In this article you will learn, among others:
- Where do bananas grow?
- Which bananas are the best?
- Are bananas healthy?
- When is the banana spoiled?
- Can you eat brown bananas?
Nothing separates Poles like… food 😉 Who among us has not taken part in a hot and sometimes very emotional discussion about the best mayonnaise at least once, who has not thoroughly analyzed the composition of the perfect cucumber salad? Food is one of the main topics of conversation both in Polish homes and in workplaces. Even in our editorial office, opinions on the color of the tastiest, meaning the best bananas, are very divided. Who is right then?
Where do bananas grow?
It is worth starting our considerations by tracing the path that the banana traveled to the Polish tables. It is assumed that bananas may have been known to our ancestors more than 10 years ago and are considered to be one of the first “domesticated” fruits. Initially, they were to appear only in Oceania and Southeast Asia, in a completely different form than those we now know from stores.
From there, by trade, they began to spread to India, Africa and then Polynesia. In the following centuries, the fruit continued to expand, on the Old Continent it was to be popularized by Alexander the Great himself, and the first banana plantations and trade routes began to emerge in the Far and Middle East. Europeans, on a larger scale, became interested in importing this filling, exotic delicacy only around the XNUMXth century, and it coincided with the beginning of colonialism.
All the time, however, we are talking about very ancient times from today’s perspective and the banana, which, as we mentioned earlier, did not quite resemble the contemporary one. It has taken its present, more oblong and yellowish form only in the last two centuries. As a result of crossing varieties and the development of mass production, it was also almost completely pitted – now we can only find very tiny, black stones.
By the way, you know the saying, “once was the time” right? As absurd as it may seem, it makes perfect sense in the context of bananas and their taste. Well, in post-war Poland, apart from the fact that tropical fruit was a luxury product, the Gros Michel variety was the most popular on the market. It had a more distinct taste and aroma, but it did not survive the disease epidemic and completely disappeared from the market in the 60s.
Therefore, if your grandmother says that bananas were better in the past, she is probably right 🙂 Gros Michel was quickly replaced by the Cavendish variety, ubiquitous in our market to this day. Here’s a nice animated banana story pill from National Geographic:
Which bananas are the best?
Green bananas are actually very far from ripe fruit. However, due to the unfavorable breeding climate on our continent, we are forced to import them. First, huge green bunches are sent to a ship in a cold store, where they will then be on a long sea voyage. Already in Europe, they will be placed in special ripening rooms, and only after this process has passed, they will continue their journey to markets and shop stands.
So, are such unripe, green or greenish bananas good to eat? Yes, and for some even advisable. As the fruit matures, its glycemic index increases and for a very ripe, brown banana, it can even exceed 70 points. Green bananas, due to their lower sugar content (GI about 30 points), are recommended for diabetics and people suffering from insulin resistance.
In addition, they are a rich source of resistant starch, thanks to which they reduce appetite, and the feeling of satiety after a meal lasts longer. The positive effect of green bananas on the regulation of insulin levels and their anti-cancer properties is also the subject of research all the time. In India, green bananas are also quite a popular remedy for diarrhea.
Yellow bananas attract our attention with their attractive, almost book-like appearance, as well as their balanced, sweet taste. Often, even amateurs of those with brown spots buy just such and let them calmly hang around and see.
Are bananas healthy?
Bananas are a rich source of vitamins such as A, C, E, K and those from group B, minerals, especially potassium. They are also particularly popular because of their relatively high calorific value, as 100 grams of the product contain about 90 calories. Thanks to this, not wanting to give up healthy eating habits, we gladly reach for bananas in emergency situations.
( has also prepared other, dietary alternatives for the lack of opportunities, time or crisis, check here: https://.pl/artykul11616_Juz-teraz-w-naszym-jadlospisie-dania-gotowe-na-wszystko.html)
Interestingly, these oblong fruits also contain dopamine, which in turn has a positive effect on our mood and memory. Due to the high fiber content, they can be one of the elements of a balanced slimming diet. Unfortunately, the glycemic index of yellow bananas is estimated at around 50 points, so they are not recommended in a diabetic diet.
