When to plant petunia seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar
In central Our Country, petunia is traditionally grown through seedlings, and then transplanted into open ground. And in order for it to turn out healthy, strong, and the plants bloomed profusely, it is important to observe the sowing dates and the rules of care.

Petunia is an unpretentious plant, and the variety of shapes and colors is so great that it can be used anywhere. Even if there is no dacha, these flowers can decorate the balcony.

How to determine landing dates in your area

Traditionally, petunia is sown for seedlings in March, but at different times. When exactly depends on the variety:

  • ampelous (they hang over the edges of the pot) – from March 1 to March 10;
  • with large flowers – from March 10 to 20;
  • with small flowers – from March 20 to 31.

The homeland of petunia is the tropical regions of South America (1), therefore, it is thermophilic. Therefore, seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May. And the traditional timing of sowing seeds is designed specifically for flower beds.

However, petunias can decorate, for example, greenhouses, and they are planted there much earlier – already from the second half of April. In this case, the sowing dates can be shifted to February.

– If the petunia is planned to be grown on a glazed balcony, where the plants can be taken out at the end of March (in case of a cold snap, they can be easily brought home), then it can be sown even earlier – in January, – recommends agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mihailova. – But in this case, they will have to provide additional illumination with phytolamps – 12 hours a day. And don’t let the south window fool you. Even there, in January-February, plants do not have enough light – the winter sun has too little activity, and daylight hours are very short.

How to prepare seeds for sowing

Petunia has very small seeds, they are more like dust, so any manipulations with them are contraindicated – they cannot even be soaked.

The only thing that can be done is to mix the seeds with fine dry sand before sowing. So it is easier to evenly distribute them on the surface of the soil.

Seeds should be sown superficially (2) in transparent plastic containers with a lid – they need high humidity to germinate, and such containers will simulate the conditions of a greenhouse. Be sure to make drainage holes in the container so that excess water flows through them.

– Petunia seedlings can be grown in the usual universal soil for seedlings – it is sold in any garden center, – says agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova. – The topsoil must be homogeneous, so it must be sifted through a sieve. Seeds are sown superficially. You can’t cover them with soil – they won’t germinate! They must rise to the light.

Petunia seeds germinate in about 8-12 days (2).

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Petunia seedling care tips

For germination, petunia seeds need a bright and warm place, about 25 ° C. But as soon as sprouts appear, it is better to rearrange the containers in a cool place with a temperature not higher than 18 ° C. Otherwise, the seedlings will begin to stretch and lie down.

– Most often, summer residents sow petunia seeds in purchased soil – now rarely anyone is gaining their own land. And the purchased soil has one problem – it consists of 90% peat, which dries quickly, – reminds the agronomist Svetlana Mikhailova. – Therefore, it is necessary to water the crops, and then the petunia seedlings, often – it is important that the earth is constantly moist. Just make sure that the water in the container does not stagnate, otherwise the plants will be affected by fungal diseases.

When the seedlings have 3 true leaves, they should be planted in cups. Suitable plastic, with a volume of 0,2 liters. And immediately after transplanting, the plants need to pinch the top so that they bush better and bloom more profusely.

2 weeks after the seedlings were transplanted into cups, they begin to feed them. The ideal option is any liquid complex fertilizer. Top dressing should be done every 2 weeks until transplanting seedlings to a permanent place.

Favorable days for planting seedlings at home or in a greenhouse

For growing petunias in flower beds, seeds for seedlings are sown in March.

Favorable days for sowing seeds according to the lunar calendar: March 4 – 5, 8 – 10, 13 – 17, 20.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in open ground

For growing on a balcony, petunia seedlings can be transplanted into large containers and taken out into the open air as early as the end of March. Petunias can be planted in the greenhouse from the second half of April. In open ground – at the end of May, when the risk of spring frosts is already minimal.

Favorable days for transplantation: 25 – 26 March, 5 – 7, 10 – 15, 25 – 26 April, 1 – 15, 31 May.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about growing petunia seedlings with agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.

How many years does the germination of petunia seeds last?

Petunia seeds remain viable for 5 years. But it should be remembered that every year it decreases. Therefore, the fresher the seeds, the more shoots will be.

Can petunias be grown at home?

Quite – this is a tropical plant and the conditions of the apartment are ideal for petunias. Another thing is that the petunia has a peculiar smell, not everyone likes it, and in the limited space of the room it can become too annoying. Therefore, it is best to grow petunias on the balcony.

Can petunias be propagated from cuttings?

Easily – petunia cuttings take root very easily. Each cutting must have at least 2 internodes. The lower leaves must be cut off, leaving only the top 2. It is desirable to powder the lower part of the cutting with Heteroauxin.


Cuttings are planted in loose soil, watered and covered with foil. When they have 5 – 6 new leaves, they can be planted in pots or a flower garden.

Sources of

  1. Tavlinova G.K. Flowers in the room and on the balcony (2nd ed., revised and additional) // L .: Agropromizdat, Leningrad branch, 1985 – 272 p.
  2. Kudryavets D.B., Petrenko N.A. How to grow flowers. A book for students // M .: Education, 1993 – 176 p.

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