In order to get a fresh crop of cucumbers earlier, gardeners plant seedlings in the ground. There are many tips on how to properly grow it at home. Ready seedlings are placed in moist soil. An experienced gardener will provide young plants with shelter in the form of a special film.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

What days to plant seedlings of cucumbers

In order for the seedlings to take root well in the garden in 2022, they must be planted on time. If you wait until the plants bloom on the windowsill, after planting in the soil, they may not produce a crop.

On average, 20-25 days are enough for seedlings, and she will be ready to move to the garden. Focusing on this period, you can calculate when in 2022 it is time to sow cucumbers for seedlings. You need to plant in the ground plants that have 2-3 full-fledged leaves. In 2022, the ideal time for planting seedlings is in the second half of April and May.

Important! You can plant cucumbers in the ground in warm weather, provided that at night the air temperature is +5 degrees and above.

Cucumbers are planted in the following order: first greenhouse self-pollinated varieties, then cucumbers for film shelters, the last ones for open ground. 



A plant ready for planting has a couple of large leaves, and its roots occupy a pot. In order for the sprouts to better adapt, a week before moving into the ground, they need to be held at a lower temperature (+18 degrees), set at an open window. However, tender seedlings must be protected from direct sunlight.

When to plant seedlings according to the lunar calendar

To grow a rich harvest, you need to properly prepare seedlings and plant them at a favorable time for this. When a transplant falls on a new moon or a full moon, this negatively affects the growth and development of plants. If you focus on the lunar calendar, you can avoid such days.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

In addition to the general rules and the lunar calendar, one should take into account the climatic features of the region where the landing is planned. For example, in the Urals, the soil warms up only by mid-May. Therefore, seedlings are transferred to open ground no earlier than June 5-12. At night, the bed is covered with a film.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

In the regions of the Far East and Siberia, cucumbers can only be grown in greenhouses. At the same time, in order to maintain a sufficiently high temperature, so-called warm beds are arranged. They are made from a mixture of manure or compost. Due to chemical reactions in such soil, the temperature rises.

An important role is played by the microclimate in the room where the pots with seedlings will be located. At an air temperature of about 23-25 ​​degrees, the seeds will germinate within three days after sowing. If the temperature does not reach even 20 degrees, it will take a week to wait for green sprouts. They may not come up at all.

Important! Cucumbers are thermophilic plants. For them, it is better to choose a place where there is a lot of sunlight and there is no draft.

Where to place seedlings

When growing seedlings at home, it becomes necessary to transplant plants into open ground. It is important to prevent root damage. One way to do this is to plant the plants in organic pots, which can then be completely planted in the ground. There are several options.

  1. Peat tablets. The seeds will germinate quickly. When the sprouts become crowded in them, they are planted on a bed with a film shelter or in a greenhouse.

    When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

  2. peat pot. It is recommended to place it in a plastic container to reduce the evaporation of the liquid and prevent the soil from drying out. Immediately before planting, the peat walls are slightly crushed. Then their decomposition will accelerate, and the roots will be able to germinate freely in the soil.

    When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

  3. A newspaper pot. An economical alternative to a peat tank. Seedlings can also be placed in the ground along with a pot. It is worth considering that such a container will not last long.
  4. Eggshell. This method is suitable for seed germination. A large sprout will not develop there, it will not have enough soil. However, germinating the seeds a week before planting in open ground would be quite appropriate.
  5. A plastic cup. Perhaps the most common way. Yogurt jars and similar containers will do. In the bottom you need to make several holes for oxygen to enter. When the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground, the cup is simply cut, and all its contents are placed in the soil. Then the sprout is sprinkled with earth and lightly rammed it.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

To prepare seedlings of cucumbers, it will take a lot of time. It is important to correctly plant plants in the soil without damaging their roots. If all the recommendations are followed, the preparation of seedlings will allow you to grow fresh cucumbers earlier.

How to prepare the soil

In order for the sprouts to take root quickly and give a good harvest, the soil in the garden must be prepared. Following are the main steps.

  1. Top dressing, there should be enough organic compounds in the ground.
  2. Moisturize just before planting.
  3. Hole preparation.

The best result is obtained by planting seedlings under cover. The young plant is still too tender, and it must be protected from possible night frosts and other adverse effects.

In 2022, the optimal time for planting seedlings in open ground is the end of May or the first decade of June. If night frosts have not yet passed, it is right to provide shelter for cucumbers. On top of the seedlings, arcs of wire or wood are attached, a special film is laid on them. As soon as heat is established, the shelter can be removed.

Care of planted plants

Features of care will depend largely on the chosen variety of cucumbers. In this case, any seedlings moved to the ground will need:

  • timely soil moisture;
  • loosening the earth;
  • bush formation;
  • weeding.

Sprouts are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Planting cucumbers is not recommended. The exact value can be found on the bag of seeds.

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2022

Cucumbers are thermophilic and need regular watering. It should be especially plentiful in the heat. Plants need more moisture when flowers and ovaries appear. For watering cucumbers, it is correct to use warm water.

Important! If you water cucumbers correctly, ripened vegetables will not have a bitter taste.

To get a good harvest of cucumbers in 2022, you should properly prepare the seedlings. Seeds should be sown 20-25 days before the planned planting in open ground. The best time to place plants in the beds is from late May to early June. It is recommended to cover young plants to protect them from the adverse effects of the environment.

Planting cucumber seedlings

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