When is the banana spoiled?
Okay, time for the title “spoiled” bananas. Their unfavorable assessment is mainly due to their unattractive, unappetizing appearance. They differ, on the minus side, from their colored colleagues only with a high glycemic index of even 70 points, but this is characteristic of ripe fruit.
Can you eat brown bananas?
We choose brown bananas because of their sweetness and softness, and they are also richer in antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, which can reduce the risk of cancer. Due to their properties, they are more and more often used as a natural sweetener in cakes and other sweets.
As you can see, the aversion to brown bananas, especially those with brown spots, should apply only to people who watch IG in their healthy diet. In addition, in line with the less waste lifestyle, we encourage you to use them even in the form of sweeteners and additives. The banana peels left behind can be used, among others, as an excellent fertilizer and compost component.
Banana bread recipe
Banana bread from Vicky2017:
- Cold pressed rapeseed oil 154 g
- Bee honey 110 g
- Chicken eggs, whole 120 g (2 pieces)
- Banana 555 g
- Dietary milk without fat 2% 80g
- Buckwheat flour 224 g
- Cinnamon 2 g
- Baking soda 6 g
- White salt 8 g
Preheat the oven to 165 degrees and grease the form with oil. In a bowl, mix the oil with honey, add the bananas and milk. Then add baking soda, cinnamon and mix. Finally, add the flour and mix gently. Pour into a tin and bake for 50 to 60 minutes.
Recipe for banana millet pudding with blueberries:
- Drinking milk 1.5% fat 225 g (1 cup)
- Millet 52 g (4 flat tablespoons raw)
- Bee honey 15 g (1 flat spoon)
- Banana 185 g (1 medium)
Boil the milk. Rinse the millet under running water. Pour the groats into the boiling milk. Cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Peel the banana, slice it and mash it with a fork. Add to the cooked porridge together with the honey. Blend all ingredients until smooth. Sprinkle blueberries or other fruit on top.
Recipe for banana pancakes with strawberry sauce from Leandro:
- Buckwheat flour 50 g (half a cup)
- Corn flour 30 g (3 flat spoons)
- Natural buttermilk 180 g
- Banana 185 g (1 medium)
- Unrefined crystal cane sugar 3 g (half a flat teaspoon)
- White salt 1 g (1 pinch)
- Baking powder 2 g (half a flat teaspoon)
- Whole chicken eggs 60 g (one piece)
- Strawberries 133 g (1 cup)
- Potato starch 12 g (1 level teaspoon)
Mix the dry ingredients of the dough (flour, powder, salt, sugar). Crush in the second bowl a very ripe banana fork, add egg and buttermilk, mix well.
Add the mass to the dry ingredients and mix the dough thoroughly with a spoon or a mixer. Set aside for 10 minutes.
During this time, prepare the sauce – crush the strawberries thoroughly with a fork or cut them into small cubes. Briefly boil the fruit in a small pot – add potato starch mixed in a small amount of water (1-2 tablespoons) to them – while stirring vigorously, bring the sauce to a boil briefly and set aside from the heat
Preheat a skillet for fat-free frying or use frying spray. Put the dough into portions, using a spoon to lightly flatten them. Fry until golden, turning the spatula. If you fry in fat, drain the patties on a paper towel.
Brush the pancakes with strawberry sauce.
Recipe for children
In our e-book “A guide to nutrition for children. Every bite makes sense »you will find, among other things, interesting ideas for creative, healthy and wholesome meals for your little ones.
Free e-book fragment for download here: https://.pl/ebook-kazdy-kes-ma-sens.html
Which bananas do you like best? What are your favorite banana recipes? Do you also eat these overripe bananas?