When to take a pregnancy test
It seems that the delay is trifling, only a day or two, but still something exciting. What will a pregnancy test show? Does it make sense to do it so early?
One of the very first and surest signs of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. If this suddenly happened, then the surest way to understand what caused the delay is to go to the doctor. But if you don’t have the strength to wait, you want to know everything right now, early pregnancy tests will help you figure out what to prepare for.
One of the main moments in the birth of a future life is the implantation of the ovum into the woman’s uterus. This term refers to the process of attachment of a fertilized egg to the mucous membrane. In half of all women, this miracle occurs on the 9th day after conception. Only after that, the body begins to produce the pregnancy hormone or hCG. And it is precisely its presence that is shown by the second strip in the test.
You can take a pregnancy test 10-12 days after ovulation
But the structure of the body is individual for each woman. Therefore, some fertilized eggs take longer to “travel”. And there are cases when implantation took place on the 15th day after ovulation. So take your time with the test, especially if you have an irregular cycle. It is better to wait 5-10 days after the delay and only then start researching. After all, even the most highly accurate tests can fail early.
How to do a pregnancy test correctly
It would seem that it could be easier. But there are nuances. To reduce the likelihood of getting a false positive or just a false test, you need to follow some guidelines.
- It is advisable to do research with a delay of at least one day.
- A woman should sleep for at least 7 hours before taking the test.
- Only the first morning urine should be taken for analysis.
- You must strictly adhere to the instructions on the dough packaging.
Sometimes the result is quite vague, and the test may show a subtle, faint second streak. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the study the next morning.
Why is the test negative?
Keep in mind that if the test fails to produce a second strip, it may not mean anything. Even gynecologists are sometimes quite dismissive of test results. And world-renowned manufacturers cannot give a XNUMX% guarantee of the reliability of the test. In addition, you may have done your research too early or incorrectly. In addition, you could get a factory defect. Therefore, if your period has not come, then try again. But the surest way to dot it is to visit a doctor or take HCG test.
Also, pharmacy pregnancy tests are different. There are those who determine pregnancy from the very first days, and there are those who can “recognize” an interesting situation only from the fourth or even the fifth week.
Among the earliest pregnancy tests, there are test strips, tablet, inkjet, reservoir and electronic. The most reliable is the jet test – it gives out the minimum error and determines the pregnancy even before the delay. But the popular test strips have the lowest reliability.
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