«When you wear a mask for a long time / often, take care of your face». Three practical advice from an immunologist
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Do you wear the mask on your face for a long time or do you put it on often? “Take care of your face” – reminds the immunologist Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski. How to do it? The scientist gave three practical tips on Twitter. His entry sparked a discussion and further questions about the use of masks. What are the consequences of wearing the mask for too long and how long can we use it safely?

  1. Face masks are one of the basic measures to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. However, to be effective protection, we need to know how to use them and apply this knowledge in practice
  2. What mistakes do we most often make while wearing masks? – We wear them for too long, we cover the nose incorrectly – i.e. most people have a mask under their nose, not on the nose, and after removing the mask is hidden without any cover, e.g. in a pocket – lists Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski
  3. According to Dr. Grzesiowski for shorter use, e.g. in a shop or bus – surgical masks will be the best, for longer and professional use – at least N95 masks
  4. Dr. Grzesiowski: If we all wear masks, we will be safe

When do we have to wear face masks?

Face masks are one of the basic measures to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Currently, we are obliged to wear them in the means of public collective transport throughout Poland; in generally accessible places (unless a distance of 1,5 m is kept); in workplaces and in public utility buildings; in commercial or service facilities; during religious worship (including religious activities or rites); in a public building intended for the needs of religious worship and in the cemetery.

In the red zone, wearing masks is mandatory everywhere.

What mistakes do we most often make while wearing masks?

However, for these principles to work, we need to know how to use masks and apply this knowledge in practice. Otherwise, instead of protecting, our mask may become a source of infections.

What mistakes do we most often make while wearing masks? – We wear them for too long, we cover the nose incorrectly – i.e. most people have a mask under their nose, not on the nose, and after removing the mask is hidden without any cover, e.g. in a pocket – lists Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski

A few days ago, on Twitter, the immunologist posted three important rules that apply when we wear a mask on our face often or for a long time (e.g. at work). As he said in an interview with Medonet, they were inspired by observations from a recent train journey. – I noticed that even though the face is sweaty and the mask is damp, people still wear it on their faces. We are not used to wearing masks, so we do as best we can. Therefore, let’s remind the basic things – he emphasizes.

The immunologist pays attention to three activities that we should remember when wearing the mask for a long time or taking it off and putting it on frequently. It is about:

  1. Washing your face frequently with soap and water and cleansing your nose
  2. Changing the mask when wet, but at least every 2-3 hours (N95 / 99 – 8-12 hours)
  3. When the mask is unnecessary – taking it off, not lowering it over the chin

Why are these issues so important? We explain.

«Wash your face often with soap and water and clean your nose, change the mask when it gets wet»

Little is said about cleansing the face after wearing the mask for a long time. Meanwhile, it is very important, as is replacing the cover when it gets wet. – When we wear a mask for a long time, the skin sweats. Additionally, the exhaled vapor condenses on the skin. The result can be skin maceration, eczema, allergy, dermatitis, even staphylococcal infection. That is why it is so important to cleanse and dry the skin. And most of all, do not wear masks for too long – Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski tells us.

“You have to take every opportunity to take a break, take a photo, wash your sweaty face and breathe fresh air,” he advises on Twitter.

When do you have to throw away a mask or replace it with a new one? – When it is damp from steam and sweat, it should be either thrown away – if it is a disposable mask, or washed – in the case of reusable masks – advises the immunologist. – Meanwhile, many people wear this mask for several days. I’m not talking about the fact that it can start to smell bad and is unsightly. Worse, it is full of bacteria and our saliva. People have to be reminded not to hurt themselves.

  1. Six ways to protect yourself from coronavirus infection that are not worthwhile. Scientists debunk myths

What is the conclusion from here? “Change the mask when it gets wet, but not less frequently than every 2-3 hours (N95 / 99 – 8-12 hours)” – writes Dr. Grzesiowski on Twitter. Why after all this time? – The surgical mask loses its properties after 2-3 hours – the filters become clogged and the mask begins to “let through”. It is similar with textile masks. So remember – do not use surgical and cotton masks for more than three hours. The exception is the N95 / 99 masks – according to the manufacturer’s instructions, they can be used for 8 to 12 hours – explains Paweł Grzesiowski.

Which masks will work best?

According to Dr. Grzesiowski for shorter use, e.g. in a shop or bus – surgical masks will be the best, for longer and professional use – at least N95 masks. – The point is not to have to use, for example, five masks, but to have one. It is also more economical – the expert notes.

As he emphasizes, masks cannot replace visors. – They only partially protect against large aerosols, so they do not provide full protection and cannot replace a mask – he explains. – Remember, the visors protect the skin of the face and eyes against splashes, while the mask protects the nose and mouth.

  1. Seven myths about masks that you need to forget as soon as possible

– The mask is the only solution that prevents the virus from entering the body. If we supplement it with glasses or goggles, the virus does not actually have access to us. Because he attacks through the nose, mouth or conjunctiva. Otherwise, the virus will not get into our body – explained Dr. Grzesiowski on TVN24 in August.

When the mask is not needed, we take it off, not put it on the chin

A common mistake we make is sliding a protective mask under the chin (or putting it on the forehead, shoulder, hanging it around the neck), and – when necessary – covering the face with it again. Meanwhile, this action not only renders the face shield useless in preventing the spread of COVID-19, but also poses a risk of contamination.

The immunologist pays attention to the proper storage of reusable masks. Many people, e.g. when getting off the bus, hide it directly in their pockets or purses. Before we do that, let’s put the mask in a string bag – she warns.

  1. Can you wear a face shield instead of a mask? Experts: The answer is no

It is also important how the mask is taken off. «The mask must be removed by the strings. It must not be removed from the front part »- explained Dr. Grzesiowski in April on the Medexpress website. Remember also to wash or disinfect your hands before putting on the mask and after taking it off (similarly, if you touch the mask already put on).

One of the users drew attention to an interesting issue, who asked an expert what influence the beard has on the effectiveness of the mask. Paweł Grzesiowski admitted that the beard does worsen the effectiveness of the mask, but only if it is very lush. “In such situations, you need to make a mask that covers most of your hair,” he advised.

Why should we wear masks? We are reminding!

If we all wear them, we will be safe – emphasizes Dr. Grzesiowski. Why? – When we wear masks, we reduce the emission of possible virus to the environment and thus we do not infect others. In addition, in the case of N95 / 99 masks without valves – we are safe even if others do not have a mask – reminds the expert.

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  3. Should face masks be compulsory in schools? We ask doctors

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