Aster, a herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae or Compositae family, began to be grown in gardens as early as 1825. And then she was assigned to the genus Callistefus. If you also saw the names – Chinese, garden aster or callistefus, you should understand that we are talking about the same plant.
Gardeners who first decided to take up culture are interested in the question of how and when to plant asters for seedlings. In the article we will try to highlight in detail the main nuances of growing these garden flowers with seedlings, and also point out possible errors.
Short description
Garden aster varieties were bred on the basis of a wild relative that still grows today in China, Korea, Mongolia and some parts of Our Country. These are annuals, bushy well due to the growth of a large number of shoots.
The stems of wild asters are erect, green or reddish in color. The height of wild plants is about a meter. The flowers are small, in shape and color are largely inferior to cultivated varieties.
Breeding asters are distinguished by their multicolor, different colors and basket shapes. Not only green and orange asters! Among the popular varieties there are simple, terry, densely double baskets with a diameter of 3 to 17 cm.
The duration of flowering of asters depends on the species (annual or perennial), as well as on the timing of cultivation until the first buds bloom. Varieties of early, medium and late flowering periods were bred. All this is directly related to the choice of the timing of sowing asters for seedlings.
We choose terms
At home, it is possible to grow asters from seeds in all regions of Our Country, taking into account climatic conditions. If in the south you can get luxuriantly flowering representatives of the Astrov family by direct sowing of seeds into the ground, then in a more severe climate only through seedlings. That is why flower growers are interested in when it is necessary to do planting.
So, when are aster seeds sown for seedlings? No specialist will give a definite answer, since the timing will depend on many factors:
- Climate. In the southern regions, asters are sown in May, because it is warm there even in October. Plants have time to grow, they have enough time to bloom. In regions with a sharply continental climate, sowing seeds should be done in the last decade of March or early April.
- Bloom time. The second point that should not be missed when deciding on the timing of sowing the seeds of this crop is when flowering plants are needed. If asters are grown for cutting in summer or autumn, or simply to decorate the garden, then the timing will be different.
- Features of the variety at the beginning of flowering. When choosing the seeds of garden asters, it is necessary to pay attention to the time frame after sowing that they release the first buds. There are early varieties in which flowering begins in 80-90 days. In mid-early asters, buds appear after 110 days. And varieties of late flowering periods begin to please with multicolor only after 120-130 days.
- How to create constantly blooming flower beds from asters. Given the characteristics of flowering, you can get flowerbeds of stars blooming all summer and autumn. For this, the seeds of asters, even of the same flowering periods, can be sown for seedlings at different times.
The timing of the beginning of flowering and the approximate time of sowing seeds for seedlings are indicated on the packages. To get healthy plants that can decorate your garden, you need to sow aster seeds in a timely manner so that the plants have enough warm season.
Many flower growers, when choosing the timing of sowing flower seeds, are guided by the lunar calendar. In 2018, seeds of annual flowers, including asters, are advised to be planted on such days (see table):
Days | March | April |
Favorable | 13-15, 21-26 | 7-10, 19-25 |
Adverse | 1, 2, 3, 16, 17, 18, 30 and 31 | 15, 16, 17, 29 and 30 |
Growing seedlings
After the grower has decided on the varieties of asters and the timing of sowing seeds, you need to think about where the seedlings will be grown. As a rule, containers are placed on the windowsill in the apartment. If there is a heated greenhouse, seedlings can be placed in it. Now let’s talk about how to properly sow aster for seedlings.
Aster seeds are sown in boxes or containers made of wood or plastic. The height of the sides should be at least 5-6 cm so that the root system does not experience discomfort. Containers before work must be doused with boiling water if they have been used for more than a year. New vessels can be washed with hot water and laundry soap. Soap is a great option for disinfection.
For growing annual asters, you can purchase ready-made soil mixture for growing seedlings. This soil includes all the necessary trace elements for the successful development of plants.
You can use self-composed soil. You will need ordinary garden soil, peat, compost or humus and sand, they are mixed in proportions of 3-1-0,5. Be sure to add wood ash, which is necessary as a prophylactic against the black leg. In addition, it is an excellent top dressing, since wood ash contains many trace elements.
Mixed soil must be disinfected. There are three methods of disinfection, and the store mixture is also treated for fungal diseases:
- Pour the soil into a metal container and heat in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees for 1, 1,5 hours.
- Prepare boiling water, add potassium permanganate to it (the color should be dark cherry) and spill the soil with the solution.
- Dissolve Fitosporin according to the instructions and treat the soil.
Before sowing, the soil is poured into containers in an even layer and lightly tamped. This is necessary so that the seeds do not penetrate deep into the containers, and the germination time does not increase.
Seed preparation
To get high-quality seedlings of asters, you need to take care of the seeds. It is best to take seed with a shelf life of no more than one year. Usually sowing is carried out with dry seeds.
