When to plant onions in 2022 before winter according to the lunar calendar
Turnip onions are traditionally grown in a two-year culture – black seeds are sown in the first year, onion sets are harvested at the end of the season, they are planted in the spring, and only in the fall of the second year they get a large turnip. The process is long and laborious. But there are easier ways to grow onions.

Favorable days for planting onions according to the lunar calendar in open ground

With this method, onion turnip is obtained already in the year of sowing seeds. So you save a whole year! In addition, the seedling turnip turns out to be larger, and the plants do not shoot.

Sowing seedlings. Nigella is sown for seedlings in the second half of March (1). Before sowing, it is useful to soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 1 liter of water) for 45 minutes. Then the seeds are dried so that they become free-flowing.

It is most convenient to sow nigella in special cassettes with a cell diameter of 2–3 cm. Store-bought soil is suitable, but it is better to make your own: mix peat, earth from the garden and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1. Cassettes are filled with soil. Then, holes 1 cm deep are made in each cell (it is convenient to do this with a pencil or pen). About 3-4 seeds are sown in each hole and sprinkled with soil. You can sow 1 seed each, the bulbs in this case will be even larger, but such seedlings are difficult to grow – thin single seedlings of onions lie down. And when the onion grows in groups, it does not fall. The turnip in this case is smaller, but the overall yield is higher, because there will be several bulbs in each nest.

After sowing, the soil is compacted with a palm, watered from a spray bottle so as not to erode the soil, covered with a film and placed in a warm place.

Seedlings appear after about 3 weeks. As soon as the sprouts come out, the cassettes are rearranged on a light, cool window sill with a temperature of 16 – 20 ° C. Otherwise, the bow will stretch.

Water the seedlings as the soil dries out. At the end of April, seedlings should be taken out into the open air, in the shade, so that they get used to the street.

Favorable days for sowing onion seeds for seedlings according to the lunar calendar: March 4 – 7, 11 – 17.

Planting seedlings in open ground. Seedlings are planted in open ground in late April – early May (2). The ideal option is in the grooves. The distance between them should be 30 cm, and between plants in a row – 5 cm. It is impossible to deepen onion seedlings, otherwise the bulbs will begin to tie later and will not have time to ripen.

After planting, the seedlings of the beds are watered and mulched with peat or humus so that a soil crust does not appear on the soil.

The best varieties of onions for growing through seedlings. There are many of them: Danilovsky 301, Red Baron, Myachkovsky 300, Annual Siberian, Stardust, Strigunovsky, Stuttgarten Risen, Exhibition (3). As well as a Spirit F1 hybrid.

Favorable days for planting onion seedlings in open ground according to the lunar calendar: 1 – 15, 31 May.

Favorable days for planting onion sets before winter according to the lunar calendar in open ground

In general, sevok and during spring planting gives a crop in the current year. But winter sowing has its advantages.

  • the sevok will not disappear – for planting in the fall they use the smallest onions, with a diameter of less than 1 cm, namely, they are not stored in winter – they dry out;
  • time is saved in the spring – in April-May – the peak of work, and planting a sevka takes a lot of time, and if you postpone this procedure to autumn, in the spring there will be more time for other things;
  • the crop sings earlier – during the spring planting of the sowing, the bulbs ripen at the end of August, and during the autumn planting – already in July.

Seeds are planted when the soil temperature drops to 5 ° C and below – this is approximately from October 5 to October 20. It is impossible to plant onions in warm soil – they can start growing and the seedlings will be killed by the next frost.

The area for onions should be light, well ventilated and without stagnant moisture. The distance between the rows is 15–20 cm, in a row the onions are planted at a distance of 8–10 cm. Before planting before winter, the sowing is not soaked and its neck is not cut off!

Close up the onions to a depth of 4 cm. Plantings are useful to mulch with humus – in winter it will protect the onions from severe frosts, and in the spring it will become fertilizer.

The best varieties of onions for planting sevka before winter. 6 varieties can be noted here: Arzamassky, Strigunovsky, Stuttgarter Riesen, Danilovsky, Bessonovsky (3).

Favorable days for planting onion sets before winter according to the lunar calendar: 6 – 7, 11 – 12, 15 – 17 October.

Onion Care Tips

Onions do not like frequent watering. You can not water it at all – and so it will give a decent harvest. But in order to get large bulbs, at the moment when they are formed, it is better to water the turnip – once a week. The next day after watering (and after rains), the soil must be loosened and mulched.

If arrows suddenly appear, they need to be broken out.

Approximately in the middle of August, a feather begins to fall on a one-year-old onion. And after 2 weeks, in the last days of summer, it can be removed.

Popular questions and answers

She told us about what other nuances there are when growing onions. agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mihailova.

How to choose an onion variety?

The first thing you should pay attention to is its sharpness. There are spicy varieties, sweet and intermediate varieties – this is always indicated in the description of the variety. And, of course, you should always check with the State Register of Breeding Achievements – it indicates which varieties are zoned in your region.

Is it possible to sow onion seeds directly in open ground?

Yes, that’s what they usually do. The seedling method allows you to get a large bulb in 1 year, but it is rather troublesome. And when sowing seeds on the beds, the bulb will turn out only in the second year, and in the first it will grow onion sets, which will have to be planted next spring or before winter.

How to process onion sets before planting?

There is a classic option for preparing a seed for planting – it is heated for 8 days at a temperature of 40 – 42 ° C. High temperature disinfects the bulbs, including killing the powdery mildew pathogen, and also reduces further onion shooting.

Do I need to prune onions before planting?

No, you do not need to trim the onion before planting.

Sources of

  1. Fisenko A.N., Serpukhovitina K.A., Stolyarov A.I. Garden. Handbook // Rostov-on-Don, Rostov University Press, 1994 – 416 p.
  2. Yakubovskaya L.D., Yakubovsky V.N., Rozhkova L.N. ABC of a summer resident // Minsk, OOO “Orakul”, OOO Lazurak, IPKA “Publicity”, 1994 – 415 p.
  3. State Register of Breeding Achievements, https://reestr.gossortrf.ru/

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