When to plant cauliflower seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar
Cauliflower is a healthy dietary product and it is grown everywhere in our country. ” Healthy Food Near Me” tells how to plant cauliflower in 2022 according to the lunar calendar in a greenhouse and open ground to reap a big harvest

When to sow cauliflower seeds for seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar

Cauliflower can be grown in a variety of ways.

seedlings. In this case, cauliflower seeds are sown for seedlings in boxes in mid-April to a depth of 1 cm. In the cotyledon phase, the plants dive and are planted in separate cups.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in the first half of May at the age of 50-55 days (1).

Sowing in open ground in spring. With this growing option, cauliflower seeds are sown immediately in open ground in late April – early May. The planting depth and scheme are the same as when growing seedlings.

This method has its advantages. Firstly, seedlings do not take up space at home. Secondly, non-seedling plants have a more developed root system, they are better adapted to drought and lack of nutrition. And most importantly, they ripen two weeks earlier! Although sown later.

Sowing outdoors in summer. Early varieties of cauliflower can be sown in open ground on June 15-20. Cabbage sown in summer often produces larger, better quality heads. Plants are more resistant to heat.

But this method has its downsides. Firstly, seedlings will have to be watered daily – at this time it is usually very hot. Secondly, to protect against pests – at the height of summer there are a lot of them, and cauliflower shoots are very tender. And the cauliflower planted in the summer may not ripen, but it’s not scary – just dig it out with a clod of earth and plant it in a greenhouse or greenhouse – there it will ripen (2). This is usually done at the end of October with the onset of a steady cooling, but at the same time the temperature should not fall below 0 ° C for a long time (3).

Favorable days for sowing cauliflower seeds according to the lunar calendar: 13 – 15, 21 – 22 April, 1 – 15 May, 12 June.

Tips for caring for cauliflower seedlings

The choice of location. It is necessary to grow cauliflower in a sunny area with fertile soil.

Temperature. Cauliflower is the most thermophilic of all varieties. For good growth, she needs a temperature of about 20 ° C. If it falls below 10 ° C, the cabbage will slow down growth, the heads will form small and coarse. And if it is above 25 ° C, the inflorescences will turn out loose.

To prevent this from happening, when the temperature rises, the cauliflower should be well watered and sprayed with water over the leaves. And when lowering – cover with a non-woven fabric.

Watering. Cauliflower should be watered frequently to keep the soil constantly moist. If this is not possible, you need to mulch the beds so that the water evaporates slowly.

Feeding. Before planting seedlings on the beds, it is useful to add humus – 1 bucket plus 1/2 cup of nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of double superphosphate per 1 sq. m. Fertilizers should be evenly scattered over the site and dug up.

Shoots begin to feed when the second true leaf appears: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and 2 teaspoons of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

The second top dressing is done a week after the first, with the same fertilizers, but the dose is increased by 1,5 times.

Adult cauliflower is fed 2-3 times over the summer: 0,5 l of liquid mullein and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of complete mineral fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

Popular questions and answers

We addressed the most popular questions about growing cauliflower agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.

How to choose a variety of cauliflower?

Classic cauliflower varieties have white heads, but now there are varieties with green, purple and orange heads. Which one to choose depends on your preference. But always check with the State Register of Breeding Achievements – it is on the Internet and you can check there if this variety is suitable for your region.

What should be the scheme for planting cauliflower in the open field?

There are 2 classic cauliflower planting patterns – 50 x 40 cm and 60 x 30 cm.

When to harvest cauliflower?

You can understand that the cauliflower is ripe by the heads – they stop growing, become dense and do not break up into inflorescences.

Sources of

  1. A group of authors, ed. Polyanskoy A.M. and Chulkova E.I. Tips for gardeners // Minsk, Harvest, 1970 – 208 p.
  2. Yakubovskaya L.D., Yakubovsky V.N., Rozhkova L.N. ABC of a summer resident // Minsk, OOO “Orakul”, OOO Lazurak, IPKA “Publicity”, 1994 – 415 p.
  3. Fisenko A.N., Serpukhovitina K.A., Stolyarov A.I. Garden. Handbook // Rostov-on-Don, Rostov University Press, 1994 – 416 p.

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