When to plant phlox seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar
Phloxes are the dream of any summer resident. They look especially impressive when there are a lot of them. But seedlings are not cheap. However, do not give up the dream – these flowers can be grown from seeds

In nature, there are 85 species of phlox (1), but 3 species are most often grown in gardens.

Those that are usually sold as seedlings, with beautiful flower caps of various shades – this is panicled phlox (2), it is perennial. Another perennial is styloid phlox. Phloxes are generally overwhelmingly perennials, and they are often propagated by cuttings or dividing the bush.

And there is also Drummond’s phlox, which is also popular with summer residents. And he is an annual (3). And most often it is him who is planted with seedlings. And in order for success to be guaranteed, it is important to know when to plant phlox seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar.

Perennial species can also be grown from seeds, but this process is troublesome and labor-intensive – more often this method is used by breeders to breed new varieties.

How to determine landing dates in your area

Agrotechnics for growing from seeds through seedlings was developed for Drummond’s phlox. Other species are similar to it in care, so they can be sown at the same time and in the same way.

The optimal age of phlox seedlings is 60 days. In the middle lane, they are planted in the garden at the very end of spring, therefore, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings at the end of March. In more southern regions it is possible earlier, beyond the Urals – later. Approximate sowing dates are as follows:

  • in the southern regions – the end of February – the beginning of March (you can sow immediately in flower beds in late April – early May);
  • in the middle lane – mid-March;
  • in the Urals and Siberia – the last decade of March – the first decade of April.

How to prepare seeds for sowing

Phlox seeds can be sown dry – this is a classic sowing option. And you can soak in a solution of any biostimulator – Zircon, Epin-Extra, Energen (according to the instructions). Stimulants increase the energy of seed germination and in the future the seedlings are strong and healthy.

– Phlox seeds are quite large, but they should not be embedded in the soil – they should be sown on the surface of the earth, lightly clapping with the palm of your hand so that they are completely in contact with the soil, – advises agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mihailova. – It is better to sow them in plastic containers with a lid and keep them closed until germination – this way moisture is better retained.

For growing phlox seedlings, universal soil from the garden center is suitable.

Phlox seeds germinate in 5-7 days. As soon as sprouts appear, the lid must be removed.

Tips for caring for phlox seedlings

Phloxes are quite unpretentious plants, but in order for seedlings to grow in quality, it is important to take into account some of their preferences.

Shine. Phlox love an abundance of sun, so it is better to grow seedlings on windows that face south or east.

– And when sowing seeds in March, they need illumination with phytolamps for 12 hours a day – although it is spring in the yard, the sun is still inactive, its light is not enough for young plants, – explains agronomist Svetlana Mikhailova. – On the northern and western windows, artificial light is constantly needed, until the seedlings are planted in flower beds.

Watering. Watering should be moderate – the land between them should dry out completely.

– This is important, – says agronomist Svetlana Mikhailova, – because phloxes do not like excess moisture – with frequent and abundant watering, they are affected by fungal diseases. Therefore, wait until the soil in the container or pot dries out to the full depth and only then water again.

Pick. It is necessary to plant phloxes from the container in pots as early as possible – when the first true leaf appears on the seedlings. At a later age, they do not tolerate transplantation well.

Feeding. In fertile soil, phlox seedlings do without top dressing. If the soil is poor, you can feed them with complex fertilizer according to the instructions. And see that there is a little nitrogen in it – an excess of this element also provokes diseases.

With a warm spring, phlox seedlings can be planted in flower beds from mid-May. With a protracted it is better to wait until the end of the month. At Phlox Drummond, by that time it usually already blooms – the first flowers bloom 45 days after germination.

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Favorable days for planting seedlings at home or in a greenhouse

Favorable days for planting seedlings at home or in a greenhouse: 14 – 15, 25 – 27 February, 4 – 5, 8 – 10, 13 – 17, 20 March, 5 – 15 April, 1 – 4, 7 – 15, 31 May.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in open ground

Favorable days for planting seedlings in open ground: 1 – 15, 31 May.

Sources of

  1. Phlox / The Plant List, http://www.theplantlist.org/1.1/browse/A/Polemoniaceae/Phlox/
  2. Kudryavets D.B., Petrenko N.A. How to grow flowers. A book for students // M .: Education, 1993 – 176 p.
  3. Botyanovsky E.I., Burova E.A., Grishchik L.F. Directory of a florist (floral and ornamental plants of open ground) // Mn .: Urajay, 1985 – 208 p.

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