Where do we count on young doctors?

The opening of a super hospital. It looks like a spa, not a PRL clinic. Medical celebrities, representatives of the Ministry of Health, cutting the ribbon in the spotlight. The words: “for us the patient is the most important” and “we have breakthrough drugs, world therapies”. I come back here accompanying someone in oncology. I have the opportunity to see how advertising relates to reality.

I don’t happen to be deceived by a TV advertisement for shampoo or supplements and run shopping. And yet the magic of advertising this institution captivated me. I persuaded a person close to me to come here as a patient. I was hoping to meet the brilliant Dr. House. And yes, I met Polish Dr. House there. What he had in common with the hero of the famous series was that he was mean.

“I think the CT result is missing,” he grunted over the paperwork.   

“I think it’s in the other briefcase,” whispered the person I was with.

– Do you want to talk? Then come out into the corridor – the doctor grumbled.

After a while:  

– I’m not offering you anything. The chemistry was there.

“It was, and over and over again, but it didn’t work.” The tumor was growing back.   

– Only this one is reimbursed.

– Doctor, at the opening of the hospital you boasted so much that you have breakthrough drugs, world therapies … Please, find some medicine abroad. Now, if the minister agrees, anything can be brought.  

– You’re not bringing anything back. Even if the minister agreed, I have to apply for this drug. And I won’t. Have you seen what these forms look like, how long does it take? Too much bureaucracy. In addition, the hospital would have to pay extra for the drug. I would treat (the doctor indicated with a movement of the head the patient I am accompanying), I would treat Mr. Xsiński and it would not be enough for our salaries and electricity bills in the hospital.    

A few months ago, I wrote an enthusiastic, naive text about medical innovation. I was delighted with 3D printers for creating bionic organs, telemedicine with remote patient care, operating robots, and an artificial lung. I was wrong. The greatest innovation in Polish medicine (apart from reducing bureaucracy, apart from increasing expenditure on health care, so that bringing a drug for a patient does not deprive others of the possibility of treating others, and the hospital does not deprive them of electricity), will be EMPATHY. In this matter, I am counting on young doctors who are protesting today. May they not be spoiled by a sick system.  

Educational campaign “Breakthrough therapies. The key to the development of medicine ”.

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