Where do we get infected most often? According to scientists, our homes are the fires
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Scientists analyzed research on the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in communities and found that the outbreaks of the coronavirus are most often homes where one of the household members is sick. This shows how contagious the coronavirus is.

  1. More than half of those living with someone infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus will become infected within seven days of identifying the infection. The partners of sick people get infected most quickly
  2. Effective isolation of an infected person from other household members reduces the risk of transmission of infection
  3. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus outbreaks in homes

Researchers analyzed 54 studies performed in more than 20 countries and concluded that homes where someone had COVID-19 were outbreaks and favored transmission of the virus, even if overall spread to the community had decreased. “This is another study that reminds us of how contagious the virus that causes COVID-19 is and how difficult it is to avoid infecting others when we live in multi-generation homes,” Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency medicine physician told CNN.

According to a study published on the JAMA Network Open, married people (spouses, partners) were more likely to contract the coronavirus than each other than other family members. This is because people in a relationship have closer contact, sleep together and enter into intimate relationships.

Additionally, the study showed that if one family member showed symptoms of COVID-19, such as coughing, joint and muscle pain, chills, fever, and sneezing, the risk of infecting other family members was higher than when the symptoms were mild or absent. them at all. There is also a greater risk of transmission between adults and adults than between adults and children.

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Households become infected faster

A study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that infection among households occurs very quickly. More than half of the household members of a COVID-19 positive person contracted the coronavirus within seven days. About 75 percent. of these infections occurred within five days of the onset of symptoms in the first infected household member. Less than half of infected household members had symptoms when the infection was detected.

– Many people did not report any symptoms during the seven days of observation, which emphasizes the possibility of transmission of the virus from asymptomatic secondary contacts and the importance of quarantine – the CDC experts emphasize.

See also: COVID-19 and the common cold – differences that patients can pick up on their own [EXPLAINED]

Isolating a COVID-19 positive person from household members

Unfortunately, when one person in the home tests positive for COVID-19, all household members should self-isolate. “Patterns of COVID-19 spreading suggest that people living in clusters are at a higher risk of contracting the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. If children are part of the household, they may show minimal signs of infection and still transmit the virus, »explains pediatrician Dr. Jenny Radesky, spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

If there is a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in an apartment in home isolation, increased safety rules should be introduced as much as possible. It is important that people who live with a “positive” person wear protective masks. According to research, 79 percent of the virus is prevented from spreading the virus. assuming family members started wearing face masks before symptoms appeared in the first person infected.

It is a good idea to wear protective gloves when giving meals to the sick. We should not use the same dishes and cutlery, towels, toiletries or bedding as sick people.

More on how to deal with a person in isolation: Do you live under the same roof with someone suffering from COVID-19? Check what needs to be done to avoid infection

The editorial board recommends:

  1. The three most dangerous symptoms of COVID-19. They cannot be underestimated
  2. Doctors indicate three new symptoms of COVID-19. You can see them in the mouth, palms and soles of the feet
  3. Do you store the mask in the car? See how effective it is. For your own good

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