Where does hawthorn grow

People began to collect hawthorn a long time ago, and the collection of not only berries, but also inflorescences, bark and leaves is popular. The plant attracts close attention of a person with its taste and medicinal properties.

Where does hawthorn grow in Our Country

Where does hawthorn grow

About 47 species of this tree grow on the territory of the Federation. Only a few types of plants are popular.

  1. Blood red hawthorn (Crataégussanguínea). The second name of the plant is Siberian hawthorn. Natural growth areas are the East Siberian and West Siberian regions, Transbaikalia and the territory of the European part of the Federation. In these regions, trees can be found in glades and edges of dry rare forests, in steppes and river floodplains.
  2. Altai hawthorn (Crataégusaltaíca). Under natural conditions, you can meet the species in the East Siberian region (Republic of Tuva). It can grow singly or in group plantings. Prefers rocky areas, floodplains and chalk uplands.
  3. Daurian hawthorn (Crataégusdahuríca). Growing regions – South-Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Under natural conditions, trees of this species can be found on the banks of rivers, in water meadows, forest edges, in the undergrowth of mixed and deciduous forests, on mountain slopes.

All of the above species are not particularly whimsical to the ground. For better development, alluvial, pebbly, sandy soils are suitable for trees. There are frequent cases of successful growth in conditions of poorly cultivated soil. The tree prefers sunny areas and tolerates light shading.

Strongly acidic and waterlogged soils, places with a close occurrence of underground rivers are absolutely not suitable for trees. Coastal areas flooded with meltwater and lowlands with stagnant cold air currents are also not suitable places for growing this crop.

Large-spined (large-anthered) hawthorn (Crataégusmacracantha).

Where does hawthorn grow

Under natural conditions, it grows only in the North American region, but as a cultivated species it has become most widespread in the European part of the Federation (Moscow region, the Urals, the regions of the Middle Strip). You can meet planting trees on the slopes of mountain ranges and in the coastal zones of lakes and rivers. Prefers fertile, moderately moist, drained, limestone-enriched lands. It is extremely difficult to tolerate a strongly acidic, clayey and swampy substrate. Likes well-lit sunny places and copes well with light shading.

Hawthorn of Maximowicz (Crataégusmaximowiczii).

Where does hawthorn grow

The species is distributed in the Far East and regions of Eastern Siberia. Due to the regions of growth, this species was named in memory of the botanist Karl Maksimovich, who studied new flowering plants in the Amur and Ussuri regions. Natural growing conditions – in wet meadows, floodplains, dry mountain slopes, river banks, forest edges with oak and broad-leaved (sparse) plantations.

The plant prefers fertile, moderately moist soil, loam, neutral or slightly acidic. Loves the light and does a great job with light shading.

Common hawthorn (Crataéguslaevigata).

Where does hawthorn grow

The distribution area of ​​​​this species is the entire territory of Europe, but for the middle zone and southern regions of the Federation, the popularity of growing a tree is due not only to fruits, but also to decorative forms of the plant. It includes several subspecies in its appearance, distinguished by the shapes and colors of the leaf plate and peduncles.

Under natural conditions, it grows on the edges of pine or deciduous forests, river banks, screes and in thickets of shrubs. The view is demanding on lighting and absolutely does not tolerate shading. Prefers only fertile, well-drained and slightly moist soils.

When the hawthorn ripens

The flowering of trees begins in the second decade of May and can last until the end of June. And only in the large-spined (large-anthered) species, flowering lasts only 10 days.

If you need to collect hawthorn flowers, then you should carefully consider the time frame for flowering and stop collecting after 6 days from the start of flowering.

The ripening of hawthorn berries, regardless of its type, occurs from August to September, in rare cases until October.

Where does hawthorn grow

Important! The picking time for berries varies depending on the region of growth.

Early spring is the season for harvesting hawthorn bark. It is during this period that the active movement of juice inside the plant begins.

Important! Only young trees, not older than 4 years of age, are suitable for collecting bark.

Sometimes hawthorn leaves are also used for medicinal purposes, which must be started to be collected before flowering begins and can be continued until it ends.

When to Harvest Hawthorn Fruit

It is better to collect hawthorn fruits for the winter before the onset of the first frost. Frozen berries are absolutely not suitable for long-term storage, but are perfect for processing.

The best time for harvesting hawthorn fruits is on a dry, windless afternoon. During this period, the morning dew has already evaporated, and the fruits have dried up. Only dry, not overripe and not spoiled by birds berry is the best material for long-term storage.

When to collect hawthorn in the suburbs

In the conditions of the Moscow region, most often the first frosts occur already on September 20-22. Therefore, hawthorn fruits can be harvested as early as August and September. This collection period is facilitated by a milder climate and more sunny days. In any case, fruits that are firm to the touch and without damage are suitable for collection. Soft berries are best left to the birds for the possibility of future reproduction.

Where does hawthorn grow

When to collect hawthorn in the Middle lane

For Central Our Country, the appearance of the first frosts from the second half of October is characteristic (most often, the first frosts are expected on October 14 – the feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Based on these climatic features, the collection of fruits should be completed before this time.

When to collect hawthorn in the Urals

The climatic features of the Urals are the first September frosts. You need to have time to collect the fruits before they are slightly frozen. Hawthorn is harvested in the Urals in August.

When to pick hawthorn berries in Siberia

Siberia is the coldest region of Our Country with short summers and long winters. Based on these climatic features, fruit picking occurs in August. There are frequent cases of picking berries in the last decade of July (depending on the summer weather and the number of sunny days).

Where does hawthorn grow

How to collect hawthorn

For the correct collection of fruits, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Protect your body with tight clothing. The hawthorn has very long and sharp needles that can cause severe injury.
  2. You can start collecting hawthorn fruits from the lower tier, gradually moving to the upper branches.
  3. Only whole, not spoiled by birds, without moldy berries are suitable for collection.
  4. You can pick some fruits, but it is better to pick the berry along with the shield.
  5. Harvesting is best done after the leaves have fallen. Under such conditions, the berries are clearly visible.
  6. Overripe fruits can be harvested, but they are unsuitable for storage. The best use for overripe berries will be the preparation of compote, jam or marmalade.
  7. For collection, a basket like a mushroom basket is useful.
  8. It is better to collect fruits in the depths of the forest plantation, away from highways and industrial enterprises.
  9. You do not need to pick absolutely all the berries from the tree. They will serve as food for birds in the winter.

Fruit pickers can be used to pick berries. How to properly collect hawthorn with their help is shown in the video:

Harvester for picking rose hips, hawthorn, mountain ash


Collecting hawthorn is not only possible, but also necessary. The berry contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. This has a beneficial effect not only on the taste, but also on the medicinal properties of the berry.

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