Where blackroot grows from mice
Blackroot, or, as it is popularly called, “dog tongue” is a plant that can scare off mice, rats and other rodents. This is a salvation for residents of private houses, where mice feel like masters.
When to collect blackroot and where does it grow
The dog’s tongue is a bush about 100 cm high. It has downy stems and dark purple-red flowers. The roots of the bush are long, brown. The fruits are like spiked nuts.
Blackroot is easily recognizable by its bright flowers.
The natural habitat of the poisonous bush is ravines, river banks, railway embankments. If necessary, you can grow it on your backyard, but it itself often grows near your home.
The flowering period is from late May to early July. The fruits ripen closer to September. Fruits, leaves, roots are suitable for rodent control. It is better to collect the leaves when the bush is blooming, at this moment they are maximally saturated with mouse poison. The optimal time for collecting roots is from late August to early September, that is, when the fruits ripen. Collect roots, fruits and leaves with gloves!
The effect of a dog’s tongue on a rodent is similar to the effect of a curare poison on a person. The plant contains alkaloids that literally destroy the animal’s nervous system. If you put a mouse in a cage, where different parts of a poisonous plant are laid out, it will immediately begin to rush madly, after about 2 minutes the mouse will subside, and after 20 minutes it will die. On a rat and other large rodent, the poison will last a little longer, but it will still kill.
You can use the plant in a variety of ways:
- Spread fresh or dry leaves and roots around the house in areas where pests are most common, such as in large crevices. Remember that rhizomes affect them especially strongly;
- in the garden, near each fruit and berry tree that a mouse can covet, plant 2 bushes of a poisonous plant;
- Spray the places of winter storage of vegetables, firewood, grains with a decoction from a plant, which is popularly called micegon.
Remember, this plant is potent, so make sure your pets don’t have access to it. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling any part of your dog’s tongue. As for the bees, the bushes are harmless for them, on the contrary, they will be good honey plants.
Use this plant for pest control, but be aware of its dangers to your pets, children, and yourself. Handle the blackroot with great care.