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For several days, patients with dermatological diseases have difficult access to the drug Arechin. The preparation disappeared from pharmacies shortly after it turned out that it could be used as an adjunct to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections. Adamed, the producer of Arechin, has announced when it will be available for purchase again.

On March 17, we reported that the entire supply of Arechin was put at the disposal of the Ministry of Health for distribution to hospitals. A few days earlier, the preparation received a new indication, which is adjunctive therapy in coronavirus infections. Until now, it has been used primarily by people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, as well as dermatological problems such as lupus or late cutaneous porphyria.

We are reminding: Arechin cannot be bought in pharmacies. What are the patients to do?

When will Arechin return to pharmacies? The manufacturer replies

Probably the problems with the current availability of the drug will last about a week.

– Manufactured batches of the drug will be made available to patients in need as soon as possible (from next week at the latest) – explains Katarzyna Dubno, Director of External Relations and Health Economics at Adamed. – Currently, together with the Ministry of Health, we are working on a drug delivery schedule so as to ensure the availability of the drug to patients who have taken it so far (including RA, lupus) and patients with COVID-19, and to eliminate unjustified dispensing of the drug without medical indications and stockpiling the medicine.

Detailed delivery dates are to be known later this week. Adamed has launched additional drug production, which is now taking place in three shifts.

Adamed is the only producer of Arechin in Poland.

Read also:

  1. Poles during the epidemic. «I took a few medications and I am waiting for the test result»
  2. Confession of Polish doctors. «There is no manpower, no equipment. Everyone is afraid »
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