Where does cloudberry grow in Our Country

Cloudberry is a delicious unique berry that is practically not amenable to artificial cultivation. But at the same time, it is very useful and has an original taste. Many have a false idea where cloudberries grow in Our Country. Nevertheless, this vitamin beauty can be found not only in the cold zone, but also in other places.

What does cloudberry look like?

Cloudberry is a perennial plant, reaching a height of 30 cm. It is not a shrub, but a herbaceous plant. Flowers small, white. Blooms from late May to June. Berries at maturity have a golden yellow color. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. When viewed, they are quite similar to raspberries and blackberries. The fruits are used for eating raw and for processing into jam, jam, and various compotes. The leaves of the shrub are uneven. Fruits grow on a bush one by one on a branch, and therefore it will not work to immediately pick a whole handful.

Where does cloudberry grow in Our Country

Swampberry grows in thickets and can be difficult to find. You should know that red is a sign of immaturity. In total, the northern harvest period is up to 14 days. During this time, you can collect several buckets of such vitamins. The best time to collect is morning or evening in dry weather. The fruits are collected with sepals, from which decoctions are then made with healing properties. Cloudberry grows in a swamp, but at the same time it is a close relative of the well-known raspberry. If you pick berries in a slightly unripe state, then it will be better to store them. You can use not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the plant in a dry form.

In what natural area does cloudberry grow?

The natural habitat of cloudberries is the tundra. This is a cold-loving plant that is comfortable growing in those regions where there is a long winter and a very short summer. Feels great in the northern regions of the forest-tundra. Does not tolerate strong winds and heavy rains. And the temperature difference is also detrimental to her. The crop tolerates frost better than sudden changes in temperature.

The plant prefers soils with high humidity, waterlogged. And this beauty also grows in mountainous areas, on plains and mounds.

On which continents does cloudberry grow?

Our Country is not the only country where cloudberries grow. She feels great in Finland, Sweden, England, Denmark, Canada. Found in some states of America.

In Sweden, the plant is very popular and is harvested from July to early October. Depending on the region, the berry ripens in the country in stages, and even residents of many CIS countries come to harvest.

Where does cloudberry grow in Our Country

The northern plant has a huge number of useful properties, including vitamin C, strengthens the nervous system. The fruits of the northern beauty – a natural antioxidant, helps to restore strength and fight stress.

Where cloudberries grow in Belarus

Cloudberry is so rare in Belarus that it is listed in the Red Book of the Republic. It grows in the swamps of Belarus, but it is forbidden to collect it. Cloudberry lives in the natural zone of the Republic of Belarus only in swampy areas, where it spreads like a continuous carpet. Reproduction is facilitated by capercaillie, which, when eaten, spread undigested seeds. This herbaceous plant is found in the following regions of Belarus:

  1. Vitebsk region.
  2. North of the Minsk region.

It is important to preserve this species, since it is becoming rarer in Belarus. The northern berry survives and reproduces with difficulty in these latitudes, since Belarus is not as cool as this product requires. The area of ​​distribution of cloudberries on the map increases precisely to the northern regions.

Where does cloudberry grow in Our Country

Cloudberry grows in many northern regions of Our Country. These are the tundra and forest-tundra, as well as the swamps and forests of Siberia, where there are suitable conditions for the growth and maturation of the plant. Despite the fact that the plant itself easily tolerates cold, it has a number of climate requirements. First of all, the plant does not like strong winds, and therefore spreads with a carpet to make it easier to endure such weather phenomena. Cloudberry feels great in the tundra, and therefore in Our Country it is found in the Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions, as well as in Karelia, the Vologda region and even in the Moscow region.

Cloudberry in the Leningrad region: time and place of collection

The Leningrad region is not a place with ideal conditions for marsh berries, but representatives of this plant are also found there. Where cloudberries grow in the Leningrad region is shown on specialized maps. Mass collection in the Leningrad region begins around the tenth of July. The best places to collect northern vitamins in the Leningrad region:

  • Kirovsky district;
  • Priozersky district.

