When to Remove Shelter from Apple Trees in Spring

Opening apple trees in the spring, as well as providing them with shelter for the winter, follows certain rules. It is important not to do this too early, so that the plant does not freeze during the period of returning frosts, and also too late, so that the tree does not rot. If you remove the covering material from apple trees in a timely manner, many problems can be avoided.

When to Remove Shelter from Apple Trees in Spring

Open apple trees in the spring in each region begin at the right time

When to open apple trees after winter

Apple trees of the first seven years of life are quite fragile, capricious and very sensitive to temperature fluctuations, especially in spring. In this regard, if you remove the covering material too soon or too late, you may encounter a number of problems. It is better to open apple trees after wintering at a time when the air in spring already warms up to a temperature of +10 ° C. If you remove the shelter earlier, there is a possibility of freezing of young shoots. In the case of cleaning the insulation, the branches are later heated, mold appears on the kidneys, and they die.

Much also depends on the material used. For example, if the protection layer is made of burlap, spruce branches or agrotextile, then you can take your time to remove it, it is allowed to postpone the procedure until the kidneys swell. Since such materials have air permeability, the apple tree does not threaten damping out in the spring. But when using dense insulation, such as polyethylene or roofing felt, they need to be removed earlier. Under such materials, condensation usually forms, which contributes to the appearance of mold.

The time when to remove the shelter is selected, starting from the region of cultivation. For example, in Siberia, apple trees need to be opened after winter a few weeks later than in the Urals or the territory of the middle Volga region.

In the event of a threat of frost – at a time when leaves have already appeared on the tree, they are protected by a smoke screen. On the day of the expected cold snap, dry leaves, peat, straw are folded in a calm area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe garden, wet turf is laid out on top and set on fire.

Comment! If you organize the autumn warming correctly and remove the covering material in a timely manner in the spring, the trees actively develop and bloom, and also produce many fruits.

Rules for removing winter shelter

Apple trees should be opened from winter wrapping, adhering to the rules of agricultural technology. Although gardeners still do not agree on a common opinion on this matter. They are divided into two groups, one of which believes that this should be done gradually, and the second recommends shooting the material all at once. But everyone says that by mid-April the apple tree should already be open. At the same time, the protection from the trunks is removed.

When growing a seedling in a sunny area, only burlap is left, which will protect the tree from burns. It can be removed at the end of April. The last layer of mulch near the trunk circle is removed in May, after which the tree is whitewashed.

When to Remove Shelter from Apple Trees in Spring

You can refuse to shelter an apple tree when it is seven years old.

Gradual removal of cover

Many gardeners believe that if the shelter is removed in stages in the spring, the fragile seedlings of the culture will be protected from unstable weather conditions. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. At the end of February, without waiting for the snow to melt completely, the tree is freed from its cover.
  2. In March, at the end of the main cold weather, leaf litter is removed, sometimes airing the plant.
  3. With the advent of positive temperatures, the insulation is gradually removed, layer by layer, one by one daily, starting from the crown and ending with the trunk.

To minimize the shock of a young seedling, it is already accustomed to cold in early spring. To do this, when warming up to +7 ° C, the tree is aired during the day, and again covered at night.

Sharp opening of the apple tree

According to other farmers, a sharp change in temperature in spring has a positive effect on young trees and is their hardening. In this case, work begins in April, with the advent of stable positive temperatures. At the same time, the covering material is not removed, but used to shade the seedling from the south side.

Advice! So that the tender crown does not burn out in the sun in the spring, and the apple tree adapts to new conditions, you need to open it in the evening in cloudy weather.

How to understand that the apple tree overwintered well

As soon as the moment has come when it is possible to open apple trees in the spring, after removing the shelter, the plant is carefully examined for the life of the branches and the damage received. If there is any doubt that the tree is healthy, it is necessary to cut it in several places vertically and horizontally and examine the wood. The apple tree was damaged by frost if the layer between the body of the seedling and its bark has brown dark spots. If this happens, then the plant should be urgently reanimated. To do this, cut off dead cells, and apply garden var to the wounds.

How to properly remove shelter from young apple trees in spring, you can watch the video:

We remove the shelter from the columnar apple trees

Sometimes another method is used to check the integrity of the seedling – soaking. The cut parts of the shoots are placed in a vase filled with water for a week and left in the room. If the buds on the branch come out of sleep and start growing, the plant has overwintered well.

In addition to the above checks, it is also important to inspect the appearance of the apple tree. If in the open state it looks healthy, and its shoots are juicy, then everything is fine.

Comment! The final conclusion about the state of the tree after winter is made when examining the trunk and shoots for the presence of lichen and moss.

After the gardener is convinced that the apple tree is healthy, he can proceed to further tree care work. Or rather, to its formative pruning, spraying, whitewashing and fertilizer.

When to Remove Shelter from Apple Trees in Spring

It is recommended to burn all cut parts of the plant, and scatter the ashes in the area of ​​​​the trunk circle.


Apple trees need to be opened in the spring on time. In this case, one should take into account the climatic conditions of the region where the crop is grown, as well as the peculiarities of the weather of the current season. The apple tree is not just a decoration of the site, but also a tree that gives useful fruits. Organization of proper care of the plant and its timely preparation for the change of season is the key to a good and healthy harvest.

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