When will pools open at Alex Fitness fitness clubs and how do they work

For a long time we wanted to tell you how the pools in our fitness clubs work and when they will open to visitors after the quarantine is relaxed. Especially for this article, we sent one of our employees to the outdoor pool for regular swimming lessons. So the story will be almost in the first person and in hot pursuit. 

How are the pools in our fitness clubs arranged?

  • Location of the pool

    When designing a club, it is most logical to place the pool next to the locker rooms. This is necessary so that visitors to fitness clubs immediately get to the water, and do not walk in swimming trunks and caps across the entire territory of the club. Also, there is a turnstile at the entrance. Only a person with a pass can get inside.

  • Pool shape

    The maximum width of the pool in the cross section of the tracks should be 25 meters. That is, one circle is 50 meters. In the photo you see the markings of three tracks that have different purposes.

  • Track marking

    1st lane is used for training with a trainer; lane 2 is for sports swimming; Lane 3 is open for recreational swimming. The remaining sector is used for water aerobics or free swimming.

  • Sports equipment for swimming

    At the descent into the pool there is a closet with inventory. It stores training equipment, swimming boards, water aerobics dumbbells and other aids that will be useful for training.

And in our clubs there is a children’s pool, which is always located next to the main one.

When will the Alex Fitness pools open?



MarmaladeThe pool is open to the public
MaksimirThe pool is open to the public
МосковскийThe pool is open to the public
KolomenskoyeThe pool is open to the public
Electric steelThe pool is open to the public
GulliverThe pool is open to the public
LevencovkaThe pool is open to the public
KudrovoThe pool is open to the public
UshinskyThe pool is open to the public

What should be the water in the pool and its microclimate?

SanPiN 2.1.2. It is this document that is the main regulatory act for the operation of the pool. You can’t just take and pour water into a very large bath. The quality of water must meet the hygienic requirements that apply to central water supply systems. Additionally, according to the regulations of the decree, production control of water in the pool should be carried out.

What indicators do we check, focusing on the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor?

  1. Turbidity, color and smell of water (organoleptic indicators) are checked once a day. 
  2. Checking the content of chlorine, bromine and ozone residues (disinfecting reagents) occurs before starting work and every 4 hours.
  3. The water and air temperature is checked before starting work and every 4 hours.
  4. By the way, in our pools the water temperature is maintained at 24-29 degrees, which complies with the standards.
  5. Microbiological indicators are checked at least 2 times a month.
  6. Parasitological parameters are checked more frequently than quarterly.
  7. Pools are checked for formaldehyde (during ozonation) or chloroform (during chlorination) once a month.

The pool is very similar to a lake in terms of the nature of the water circulation. Water enters a large bathroom, accumulates and is discharged back for cleaning. That is why all samples for the analysis of indicators are taken at two points at once: on the surface layer of water and at a depth of 0.25-0.30 m. 

What happens if production control is not carried out? Nothing good. Risk for practitioners, fines and loss of license. Such violations come to light on “one-two”.

What are the standards for pool water quality and how do we comply with them?

*Table 1 – Indicators and standards of water quality in the pool bath during operation:

1. Physical and chemical indicators of water
Turbidity, mg/l.no more 2
Color, degreesno more 20
Smell, pointsno more 3
Chlorides, mg/l.no more 700
Residual chlorine (during chlorination) mg/l.not less than 0,3 — not more than 0,5
Otatochny bromine (during bromination) mg/l.not less than 0,8 — not more than 1,5
Residual ozone (during ozonization) mg/l.no more than 0,1 before entering the pool
Chloroform (with chlorination) mg/l.no more 0,1
Formaldehyde (with ozonation) mg/l.no more 0,05
2. Microbiological indicators of water – the main
Common coliform bacteria in 100 ml.no more 1
Thermotolerant coliform bacteria in 100 ml.no
Colifags in 100 ml.no
Staphylococcus aureus in 100 ml.no
2.1. Microbiological indicators of water – additional
Infectious agentsno
Pseudomonas aeruginosano
3. Parasitological indicators of water
Lambia cysts in 50 liters.no
The presence of helmites in 50 liters.no

*Table 2 — Hygienic requirements for the main premises of indoor swimming pools:

pool halls1 – 2 degrees > water temperatureup to 65% Bonus terms and conditions apply> 80 m3/h. per 1 student and > 20 m3/h. for 1 viewerno more than 0,2 m/sec.
Preparation room18 degreesup to 60% Bonus terms and conditions applyNot less than 80 m3/h. per 1 studentno more than 0,5 m/sec.
Changing rooms25 degreesAccording to the balance, taking into account showers2 (from showers)No limitation
shower cubicles25 degrees510
Massage22 degree45
sauna chamber5

Yes, it’s all that complicated. And we comply with all the necessary requirements and recommendations.

What are the requirements for visiting the pool? 

Here is a short and clear list: 

  1. You can only use swimming trunks or swimming shorts (M) and swimwear (W) in the pool. Be sure to have a hat. Here we wrote how to choose it
  2. Before a bathing session, be sure to rinse in the shower. 
  3. Be mutually polite with other pool users. 
  4. After class, you need to take a shower and rinse your swimming uniform.
  5. You can also see general recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor for fitness clubs.

There is always a doctor and a coach on duty in the pool itself. The bath itself is designed in such a way that there is no chance of accidents.

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