Onions are one of the most popular plants that are planted and grown by almost all summer residents and gardeners in the open field on their land plots. Of course, everyone has long known that onions are an excellent prevention against diseases, besides, it contains many useful vitamins for our body. And especially for beginner summer residents, questions often arise: when to plant sevok? How to prepare it for planting in open ground? What should be the care in order to harvest a good crop of sevka? And others. This is what will be discussed next.
How to prepare material for sowing
Planting onion sets (nigella) does not take too much time. It requires minimal care, and besides, it behaves very stably until cold weather and droughts. In the process of preparing the seedlings, first of all, you need to sort out. Remove dry, “naked”, diseased, damaged or sprouted fruits. It is also necessary to sort the onions by size, since large bulbs should be planted in open ground first, and only then smaller ones (medium, small).
If you plant not nigella (onion seeds, which are sown in the first year, and from the second year seedlings are planted), but your own seedlings stored at t u19d 22-35 degrees Celsius, in this case there is no need to pre-warm it up . If the sevok is purchased on the market or in a store, it is important to warm it up a few days before sowing. You can place it near warm heaters, a gas stove, or a boiler. A suitable temperature regime is 40-XNUMX degrees Celsius.
You can use an alternative way to prepare the sevka. Before you start planting it, you need to pour the onion into a container with sufficiently hot water (about 70 degrees) for about 20 minutes, then dip it in cold water. Without doing this before landing, there is a very high percentage of the probability that the entire set will go into the arrow.
For pre-soaking the nigella, the following method can be used: nitroammophoska, ammophoska, ROST-1 or another complex fertilizer (1 tablespoon), pour 10 liters of water. Directly in a cloth bag, dip the onion into this solution for 10 hours. After that, do not rinse it. Dip the sevok in the bag into a solution of copper sulphate (per 10 liters of water 1 tsp of the product) to prevent fungi and other diseases. Rinse with clean water and you can plant the seeds in the ground.
All gardeners always modify the planting site of crops in their beds. After all, some plants can perfectly bear fruit in the same place. As for onion sets, it should be grown in the former places of zucchini, white cabbage, tomato, legumes (peas and beans), potatoes. If at least one of the varieties of onions was previously grown on the site, there will be no sense. Such a site is unsuitable for planting sevka. Here, for sure, there are many pests for him, the soil “impoverished” in nutrients for onions. Precursors are also unsuitable: carrots, garlic, cucumbers.
If there is a question about when exactly to plant nigella or sevok, rely on the recommendations of experts and pros in this matter. Many people think that they should be planted in the spring, from the moment the average daily temperature level is within 10 degrees Celsius. Approximately end of April.
During the growing season, it is important to loosen the onion: at least five times, while not more than five centimeters deep. In the process of growing it is also important to water it. When about a month remains before harvesting, watering stops.
Onions are very popular. Its healing properties are simply amazing! In addition, it contains phytoncides, which help to improve the taste of food, as well as digestion and assimilation.
Video “How to plant onion sets»
Recommendations and the process of planting onion sets in open ground at their summer cottage.
We plant in the spring
It is difficult to say exactly when to plant nigella in the spring in the ground. The main thing is that the earth be warmed up to ten centimeters deep. If we talk about the spring months, then tentatively – this is the end of April. The sowing of onions must not be delayed, at the same time, just as it is impossible, they must not be planted in the still cold, unheated ground. In any case, be guided by the temperature of the soil.
Be sure to properly prepare the sevok. Dry it if you bought it in a store. When the material was grown in your own garden, but stored at t = less than 18 degrees Celsius, it is important to warm it up. Before planting the seed, in any case, disinfect (solution of potassium permanganate or vitriol – 10 l / 35 g).
There is an excellent recipe for preparing seedlings for planting in the spring, so that cultivation and care bring pleasure, and the harvest only pleases: dry the material for a week at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius, soak the seedlings in solution before sowing (for 2 liters of water – 2 tablespoons salt). Rinse the bulbs, dip them in a saturated potassium permanganate solution and rinse after two hours. When all this is done – you can plant in the soil.
I plant under the winter
When to plant a meadow before winter? How is it grown and cared for in this case? In fact, this method of sowing has existed for a very long time, but not all gardeners use it. Although recently this method has begun to arouse great interest. Everything is quite simple.
If you have already encountered planting a sevka, then you probably know that keeping it up to this point is not a very easy thing. Growing winter onion sets does not require prior storage, so this is already an advantage. In addition, in the autumn season, the cost of planting materials is much lower, always! In addition, in autumn there is already less workload in the garden, while in the spring sowing of many crops is carried out. Well, the main advantage is the yield, since it is much higher, in contrast to the spring planting of the sevka!
In autumn, the bulbs are larger and more even than in spring. In addition, the onion does not shoot arrows in the fall, and due to this, the fruits ripen well and are of good quality. Seedlings begin faster than spring ones by almost a month, and also faster than weeds, they behave quite steadily against fungal diseases and they are not bothered by the onion fly. Accordingly, the care of autumn onions is minimal!
How to increase productivity
To increase the yield of onions, it is important to follow the rules and basics for caring for them in the beds. The culture is very moisture-loving, so water abundantly. At the same time, keep the weather conditions in mind. The entire growing season is watered twice a week. From July, the abundance of water can be reduced, since too much of it can be harmful and negatively affect the quality of the bulbs. Two to three weeks before harvest, do not water it at all.
It is very important to fertilize the soil, as this directly affects the quality of the yield. For the first time, onions can be fed with manure solutions already two weeks after planting. Then, at least three weeks later – a month.
Once for the whole season, dry mineral fertilizers can be applied to the soil. Regularly and very carefully you need to arrange weeding of onion beds. Due to the many weeds, excessive moisture can form in the soil, which will negatively affect the onion (a fungus may appear).
Be sure to loosen the soil during the entire growth period to oxygenate, and the growth of onion roots is facilitated. Consider the fact that onions can get sick, but by properly processing it, you can prevent this trouble. You can also periodically arrange disease prevention by spraying with this solution: 1 tsp. vitriol + 1 tbsp. l. laundry soap in liquid form per 10 liters of water. Mix well and spray the leaves, but only when they have reached a height of at least twelve centimeters. In addition, the ground can be sprinkled with wood ash. The frequency of treatments is once every 20 days.
Video ” Planting onion sets »
Methods and methods of planting onion sets in open ground.