You can activate the germination of old seeds by soaking. Wrap the seed in gauze and moisten with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. So that they do not dry out, they are sprayed from a spray bottle.
A day later, together with gauze, asters seeds are placed in a plastic bag and kept indoors at a temperature of +22 degrees. As soon as tender white roots appear, the seeds are carefully placed in seedling containers.
Since asters often suffer from a black leg, the seeds must be disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, then dried to flow.
Sowing stages:
- Grooves are made in the soil to a depth of no more than 1,5 cm and seeds are laid out in them.
- Sprinkle with earth on top, then moisten the surface with a spray bottle so as not to wash the seed.
- Boxes or containers are covered with foil to create a greenhouse effect.
- The containers are placed on a well-lit window, the temperature in the room is maintained no higher than 18 degrees. The boxes are covered tightly with foil.
Until the seeds hatch, the film needs to be lifted from time to time for ventilation and to monitor the condition of the soil. As a rule, shoots appear on the 9th day. If the seeds were soaked and germinated, then two days earlier.
Further care of seedlings consists in timely watering and providing plants with good lighting. If there is not enough light, you will have to connect the lamps. Sometimes the seedlings are pulled out. This mistake can be corrected: calcined river sand and sprinkled in boxes with a layer of 2-3 cm. Asters have the ability to grow roots on the stem below.
You can grow seedlings of asters at home with or without picking, if the seeds are planted in peat pots or tablets. If you use common containers, you will have to transplant the seedlings into separate cups or containers with higher sides at a distance of at least five centimeters.
Seedlings ready for picking should have at least two leaves. Before transplanting, the soil is watered so that the roots are not damaged when the seedlings are excavated. In addition, the plants have very fragile stems at the base, so you need to work with extreme caution.
Pre-prepared fertile soil is poured into the cups, the same as used for sowing seeds and well moistened. A recess is made in the center of the container and the spine is carefully inserted into it, then the soil is pressed. Seedlings are deepened to cotyledon leaves. Then the seedlings are watered.
The first time after transplanting, the seedlings are watered two days later to give it the opportunity to take root. In the future, you need to monitor the top layer of soil so that it does not dry out. You can fertilize the plants only after two weeks, when it becomes noticeable that the plants have begun to grow.
Asters from seeds for seedlings:
Growing asters in the ground
To plant asters, you need to choose an open sunny space or a place with an openwork shadow. The fact is that in dense shade these garden flowers feel discomfort, which negatively affects their appearance. Plants grow one-sided, and the color fades. That is why asters of any species and varieties are not recommended to be planted under trees.
Soil characteristics
Flowerbeds, rockeries have been prepared since autumn. Fertilizers (mineral or organic) are applied to the soil so that spores of possible diseases and pest larvae freeze out during the winter. Asters are lovers of light, breathable soil with normal acidity.
When choosing a place for planting seedlings of asters grown at home, it should be remembered that some garden crops cannot be predecessors, these are:
- gladiolus and leucoi;
- cloves and tomatoes;
- potatoes and peppers.
A few days before planting the grown seedlings of asters, the flower beds are again dug up and watered.
If seedlings grew in an apartment, then they must be hardened. This will allow the seedlings to avoid severe stress from the new conditions. In rural conditions, asters seedlings are simply taken out into the street, gradually increasing the residence time. The city uses balconies or loggias.
Planted plants depending on the variety:
- low asters at a distance of 15 cm;
- tall varieties need more space for full development – at least 30 cm;
- in longline cultivation, tall varieties of asters are in the background, undersized – in the foreground.
Work is carried out when the threat of return frosts disappears. An earlier transplant will require shelter for the night. Planting is best done in the evening, so that the flowers have time to adapt overnight. Water the seedlings carefully so as not to soak the leaves.
Further Care
The next watering of seedlings is carried out only after the topsoil has dried. If it rains, then asters are not watered at all, they have enough moisture. In dry summers, irrigation is necessary, but moderate, because these plants tolerate drought better than strong soil moisture. Stagnation of water causes problems with the root system and fungal diseases.
Weeds growing in flower beds are subject to destruction, as pests and disease spores settle on them. No less important for growing healthy asters is top dressing in the ground. An all-purpose fertilizer for flowers or organic is quite suitable. Asters are fed once every 30 days.
During flowering, the bush continues to form. Be sure to cut off faded buds so that they do not spoil the appearance and do not delay the development of other baskets.
If you decide to collect your seeds, then choose plants that fully comply with the description and characteristics, and leave 1-2 baskets on them until fully ripe.
The next type of work is the prevention of diseases and the destruction of pests. For processing use special fungicides or folk remedies.
Growing asters is a fascinating business. In fact, there is nothing complicated if you listen to advice and follow agrotechnical standards. A beautiful plot with lush flowering garden plants is a real reward for the florist for diligence and patience.
Summer is coming again, so we wish you successful landings and interesting design finds!