Spring garlic is a summer variety. This perennial plant is very loved by all housewives and is considered an indispensable spice for preserves and pickles, as well as for preparing delicious dishes. In addition to proper planting, selected soil, formed beds, top dressing and irrigation process, an important point in a quality crop is its harvesting. If you properly harvest the grown crop, it will help keep it safe and sound for a very long time.
Cleaning time
The timing when it is necessary to harvest spring garlic is very different from the collection of winter varieties. Its winter relative takes root in the autumn period and begins the vegetation process in the spring.
Those teeth that were planted in the spring need additional care for a quality harvest in the future. In addition to the calendar that recommends harvest dates, there are a number of visual cues. From them you can determine that it’s time to remove the heads:
- about 75% of the tops begin to turn yellow and tend to the ground;
- teeth are easily separated from each other;
- the bulb is covered with a characteristic shade and consists of three layers of easily detachable scales.
On average, spring garlic is advised to dig in early August. This is about 120 days after germination.
Video “Spring planting”
From the video you will learn how to plant garlic in spring.
How to dig it right
In addition, it is very important to understand when to dig up the crop and how to do it correctly, how the harvest itself is carried out.
In order to maintain the quality of garlic, there are a number of features on how to dig the bulbs correctly:
- When the first signs of ripening appear, the heads should be partially freed from the ground. This will make it easier to remove them from the garden in the future.
- A week before digging up the crop, it is necessary to completely stop watering. This will allow the soil to dry out. In addition, excessive moisture can provoke the development of fungal diseases or rotting of garlic.
- In order to harvest garlic, a fine, dry and warm day is suitable. The process is done quickly, best in the evening or morning.
- When they are going to harvest, they first dig with a pitchfork or a shovel, but this process is done very carefully so as not to damage the heads.
- If the tops are quite strong, you can use it to pull up the garlic. If it breaks, then separation from the ground will have to be done by hand.
- When garlic is removed from the soil, it cannot be thrown, it should be carefully laid out in a basket or other container.
- The topmost layer must be cleared of the ground, each head is carefully examined in order to remove the diseased culture in time.
- Before being sent for storage, the garlic should be dried after harvesting.
How to store correctly
In addition to knowing how to dig up a crop, it is important to have information about the proper storage of garlic. Here are some recommendations for this:
- When dried and pre-prepared garlic is moved indoors, check for good air circulation. This will help protect against high humidity, which adversely affects the crop. At high humidity in the room, pathogenic organisms develop that provoke a “disease” and decay.
- It is very important to maintain the required temperature. Spring garlic is sensitive to sudden changes. Best of all, a stable temperature is from +2 to +4 ° C or about +20 ° C, but again it is constant.
- In addition to good ventilation, garlic should be placed in such a way that it does not feel very crowded. Very often they use braiding or wreaths when sent for safekeeping, so each head has a good opportunity to get fresh air.
- If storage is to be in a glass container, then a natural air absorber, such as coarse salt, should be added.
Ways of storage
There are several ways to store a spring variety and extend its shelf life and useful qualities. As already mentioned, each head needs free access to oxygen. So, one of the methods is braiding.
For this, a small stem and the onion itself are left, and all excess is eliminated. Weaving starts from the bottom, new onions are gradually added. As a rule, a loop is made so that it is convenient to hang the garlic. There are a lot of places where to “define” it, the main thing is to remember about temperature differences.
You can store garlic in bunches, for example, in front of the entrance to the house. When you enter the room, a beautiful and useful composition pleases the eye. To do this, leave the stems, which can be collected in a bunch.
A common way is to store in stockings or nets, but for this, a non-humid and cool place is chosen. With all this, it is necessary to regularly audit for damaged heads.
A wicker basket will help to extend the shelf life very conveniently and very effectively. In it, the preservation is improved and extended due to the free circulation of air.
If you use additional products that help absorb moisture, then you can store it in sterilized glassware, boxes.
In the middle lane, garlic is not particularly whimsical for growing and ripening, it is important not to miss the timing of its harvesting, and then the duration of storage and the quality of the spring variety will be at the best level.
Video “Cleaning”
From the video you will learn when and how to harvest garlic.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina