When to wait for the peak of coronavirus in Russia and how to survive it without losses: the chief physician of Kommunarka answers

The coronavirus pandemic is the main and only topic that worries every inhabitant of planet Earth today. How not to get infected? What to do at the first sign? When will it end? These questions were answered by Denis Protsenko, chief physician of the hospital in Kommunarka.

On March 26, a very important and necessary interview for all of us today was published on Nyuta Federmesser’s YouTube channel. The interlocutor of the founder of the Vera Hospice Charity Fund was Denis Protsenko, the head physician of the hospital in Kommunarka. It is she who is the center of the fight against coronavirus in the Russian capital.

In an interview with Federmesser, Protsenko talked about when, in his opinion, to wait for the peak of a pandemic, how to behave at the first signs of the disease, and why you should not panic. “This is not the end of the world,” the doctor assures us, and seeing him so calm and confident in his words, you believe unconditionally.

Protsenko did not say anything new, but only once again repeated everything that we had already heard. The main thing is self-isolation and careful hygiene. The rules are simple, but not everyone follows them. Shall we repeat?

Minimize contact with elderly relatives (and indeed with people). If you want to help your grandparents or parents, do it from a distance (you can leave the same products near the front door).

Do not panic! In the context of a huge amount of incoming information (usually negative), this is very difficult, but possible.

Self insulate – do not go outside without a good reason, go to remote work. Fortunately, modern technology allows you to do this. By the way, Protsenko advises replacing all advertising in the city and on TV with a social one that talks about the importance of self-isolation. This will be especially useful for older audiences who are at higher risk.

Hygiene is our everything! Frequent wet cleaning and regular airing of the premises are extremely important.

And no hugs and handshakes! Especially with strangers.

As for the peak of the coronavirus pandemic in Russia, according to Protsenko, it will fall on the first days of April: “While there is an increase, I think, the middle – the end of next week.”

Doctors all over the world are asking you and me to stay at home

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As of March 27, 1 cases of coronavirus were recorded in Russia in 036 regions. Take care of yourself and do not disregard the rules.   

All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.

Getty Images, PhtoXPress.ru, Valery Sharifulin / TASS, Facebook, YouTube

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