Where does Pitsunda pine grow and how to grow

Pitsunda pine is most often found on the Black Sea coast of the Crimea and the Caucasus. The tall tree belongs to the genus Pine from the Pine family. The Pitsunda pine is classified as a variety of Turkish or Calibrian pine, without being singled out as a separate species. Pitsunda is an Abkhazian city located in the north-west of the Black Sea coast, it is from this settlement that the name of the pine tree originated. The Pitsunda pine belongs to an endangered species, therefore it is listed in the Red Book of Our Country.

Description of the Pitsunda pine

The height of an adult tree ranges from 18 to 24 m. The trunk is straight, covered with grayish-brown bark, dotted with cracks. The color of the branches differs from the trunk by redness or yellowness.

The shape of the crown of a young tree is conical, wide, in older specimens it becomes sprawling, acquiring rounded outlines. The branches are not densely spaced.

The needles are thin, pointed, with palpation there is a roughness along the edge. The color of the needles is dark green. The length of the needles reaches 12 cm, and the width is insignificant – no more than 1 mm.

Male inflorescences form bunches of a reddish-yellow hue.

Where does Pitsunda pine grow and how to grow

Most often, the cones are located singly, but can be collected in 2-4 pieces. They are mounted on a short leg, but can also be sessile. The shape of the cones is ovoid-conical, length is from 6 to 10 cm, diameter is from 3 to 5 cm. Color is brown-red.

Seeds of a dark, almost black color ripen in cones. The wing of the seed is 3–4 times longer than the seed itself.

Range of growth

The largest number of specimens of Pitsunda pine grows in Abkhazia. On the territory of the Republic, there is the Pitsundo-Myussersky Reserve, in which there is the largest pine grove on earth, spread over an area of ​​4 thousand hectares.

In Our Country, pine forests occupy no more than 1,1 thousand hectares. Most of them (950 hectares) are located between Divnomorsk and Praskoveevskaya gap.

Pitsunda pine can be found on rocky coastal slopes. The tree is undemanding to soil and soil moisture. At the moment, artificial plantations of pines created by man exceed the natural ones.

Where does Pitsunda pine grow and how to grow

The benefits of Pitsunda pine

Pitsunda pine is planted as landscapers in garden and park design. Its wood is used in shipbuilding for sheathing ships, in the woodworking industry to create various products.

A lot of resin and turpentine are obtained from coniferous trees. Cones collected at the stage of milky ripeness are suitable for making jam according to various recipes.

Pine cone jam – an easy recipe.

How to grow Pitsunda pine from seeds

Growing pine from seeds is a laborious and not always successful business, but if you follow all the rules, you can cope with this task.

Seeds can be collected in a pine forest or purchased at a store. Seeds are harvested in autumn or early spring, for this, unopened cones are used. To get the seeds, the cones are dried for several days near the radiators. After opening the cones, the seed material is removed from them.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water, it should be updated daily.

Attention! The day before planting, the seeds are placed in a weak solution of manganese.

This will help to disinfect the planting material and protect the seedling from fungal diseases.

Planting containers should have holes so that the root system of the seedling does not rot when water accumulates at the bottom. The soil can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently by mixing loose soil from coniferous forests with peat.

The seeds are deepened 3 cm into the ground, the distance between them should be 10-15 cm. The container with the seeds is watered and covered with a film. Placed in a sunny and warm place. Water regularly, preventing the soil from drying out.

Where does Pitsunda pine grow and how to grow

After shoots appear, the film is removed. To protect the emerging sprouts from diseases, it is recommended to water the earth with a pale pink manganese solution. This measure will prevent the development of fungal diseases, but at the same time slow down the growth of pine.

To accelerate the growth of seedlings, you can use fertilizers that are purchased in specialized stores. After about 6 months, the trunk will become woody. In the spring, seedlings can be transplanted into open ground. A bed with young pines must be loosened, weeds removed, mulched with chopped straw or sawdust. After the height of the tree reaches 0,5 m, it is transplanted to a permanent place. It is best to do this in the spring, digging out the pine carefully with an earthy clod so as not to damage the roots.

