When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

Pepper is one of the most popular crops for greenhouse and outdoor cultivation. Pepper seedlings grow well even in not the most ideal conditions. Refers to unpretentious to the environment and care plants. In cold climates, peppers are best grown only in greenhouses. In them, you can create the most suitable conditions for plant growth, and, as a result, get a generous harvest. In such a shelter, seedlings are not afraid of wind, drafts and rains. The frequent occurrence of such weather events can destroy the sprouts.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

Pepper loves moist soil, and this is very difficult to achieve in an open area. The easiest way to maintain humidity in greenhouses. In some northern regions of Our Country, it is generally contraindicated to grow pepper in open ground.

Having appreciated all the advantages of growing pepper in greenhouses, questions arise: how to properly prepare pepper for seedlings for a greenhouse, how to prepare soil for planting, how to properly care for seedlings, when seedlings should be planted. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

Seeding on seedlings

As always, growing any vegetable crop begins with sowing seeds. Pepper sowing should begin in mid-February. However, due to the short daylight hours, you will need to use additional lighting (special fitolamps). If you have a good and warm greenhouse, then you can start sowing earlier, and then in early April, the seedlings can be transplanted.

In order for the sprouts to sprout faster, it is necessary to soak the seeds in water or a special solution. For the first case, we put the seeds in gauze, and dip them in hot water (no more than 50 ° C) for 15 minutes. Next, put the cheesecloth with seeds in the freezer for 24 hours. But to save time, you can simply soak the seeds in a special solution (Energen, Zircon, etc.) for 30 minutes. Such procedures will make the plant strong and help it grow faster.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

For some reason, some believe that peppers should not be pickled, since the leaves can easily come off, and then they will recover for a long time. But still, most gardeners are of the opinion that picking is simply necessary in order for the root system to develop correctly. In order not to risk, it is better to immediately sow the seeds in pots with a volume of about half a liter. 3 seeds can be placed in each container, keeping a distance of 2 centimeters.

Advice! The soil should be moistened before sowing. But this should be done moderately, not abundant watering is better, but spraying the soil so that it remains loose.

Seeds are placed at a depth of three to four centimeters. Using a spoon, we compact the soil and lay out the seeds, and sprinkle with dry soil on top, making sure that the layer does not exceed 4 cm. And again we slightly compact the soil. Cover the cups with plastic wrap and place in a warm place until germination. A week later, the first shoots should appear. If the soil temperature is less than 27 °C, the peppers will sprout later. It is also necessary to ensure that the temperature does not exceed forty degrees, otherwise the seedlings will die.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

It is necessary to place containers with seedlings on those windowsills that receive the most sunlight. If this is not possible, you can arrange an excellent place for seedlings in the greenhouse. There you can build special racks with shelves for containers. They will not take up much space, but it will save you a lot of time and effort. After all, the greenhouse already has all the necessary devices for caring for plants, watering and lighting. And also it will not be necessary to carry the seedlings to the greenhouse for planting, as they will already be in place.

Important! The rack must be made of durable materials so that it can withstand the weight of the pots, and also serve you for many years.

Also, keep in mind that there is high humidity in the greenhouse, and this can contribute to the destruction of the rack. So, choose moisture resistant materials.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

Greenhouse preparation

If you decide to plant seeds in a greenhouse, then you need to create the appropriate conditions for their growth and development. The room needs to be ventilated and the soil warmed up well, because the pepper loves heat, and this way it will grow much faster.

You also need to do the following:

  • wash and disinfect containers for sowing pepper;
  • warm the room and the soil, and then maintain a stable temperature;
  • prepare the necessary tools and fixtures.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

Soil Preparation

The success of pepper cultivation largely depends on the quality of the soil. In order for seedlings to fully grow and develop, you need to responsibly approach the choice and preparation of the soil.

Quality soil should have the following characteristics:

  1. The soil must be fertile, clay soil is not suitable for these purposes.
  2. The soil should not be too dense. Choose soil with a loose texture.
  3. The content of larvae and residues of the root system of other plants and weeds is unacceptable.
  4. The soil should be moderately moist.

