We deny it, we don’t notice it, we disregard it. Wrong, because urinary incontinence is a problem that will not disappear without treatment, but will only get worse. What are the reasons why the bladder is not working properly? Check that you do not belong to the risk group.

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1/ 7 You are pregnant or just after giving birth

Pregnancy or childbirth, especially with high birth weight, may lead to weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and the urogenital diaphragm. When these muscles relax, the bladder and urethra do not function properly. We are dealing then with stress urinary incontinence. They can be caused by coughing, sneezing, laughing, playing sports, and even not too strenuous physical activity, e.g. lifting the shopping net. If untreated, the disease takes more and more troublesome forms, from a few drops to a considerable amount, and urine leakage may take place during the most ordinary activities, e.g. walking. How to heal? In the initial stage of the disease, pelvic floor exercises, the so-called Kegel muscles. Pharmacotherapy, electrostimulation and botulin toxin injection are also used. In the advanced form of the disease, surgical procedures are used. The doctor decides which method to choose.

2/ 7 You’re going through the menopause

The decrease in the level of hormones adversely affects the flexibility and blood supply to the pelvic muscles. Lower and lower levels of estrogen lead to changes in the urogenital system and, consequently, to a disturbance in the urinary continence mechanism. It is estimated that the problem may affect even every second woman in the menopausal period. The risk is increased by gynecological operations, e.g. uterine removal. How to heal? In addition to traditional methods, vaginal estrogen therapy is recommended.

3/ 7 You have overactive bladder syndrome (OAB)

This syndrome may appear spontaneously or accompany neurological diseases, damage to the nervous system, and frequent urinary tract infections. The affected person feels the need to urinate immediately, even though there is relatively little of it in the bladder. The sensation of pressure may be caused by any stimulus, e.g. a change in body position, and is so strong that the patient does not have enough time to go to the toilet in time. How to heal? Overactive bladder syndrome is treated with medication (drugs to reduce bladder spasms), as well as diet changes, Kegel exercises, and bladder training to ensure regular urination.

4/ 7 You suffer from chronic diseases

Urinary incontinence accompanies diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, brain injuries and strokes. They lead to disturbances and incorrect reading by the brain of signals flowing from the bladder. NTM can also be caused by improper connections of the urinary tract, as a result of which urine passes directly into the abdominal cavity or vagina. Remember that urinary incontinence can also be a side effect of some medications. How to heal? In the case of improperly selected drugs, it is advisable to change the therapy to one that has a weaker diuretic, dehydrating or relaxing effect.

5/ 7 You’re overweight

Extra pounds quadruple the risk of developing NTM. They put a strain on the abdominal and pelvic muscles and increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity. How to heal? By reducing weight, changing eating habits and exercising.

6/ 7 You are on the wrong diet

When you drink too little water, your urination frequency is reduced, but it becomes more condensed, which irritates your bladder. Spicy spices, carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee and citrus have a similar effect. A small amount of dietary fiber also has a negative effect on the functioning of the bladder. Lack of fiber leads to constipation and pressure on the bladder by the residual fecal matter. How to heal? By avoiding products that irritate the bladder.

7/ 7 You have an enlarged prostate

Although urinary incontinence most often affects women, it is also a problem for men. The most common cause is an enlarged prostate. The disease leads to obstruction of the bladder and involuntary discharge of urine. How to heal? Through prostate surgery, though urinary incontinence can also be a complication after surgery.

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