where and how to have a transplant operation?

Hair transplantation. Many people begin to notice thinning hair on their heads with age. Modern life, fast and stressful, contributes to this. Discomfort and desire to improve the situation involuntarily arise. Fortunately, today it is quite possible through hair transplantation (transplantation) at the Fue-Hlc.ru clinic.  

What is hair transplantation?

A technique called hair transplant, hair transplant or surgical hair restoration is the process of removing healthy hair follicles from the donor area using minimal microsurgical techniques and placing them in the recipient area.

The high density in the donor area can be reduced to some extent and imperceptibly. The resulting hair follicles are placed in the recipient zone, determined by the patient’s wishes and the doctor’s recommendations.

The purpose of the distribution should be to achieve good and aesthetically natural hair growth. And, at the same time, an imperceptible decrease in donor sites. Hair to be replanted is harvested from a permanent but limited donor area.

The surgeon should use his follicles sparingly for hair loss in the postoperative period.

How long does the transplanted hair last?

The follicle units are from the donor area, that is, it is collected from an area anatomically called the occipital area. After successful collection, the follicles are placed in the spill area. The donor area is insensitive to the balding process and is constantly growing. Those. transplanted  made plantations  any follicular units of a genetically male hormone (DHT (dihydrotestosterone)) are resistant to lengthening and their lifespan is programmed.

What type of hair loss can be treated?

where and how to have a transplant operation?

Hair transplant can be applied to both men and women. But not all cases of hair loss can be treated with hair transplantation. Surgical hair restoration can only be applied to people with regional and male pattern baldness (androgenic hair loss or androgenic alopecia).

Female pattern hair loss (diffuse alopecia or non-androgenic alopecia) is a type of hair loss that occurs most commonly in women. Does not depend on hormones and affects the entire hair area, including the donor area. In this case, hair transplantation is not the primary form of treatment. Such patients need to undergo a detailed examination by a specialist and undergo laboratory tests.

Is it possible to restore the condition before hair loss after surgery?

where and how to have a transplant operation?

The DHT-insensitive follicular units that can be collected are limited to the donor area. For this reason, the economical use and aesthetic distribution of donor roots collected in this area is very important. In most patients, the end result will have a good effect only if it is high intensity. Good and realistic planning and prevention of ongoing hair loss are very important factors. Realistic expectations and personal satisfaction are critical to regaining self-confidence.

Is hair transplant painful?

Since the surgery is performed under the influence of sedatives and local anesthesia. The patient does not feel pain during the entire operation. Sedation will be applied first to the donor area, followed by local anesthesia. And the extraction process will be performed and then it will be applied to the recipient area using a similar procedure. After these applications, the patient will feel no pain. Will be able to comfortably listen to music, watch movies or chat. Some patients may feel mild pain after completing the hair transplant process. But usually it can be limited to medication. You can contact the doctor of the clinic to learn about hair transplantation and treatment and find answers to your questions.

1 Comment

  1. nataka kufaniwa huduma ya kupandikizwa nywele… mnapatkana wap

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