Such soil can be prepared by yourself or bought in a store. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, you will need a large dish and the following ingredients: humus, garden soil and sand. All this must be mixed and passed through a fine sieve, this will saturate the soil with oxygen. The ideal soil for growing seedlings is ready. To disinfect the soil from fungi and bacteria, you should warm the soil in a water bath. Next, let it restore its structure, dry a little and you can start planting seeds.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

Important! Other additives can be used to improve soil quality. For example, hydrogel, vermiculite, etc.

Preparing a container for growing seedlings

A variety of containers are used for seed germination. Some gardeners prefer boxes and cassettes, others prefer cups. To choose the right dishes, you should decide whether you will make a pick or not. It is not necessary to dive pepper, so you can safely sow the seeds in boxes, and then immediately transplant them into the ground from there. Also, if you do not have time for picking, you can plant the seeds in special peat cups or tablets. This will greatly facilitate the transplantation of seedlings.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

Seed dressing

You can start feeding pepper seedlings after at least three full-fledged leaves have formed on the sprout. Alternatively, the following mixture is used for this purpose:

  • superphosphate – 125 grams;
  • potassium salt – 30 grams;
  • urea – 50 grams;
  • water – 10 liters.

We mix all the components and water the seedlings with a solution. After that, it is necessary to water the sprouts with plain water. After the appearance of 3-5 sheets, it is advised to additionally highlight the seedlings (every day for 12 hours).

Advice! Choose to illuminate lamps with blue or red beams. They have the most positive effect on seedlings.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

The next top dressing should be carried out after the appearance of four leaves. And when there are 7–9 true leaves on the stem, this means that the process of flower formation has begun. During this period, seedlings especially need recharge. Several times during the cultivation of pepper, it will be necessary to add soil to the container.

Hardening seedlings of pepper

Hardening pepper for a greenhouse is very important at this stage of development. Especially if you are going to grow it outdoors. After all, if you transplant a pepper without prior preparation, it simply will not withstand temperature changes. The tender tops of the plant can burn in the sun, and this will delay the growth of seedlings for a long time.

Hardening should begin 2 weeks before planting. It must be gradually accustomed to temperature changes during the day and night, as well as to the sun and wind. For this, plants are taken out to the balcony or windows are opened. Start with 15-20 minutes, and increase the time every day. Before planting, you can leave the seedlings overnight on the balcony.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

When to plant seedlings

You can start planting seedlings in the greenhouse from mid-May. By that time, the soil should warm up well, which is very important for such a heat-loving plant. The soil temperature should be at least +15 ° C, if it is even a few degrees lower, the pepper will noticeably lag behind in growth. By the time of transplantation, at least 12-13 leaves should form on the stem. Seedling height is about 25 cm.

Advice! It is important to plant seedlings of pepper in time, until the fruits appear on it. Indeed, in a small container, they will not be able to fully develop, and will make the plant exhausted and exhausted.

If everything is already prepared for planting, and the seedlings themselves are fully ripe, then you can start transplanting. Consider how to do this so as not to harm the plant.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

Planting seedlings of pepper will not be difficult even for inexperienced gardeners. To easily get seedlings out of cups, you need to thoroughly water the plants and let the soil completely soak. Next, carefully remove the sprouts from the container and put them in the wells. They should not be very deep, because the root of the pepper is superficial, and does not go deep into the ground.

Important! If the pepper root is deepened, this can contribute to the development of diseases of the root system, for example, root collar rot.

Additionally, fertilizer can be applied to each hole to make the soil more fertile. For these purposes, humus with impurities of mineral fertilizers is used.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

Some features of the planting technology depend on the variety of pepper. Tall and short varieties are planted at different distances from one another. The distance between the rows of tall peppers should be about 50 centimeters, and between the peppers themselves – up to 40 centimeters. This distance will allow sprawling bushes to fully grow. But undersized bushes can be planted more densely. Between plants leave about 30 centimeters, and between rows – 40-50 centimeters. It is imperative to observe such a distance so that the pepper does not prevent its “neighbors” from getting sunlight. This can result in stretching of sprouts, yellowing and falling of leaves.

