There are more than 7 varieties of apples in the world. And even if an ordinary consumer can list only a couple of dozen varieties, it is interesting to know about rare and outlandish apples. These are the apples of the Black Diamond variety. What is their secret?
No chemistry! It’s all about the special climatic conditions of their growth and maturation. Such apples are grown in the mountains of Tibet in the garden, which is located at an altitude of 3100 meters above sea level. The area of the garden is 50 hectares.
During the day, these apples receive a lot of sunlight, due to which the peel turns from a characteristic red to dark purple. Outwardly, they are as beautiful as diamonds and have a pleasing texture.
With the help of a special grafting technology, this apple variety was bred quite recently, just seven years ago. Fifty thousand tons of this unusual fruit have already been harvested last year.
Of course, due to their exclusivity, Black Diamond apples are sold in limited quantities only in high-end supermarkets in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Their cost is significantly increased by the fact that two-thirds of the fruits do not pass the strict standardization of this fruit. Therefore, only a small fraction of them enter the market.
Most often, fruits are sold in gift packages of 6-8 pieces. And the cost of one fruit is about 50 yuan ($ 7,4).
“Black Diamonds” are not afraid of cold weather and insects. Apples are full of useful minerals and microorganisms. Those who have tried these fruits claim that they are tastier than ordinary fruits.
Recall that earlier we wrote about why apples need to be eaten at least every day.