Planting and caring for Pitsunda pine

The Pitsunda pine belongs to hardy specimens of coniferous trees. Dry regions with a hot climate are suitable for its cultivation. Pine perfectly tolerates air pollution and is its natural purifier, so trees can be planted even along busy highways.

Seedling and planting preparation

It is best to purchase a seedling with a closed root system for planting. The Pitsunda pine does not tolerate drying out of the roots very well and may not take root if the seedling is dug out without an earthen clod.

Pine of this species belongs to light and heat-loving trees, therefore, it should not be planted in regions with difficult weather conditions – it will freeze in the very first winter.

A place for planting pines is chosen well-lit, without shading. It should be noted that pine grows up to 24 m, so sheds, electric wires, etc. should not interfere with it. The soil should be light, not clay, but sandy or sandy loam.

Rules of landing

A layer of drainage is poured into the planting pit. You can use broken bricks, pebbles, stones and sand. The land can be taken from a pine forest or prepared independently by mixing peat and soddy soil. Pit size: depth not less than 70 cm, diameter 60 cm.

Where does Pitsunda pine grow and how to grow

When transplanting a seedling, it is necessary to ensure that the root neck is not covered with earth, it should be left at a slight elevation from the surface.

Important! Planting is best done in the spring – in April or May, but if necessary, it can be postponed until the beginning of autumn.

The earth is compacted, well watered and mulched. This will prevent the soil from drying out and will help eliminate weeds.

Watering and top dressing

Young seedlings of Pitsunda pine need regular watering. This helps them settle in. Mature trees can do without additional moisture, they have enough rainfall in the region. If the summer is dry, you can arrange additional watering (no more than 3-4 times per season) or sprinkle. Coniferous trees are watered after sunset, so as not to burn the crown under the scorching rays of the sun.

Seedlings grown from seeds at home need top dressing for the first 2-3 years. Mature trees do not require fertilization.

Feed pine trees in spring. This allows you to increase the annual growth of shoots and improves the condition of the needles, gives a bright color to the needles.

For fertilizer, special multicomponent compositions are used, which include 10-15 microelements. Must be present: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. The introduction of nitrogen compounds, manure and infusions from weeds is not recommended. These top dressings can lead to too much growth, such shoots do not have time to adapt and prepare for winter, therefore they freeze out.

Mulching and loosening

Loosening the near-stem circle is carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots of young seedlings. This procedure allows you to improve air exchange and promotes early rooting.

Mulching consists in covering the trunk circle with sawdust, chopped needles or tree bark, straw. The layer of mulch for the winter is increased, and in the spring it is replaced with a new one.

Mulching also inhibits weed growth and prevents soil from cracking.


Pitsunda pine does not need crown formation. Sanitary pruning is carried out in spring and autumn, removing damaged or yellowed shoots.

Preparation for winter

Young pines can freeze in winter, so in the fall it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures. In October-November, water-charging irrigation is carried out, the soil is covered with a thick layer of mulching material.

So that the shoots of the Pitsunda pine do not freeze, they are covered with insulating material. Pitsunda pines are heat-loving trees, therefore they are grown in the appropriate climatic zone. In cold climates, this pine does not take root.


Pitsunda pine in natural conditions reproduces with the help of seeds. You can independently grow a seedling from seed material, but to facilitate the task, it is recommended to purchase ready-made trees grown in special nurseries.

Diseases and pests

Trees can get sick due to the appearance of pests on them, violation of growing conditions, due to the spread of infectious diseases.

Where does Pitsunda pine grow and how to grow

The fall of needles on the Pitsunda pine can be triggered by the appearance of scale insects. For treatment, use Akarin (30 g), diluted in 10 liters of water. Crown spraying is carried out in May-June.

To combat the sawfly, biological products are used. The crown is sprayed with Lepidocide, Bitoxibacillin, it can be treated with chemicals Confidor, Aktellik.

Important! For fungal diseases, treatment with copper-containing preparations (Hom, Oksikh, Bordeaux liquid) is used.


Pitsunda pine is an unpretentious tree suitable for growing in regions with a warm climate. Coniferous seedling can be used for landscaping. The tree belongs to tall specimens, which must be taken into account when planting.


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