After fertilizing, it is necessary to pour water into the hole, and carefully, holding the pepper, fill in the soil. Further, the soil around the seedlings is slightly compacted and mulched with peat. For the first time after planting, the pepper should be covered with a film on top. Plants can be opened after they are fully rooted and take root in a new place.

Advice! Pepper seedlings should be planted in the evening, when solar radiation is weak.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

Care of seedlings

Frequent changes in weather conditions can affect pepper seedlings in an unexpected way. After all, this culture is considered one of the most capricious. Pepper needs good and frequent watering, and also loves heat. It is not difficult to create such conditions in a greenhouse, however, it is impossible to protect the plant completely from external factors. Only in the southern regions, pepper grows unhindered and ripens quickly. In the northern parts of the country, this process must be constantly stimulated with fertilizers. In such regions, it is not advised to plant pepper in open ground, so gardeners prefer film shelters and greenhouses.

Of great importance for seedlings of pepper is the neighborhood with other crops, as well as its predecessors.

Attention! Pepper grows well in the same greenhouse along with tomatoes and other members of the nightshade family.

This neighborhood has a positive effect on both plants. But it is better not to plant peppers with cucumbers.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse

The following rules will help you grow excellent peppers with high yields:

  • It is necessary to water the soil abundantly, using special water sprayers. It is important that it completely irrigates the entire plant. A small amount of water can cause red burns on the sheets. You do not need to water the pepper very often;
  • it is necessary to maintain a stable temperature in the greenhouse, from sudden changes the plant will slow down in growth;
  • feeding should be frequent and regular. Approximately once or twice a week is enough for the pepper to receive the necessary micronutrients;
  • to receive a sufficient amount of solar radiation, it is necessary to place greenhouses in open places, without tall trees and buildings;
  • the soil can be loosened, but this should be done very carefully, because the pepper has a superficial root system, which is very easy to hurt. To keep the soil loose and retain moisture well, mulch the soil. To do this, you can use ordinary leaves or hay (straw). It is also practiced to add special loosening additives to the soil;
  • conducts a constant thorough examination for the presence of a spider mite, which is most often found in greenhouses. Stock up on drugs to combat this pest;
  • during the appearance of the first buds, one lower inflorescence should be removed on each bush. This will help the pepper develop well. It is also necessary to remove all lower leaves up to the first fork of the stems.
Tips for growing bell peppers in a greenhouse in the country


That’s all the requirements for successfully growing peppers in a greenhouse. At first glance, they may seem complicated. But many gardeners argue that the result is worth the time and effort spent. With such care, you will get a very generous harvest. And having tried to grow a delicious homemade pepper, you are unlikely to want to buy it in the store. After all, no one knows where and how it was grown. And homemade vegetables are always grown in good faith.

When to sow pepper seedlings for a greenhouse


Evgenia, 54 years old, Astrakhan
I have not always been able to grow good peppers. Only over the years I learned all the subtleties of this process. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems, the main thing is to grow it in a greenhouse. You can, of course, in the open field, but then you have to try hard to get a good harvest. Planted peppers will need to be watered very often to maintain the required moisture. Everything is simpler in the greenhouse, the soil does not dry out so quickly under the scorching sun, and the seedlings develop as they should.
Nadezhda, 39 years old, Voronezh
We have been growing peppers for several years, and every time I learn something new for myself. I noticed that the seedlings should be constantly kept in the sunny side. So I wear it from one window to another when the sun starts to go down. Otherwise, the sprouts stretch out and slow down growth. Also pepper is very selective in the neighborhood. It grows well near potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, but not very near cucumbers. But observing all these subtleties, you can get an excellent harvest of pepper.
Tips for growing bell peppers in a greenhouse in the country

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