You can get to rich places by train from Finland Station. The optimal transport is a car that will be able to get to the most interesting and rich areas.

Where and when cloudberries ripen in Murmansk

Ripens towards the end of September. In the northern regions, which are closer to the Arctic, the timing may vary slightly. The fruits should be harvested before the frosts come, as it does not tolerate frost and changes its taste after the first frost. The best cloudberry in Murmansk is collected along the roads that lead to Tumanny-Teriberka.

Where does cloudberry grow in Our Country

Since 75% of the Murmansk region is occupied by tundra and forest tundra, and therefore this region is considered popular for lovers of this plant. By the way, the inhabitants of the North use the berry to treat scurvy.

Where to collect cloudberries in Arkhangelsk

Arkhangelsk belongs to the northern regions of Our Country with suitable climatic conditions and soil norms for the berries in question. Meeting points in Arkhangelsk:

  • Primorsky district;
  • Krasnoborsky district;
  • Kargopolsky district.

You can just go by car and find places in the surrounding swamps. Photos of cloudberries from Arkhangelsk are distributed all over the Internet, the harvest there is usually good and ripens completely, since the climatic conditions are optimal.

Cloudberry gathering places in Karelia

In Karelia, the northern berry is found on the edges of forests, in sunny places, and ripens by the end of June – the beginning of July. The plant is found throughout the republic, so there are no specific places on the map. It is better to either ask the locals or just drive at random on the navigator to the forests and swamps of the region. In any case, you will not be left without a harvest.

Does cloudberry grow in the Vologda Oblast

It also grows in the Vologda region. Cloudberries are harvested in Cherepovets, as well as in the surrounding areas. In the Vologda region there are enough marshes and quite long winters, as well as short summers and suitable temperatures. As a result, lovers of the northern berry will be able to get enough vitamins in the surrounding swamps. By the way, it also has healing properties. Cloudberry in Vologda is well known to local residents, they use it as a preparation for the winter, and also use it in its pure fresh form.

Where cloudberries grow in the Novgorod region

The Novgorod region belongs to the Northern regions of Our Country, and therefore marsh amber, as this plant is also called, can be found here. Not in such quantity as in Murmansk or Arkhangelsk, but quite enough. It occurs in swamps, wet places near rivers, as well as in the thick of local forests. To collect a bucket of vitamins, you can spend more than one hour, but it’s worth it. Avid lovers of northern berries know the most fruitful places, so you can contact them before traveling. The nutritional and medicinal properties of the berry, as well as its taste parameters, do not change at all, since there are no severe frosts in the Novgorod region. You can use the collected wealth for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

Cloudberry collection places in the Moscow region

The plant is listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region, since the number in the Moscow Region is very small. This is due to the fact that the conditions can be considered critically suitable. Winter is not so long, the winds are more frequent, and there are fewer swamps in the Moscow region. For those who are interested in berry places, there are special maps where all swamps and areas with marsh berries are marked.

Where does cloudberry grow in Our Country

Terms and places of cloudberry collection in other regions of Our Country

Cloudberry is found everywhere in Siberia, because there are ideal conditions for it. If we talk about areas closer to Central Our Country, then you can meet it in the Tver, Pskov regions. The deadline is the end of June. This is the beginning of maturation in these areas. Cloudberries grow in the same swamps as cranberries, lingonberries and other lovers of a cool climate. The berry is not found at all in the southern regions, for example, the Krasnodar Territory or the Rostov Region. It’s too hot and dry for berries.


Where cloudberries grow, all residents of the Northern regions of Our Country and other countries know. But to collect it, you need to find a suitable swamp, as well as places where the berry grows in a continuous carpet. For those who do not know much what this storehouse of vitamins looks like, it is recommended to look at photos of cloudberries on the Internet.

North Queen Moroshka

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