When to Transplant Hosta in Fall or Spring

When to Transplant Hosta in Fall or Spring

Hosta is a perennial plant that is cold-resistant and relatively unpretentious. Two periods of time are suitable for planting it: spring and autumn. Both seasons have their own advantages and disadvantages. Over time, you will understand when to transplant the host: in the fall or winter it is more convenient for you. And from the article you will learn about the features of transplantation at different times of the year.

Features of spring planting hosts

Spring is the time for planting flowers and root crops; many summer residents choose this time to sow their site. And spring transplanting does have its benefits.

You can transplant the host both in spring and autumn. But two varieties, Tokudama and Siebold, can only be transplanted in the fall.

When planting in spring, the plant will have time to fully grow stronger before the onset of autumn. That is why many people choose spring hosts for transplanting.

Transplant is carried out in late April – early May. Some summer residents choose a cloudy day for transplanting, since this plant prefers shade.

Transplanting hosts in the spring is slightly different:

  1. Remove the plant from the ground and separate the roots with buds from the main root.
  2. The place where the roots were separated from the main root, sprinkle with ash or process with potassium permanganate.
  3. Dig holes and add fertilizer to them.
  4. Place the host in the hole and cover with earth, and then water.
  5. Mulch the new seedling with humus and water abundantly twice a week.

It is the application of fertilization that the spring planting differs from the autumn planting. In the spring, the flower grows actively, so it needs additional nutrition.

How and when to transplant a host in the fall

Autumn for the hosta means the end of the flowering period and the transition to dormancy. That is why fertilizers are not applied to the holes. Fertilizers can trigger plant growth when it needs to get ready for winter.

Also, the autumn transplanting is accompanied by the preparation of the hosts for the winter. To do this, cover it with a material that allows air to pass through. Agromaterial is suitable for this. As well as in spring, mulching is carried out. But in winter this is done so that the roots do not freeze.

In the fall, it is also necessary to prune the hosts. Transplanting in the fall is fraught with certain difficulties, since the host may freeze and not have time to get stronger before the onset of cold weather.

But if you do everything right, then the plant has every chance of adapting before the frost begins. Then, with the onset of spring, it will quickly begin to grow and develop.

Do not replant weak seedlings in the fall. Better to wait for spring. Some summer residents dig out the hosta in the fall, but transplant it in the spring.

The choice of the season for replanting hosts is an individual choice. You need to build on the temperature in your area, as well as on when you feel comfortable doing it. The flower can adapt to new conditions both in spring and autumn.

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