Where do twins and triplets come from?

A woman who gives birth to twins or triplets is said to have met her multiplied happiness. For a doctor, this is a multiple problem, because multiple pregnancies are those at higher risk. In 2050, half of all pregnancies are expected to be like this.

Multiple pregnancies are rare. It is estimated that it is 1-3 percent. Even more rare are multiple, identical pregnancies. It is about 0,3-0,4 percent. in all populations. Identical triplets are a complete rarity. They are born once every 200 million pregnancies.

Multiple multiplication

Jerzy Skotnicki, a gynecologist, explains that bliźniaki monojowe they can be born when one sperm fertilizes one egg and divides into two embryos later. Therefore, identical twins are always of the same sex. Fraternal twins on the other hand, when two sperm fertilize two eggs. Twins can be of the same or different sex.

Predisposition to a twin pregnancy it is stored in female genes, which means it is hereditary. The likelihood of a multiple pregnancy also increases if the couple were treated for infertility. Given that assisted reproductive techniques are increasingly used, it is anticipated that the number of multiple pregnancies will increase. In addition, research shows that women in their thirties and forties are more likely to give birth to twins than women younger than them. Meanwhile, ladies today decide to have a child later and later.

High-risk pregnancy

Dr. Skotnicki, a gynecologist, emphasizes for an obstetrician each multiple pregnancy represents a threatened pregnancy many medical problems. This is due to the more frequent complications and pathologies found only in multiple pregnancies. – Unfavorable conditions of intrauterine development, nutritional impairment, often compression and looping of umbilical cords, prematurity and a large number of surgical deliveries significantly worsen the prognosis in multiple pregnancy. The perinatal mortality of fetuses is five times higher than in a single pregnancy, and the course of the puerperium may be complicated by uterine collapse disorders and secondary anemia, explains Dr. Jerzy Skotnicki. He adds that on average around 4 percent. twin pregnancies lead to the death of one or both fetuses. The death of one of the twins in the uterine cavity may or may not affect the fate of the surviving twin.

Identical twins are usually smaller, more likely to have congenital malformations and more likely to die in the womb than fraternal twins.

Not the same

Extremely rare, but there are cases of fraternal twins with different fathers.

Until conception twins with different fathers, occurs when a woman produces more eggs in one cycle, two of which will be fertilized in separate sexual intercourse, which took place in rapid succession. It also happens that eggs ready for fertilization are formed in two consecutive ovulations that follow one another quickly. Such cases have been reported in Turkey, Vietnam and the USA. They have been confirmed by genetic tests. Also in Poland, twins were born, each of them had a different father. These babies are likely to have only about a quarter of their genes in common, which is half the number of twins from a single father.

Even twins with a single father, and identical twins, are not identical. American research conducted at the University of Alabama in Birmingham showed that the genetic code of identical twins may contain some differences.

An in-depth analysis of small DNA segments showed that the twins either had an additional copy of a segment in relation to each other, or vice versa – this was the segment that was missing. Researchers suspect that the differences arise during the successive cell divisions of the embryo during fetal life. Medical science knows cases where one of the twins falls ill, while the other remains healthy.

Difficult pregnancy, but a longer life

The prerequisite for proper care of a pregnant woman who will give birth to more than one child is early diagnosis and determination of the type of multiple pregnancy. The basis is ultrasound diagnosis in the first trimester of pregnancy. The physician must check whether the fetus’ placenta and amniotic sacs are separate or common. How the pregnancy is conducted depends on it. When there are two placenta, the doctor must first try to prevent premature birth. In the case of pregnancy with one placenta, approximately 1/3 of cases lead to dangerous complications. Such patients require special care, especially specialist ultrasound examinations, in order to recognize possible complications as soon as possible.

Proper supplementation is important during each pregnancy, so it is worth ordering Daily Mum ° for pregnant women. The active ingredients of the preparation will provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the health and well-being of both mother and child.

American research conducted in Seattle, however, shows that twins live longer than their peerswho are born alone. The beneficial effect of having a twin may be related to the strong bond that binds such siblings, especially identical siblings. According to scientists, this effect is especially significant before the age of 65 and can be compared to the beneficial effect of marriage on the life expectancy of men.

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