The morning did not portend any problems. I got up, took a shower and planned to go for a run, but opened Telegram. “I’m flying out. Buy alcohol for the evening,” a message from my best friend from America. What, how many people – not a word. Alex’s phone is not answered.
Well, I’ll decide for myself. But I only have 1 rubles in my pocket. I will have to balance the preferences of my American friends with the realities of my financial possibilities.
What brands of strong alcohol are popular both in the USA and in Russia
Surprisingly, Americans don’t just buy rum and whiskey. If we are talking about strong alcohol, then it will definitely be vodka. And the most popular is Russian.
It is sold only in specialized stores in bottles of 1–1,5 liters, less often 0,75 liters. Finding it in our usual half-liter bottles is almost impossible.
One can not guess about the preferences of Russians – this is vodka. But if you make a rating, then cognac and brandy will also fall into it.
Vodka Smirnoff, 1,75 l
When I was visiting a friend, I saw brands familiar to us on the shelves in alcohol stores:
- Smirnoff (Smirnov);
- Stolichnaya (Capital);
- Finlandia (Finland);
- Absolut (Absolute).
How much and what kind of strong alcohol can you buy for 1 rubles in the USA and Russia
Rosstat says that the average retail price of vodka in Russia is 313 rubles. for half a liter, and in 2020 to sell cheaper than 230 rubles. was generally prohibited by law. So, for my 1 rubles, I can buy up to 000 bottles.
Finlandia and Stolichnaya
Good vodka can be bought in America for $6-10 per half liter. Yes, alcohol in this category can be found for both $12 and $50 per liter.
But to complete the picture, I decided to compare prices for the most popular brands in our country and theirs. I indicate prices without temporary and bonus discounts in terms of a 0,5-liter bottle.
How much vodka can you buy for 1 rubles. in Russia and America:
Note! To transfer the currency, I took the rate of $ 1 = 75 rubles.
If we still talk about rum, then in America it will be:
- Captain Morgan Black (Captain Morgan Black) costs $ 33 (0,75 l), which is equivalent to 2 rubles;
- Ron Rico (Ron Rico) – $ 15 (0,75 l), or 1 rubles.
Therefore, we are not even talking about whiskey and rum – there will not be enough money. Here, I found similar alcohol in a 0,7 liter container, you can buy it for:
- Captain Morgan Black – 1 820 руб.;
- Ron Rico – 1 rubles.
That is, I can’t afford to buy rum either.
What brands of light alcohol are popular both in the USA and in Russia
Americans mostly drink local or Argentinean wines, average prices are $8-12. It makes no sense to compare with what they sell with us, since I could not find the same brands. Russians and Americans have different wine preferences.
But beer is loved both in the States and here. If we talk about the most popular brands that can be found in both countries, these are Miller (Miller) and Corona (Crown).
You will be surprised, but in America’s supermarkets you can even find our Baltika.
How much and what kind of light alcohol can you buy for 1000 rubles in the USA and Russia
Price tags per pack of 24 pcs. Corona and 36 pcs. Miller
How many bottles of beer can you buy for 1 rubles:
*Price of Russian-made Miller beer
** Cost subject to the purchase of a package (6,12,24 or 36 pcs.). If you take beer by the piece, which is quite rare in America, the price will be 50-100% higher.
A jar of Baltika 7 costs $7, or 525 rubles. Typically, such alcohol is sold in packs of 6, that is, you will have to spend $ 42 at a time, or 3 rubles.
Where is alcohol cheaper?
As you can see, if we talk about alcoholic beverages popular in both countries, prices are lower in Russia. If you don’t even dwell on the cheapest brands, you can buy more vodka in Russia than in America.
In the USA, my thousand rubles or $ 13,3 would be enough for half a liter of vodka, if you look, you can take a liter bottle for a promotion. At home I can buy up to 3 bottles.
As for the popular beer, here the cost depends on the place of production. American brands are more expensive in the Russian Federation, Russian – in the USA. If we talk about average prices for a domestic product, then in our country 0,5 liters of beer costs 57,5 rubles, in America – $ 1-2 or 75-150 rubles.
For my 1 rubles. I bought 000 liter of Stolichnaya (1 rubles) and 700 cans of Baltika (5 rubles). In the States, $ 285 would be enough for me only for a bottle of good vodka. Would you choose alcohol for a friend that is drunk in America, or would you settle for something cheaper than Russian production?