. They also make the human skull lighter. The musicians add that the bays are the perfect soundboard for the human voice. When the nose is stuffy, the voice is uglier.

The causes of sinusitis

Everything that causes the nasal mucosa to swell is favored by sinusitis. These can be anatomical defects, as well as the inflammatory process accompanying common colds and allergies. Also, environmental factors such as tobacco smoke or industrial pollution will damage the mucosa. Chlorine or its vapors may also be the cause of the swelling. Irritated by this compound, the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses swell and cause obstruction.

Sudden changes in temperature also cause physiological swelling of the mucous membranes. – When the temperature outside is around freezing, the very entrance to the pool, where it is usually around 26 degrees C, is a thermal shock. The water in the pool is another change in temperature, and when it comes to our minds to use the sauna, the temperature swing becomes a huge challenge for our mucosa. When we go outside after all this, the confused membranes swell – explains the ENT specialist.

Symptoms of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

Pain is the most distressing symptom of sinusitis. Most often it is located at the base of the nose and increases with head movements, e.g. when bending over. Another symptom is nasal discharge and loss of smell. Therefore, the diagnosis of paranasal sinusitis is based primarily on the medical history and examination of the nasal cavities. You do not need to take X-rays. Well-equipped laryngological offices have endoscopes that allow you to look inside the nose to check the condition of the nasal mucosa, the type of secretion, and anatomical structure. However, even without an endoscope, your GP can diagnose sinusitis and give you appropriate treatment. The presence of characteristic symptoms such as obstruction, nasal discharge, olfactory disturbance, and pain is usually sufficient for a diagnosis of sinusitis.

If you are experiencing sinus symptoms, it is a sign that you need to start supporting them. Try, for example, BAYS – herbal tea that will improve their condition and have a positive effect on the entire respiratory and immune systems.

Treatment of sinusitis

Let’s not underestimate the symptoms of sinusitis. If left untreated, it can lead to complications such as meningitis, brain abscess, optic neuritis, and inflammation of the eyeball. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and decongestants containing ibuprofen and pseudoefdrin are effective against the disease. Ibuprofen is anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and pseudoephedrine constricts the mucosa, allowing normal breathing, and thus relieves sinus pain. Nasal drops alone are not always enough, because patients often have difficulties with their proper use, and the swelling of the mucosa additionally makes it difficult for the preparation to reach the sinus openings. If the nasal congestion and accompanying headache do not go away after 10 days, your doctor will add an antibiotic and topical corticosteroids to your symptomatic medications for pain relief and inflammation. However, when the inflamed mucosa becomes fibrous and overgrown, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Supportly in the treatment of sinuses, use the Visiomed gel compress – the Visiomed thermotherapy mask for eyes. Compresses will reduce pain and help you relax. It is also worth ordering Na Zatoki – the Panaseus dietary supplement, which has a positive effect on the immune system and improves the functioning of the sinuses.

Check what is characterized by sphenoid sinusitis

Diagnostics of the nasal cavities – endoscopy

Endoscopy of the nasal cavities consists in introducing a narrow tube with lenses, thanks to which we can see the inside through an eyepiece or video track on the monitor screen. The examination allows for a detailed assessment of anatomical changes within the nasal cavities, the condition of the nasal septum, the side wall of the nasal cavity, the size of the turbinates, and the patency of the natural paranasal sinuses. Such diagnostics make it possible to make a decision as to further treatment. If the ENT specialist finds significant pathological changes in the sinus lumen, such as nasal polyps or an enlarged sinus mucosa, or anatomical changes that narrow or block the sinus orifice, surgery may be necessary. The most precise method for detecting anatomical changes within the nose and paranasal sinuses, especially changes in their natural mouths and bone structures, is computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses.

Paranasal sinus surgery

Most surgical interventions in the paranasal sinuses are performed using an endoscope equipped not only with lenses to visualize the sinuses, but also with surgical micro tools. You can see all the activities performed on the monitor screen enlarged. The use of an endoscope and micro-tools allows for the precise removal of the diseased tissue and the widening of the natural sinus openings. The widening can also be done with the help of a special balloon, which expands at the mouth of the bay and widens its lumen. Endoscopic or microscopic surgery of the paranasal sinuses is often performed. With the septal curve, it may be necessary to straighten the curved portions of the cartilage and the bones of the nasal septum. The operation restores the patency of the nasal passages.

Sinusitis prophylaxis

To reduce the risk of sinusitis, first of all, keep the nose open by cleansing it and rinsing it with seawater. When it is obstructed, measures must be taken to reduce the swelling of the mucosa. It is also worth avoiding air pollution, especially passive smoking. If the temperature outside is cold or windy, we must wear a scarf and hat because we lose the most heat through our heads. – In winter, I do not recommend the pool, especially for people with a crooked nasal septum, which causes the minimal swelling of the mucosa to block our nose – says Watróbski. If we insist on the swimming pool, let’s use ozone ones rather – he adds. Nasal plugs can also be used, although they are not always fully effective. Before entering the swimming pool, it is good to protect your nose with over-the-counter preparations available in the pharmacy to lubricate the mucous membranes. After leaving the water, it is best to rinse your nose with saline or sea salt. They are available for sale and are very convenient to use, dosed in aerosols. Before you go outside, you need to wait at least an hour in the room for the mucosa to recover from the bath.

Natural dietary supplements should be used in sinusitis and as an alternative to its prevention. We recommend, for example, SinuGrip for Herbal Monasterium sinuses, consisting of herbal extracts.

Text: Halina Pilonis

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