When you stop smoking this will happen in your mind
World no tobacco day
Eliminating this bad habit from our lives has mental, and even sexual benefits

Although when we talk about quitting smoking, the benefits that will be had on a physical level once the habit is left behind are always pointed out, quitting tobacco has many more benefits, also on a psychological level. In fact, according to TheraphyChat psychologists these are the main benefits it brings give up smoking:
Improves psychological well-being
According to Aída Rubio, director of the psychology service and health psychologist at TherapyChat, tobacco is not a relaxing substance, but a stimulant, even if it is something that is part of popular belief. «The idea comes from the feeling of relaxation that appears when lighting a cigarette, but this is only the result of having eliminated the monkey or the withdrawal syndrome. In fact, the feeling of
Relaxation lasts very little in our nervous system and the feeling of nervousness quickly appears, which leads us to smoke again, ”says the expert.
Improves self-esteem
Sometimes, say from the team of psychologists, smokers they do not take the step of quitting smoking because they do not have the confidencea required in themselves. However, professionals say that when smoking is stopped, it is often observed that people “are stronger than they thought, have greater willpower, and feel empowered by it.”
Improves sexual relations
Although sexuality is always something that is considered more physical, it also belongs, of course, to the psychological realm. ‘Nicotine has been shown to have a vasoconstrictive effect that can cause complications in the dilation process necessary for erectionTherefore, if we eliminate this possible impediment, the person will also be able to find themselves in this area and experience greater desire and pleasure, ”they explain.
Although, talking about all these benefits may give the feeling that quitting smoking is easy, it is actually a goal that is often very difficult to achieve. Thus, again the team of psychologists leave some basic keys to be able to quit this bad habit and reap all the benefits of banishing tobacco from a routine.
Tips to quit smoking
1. Remind yourself of the reasons for quitting regularly. From leaving small reminders (such as messages in the calendar) to writing every day the benefits that you have noticed since you stopped smoking. It will all help you remember why to make the effort and what the goal is.
2. Make yourself a gift. With the money that you would have allocated to tobacco, and now you have saved, you can indulge yourself.
3. Assume that psychological dependence will remain for a long time. This dependence is established by the multiple associations that we have made between the act of smoking and the people, the moments and the stimuli that usually accompany it. If it is something that you do frequently (like, for example, have a drink with some friends) little by little you will overcome the dependency; When things are more specific, it will cost you more to stay firm, but you will be able to do it.
4. Don’t expose yourself to anything that reminds you of tobacco. If you do not feel strong for this process, it is best to start simply by not exposing yourself to all those things that remind you of tobacco. Later you will have time to resume all those things once the initial monkey is lowering its intensity.
5. Look for substitutes. Sometimes you will feel that something is missing in your hand, or in your mouth. For this reason, it can be useful to chew gum or, also, to take a pen in hand.
6. Practice relaxation exercises. These exercises can help you a lot during the first 48-72 hours of physical abstinence, but also later when the urge to smoke appears.