Hospitals pour hectoliters of “chemistry” into cancer patients, and then send them home. Some patients return to the ward with relapses, others do not come back. Unfortunately, we do not know why: whether they defeated cancer or whether cancer defeated them, and unfortunately they are no longer alive. Fortunately, the Ministry of Health wants to oblige medical institutions to disclose how many patients have been relieved of the disease thanks to treatment, how many are alive – a year, three and five years after the end of oncological treatment, and how many have died. Finally, it will be known where in Poland the fight against cancer is most effective. And since there has been no zoning for a long time, patients will be able to choose hospitals in which they have the best chance of overcoming the disease.
The new provision will appear on the occasion of the amendment to the oncology package and is to enter into force later this year.
The heads of the best institutions praise the idea. – Such data should be open, because they help not only to indicate where individual procedures are carried out in the best way, but also which therapies are more effective – says Maciej Banach, director of the Institute of Polish Mother’s Health Center in Łódź.
Despite this, the opposition in the medical community can be huge. Some doctors already complain that this is another obligation imposed on them, but they do not give money for its implementation.