When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?Rows are called a whole family of mushrooms, which includes a huge variety of varieties. Most of them are edible and can be freely eaten. There are also conditionally edible, inedible and even poisonous species. All of them have a different color and taste properties. Ryadovka is considered one of the most common fruiting bodies, but not all mushroom pickers dare to collect them. The fact is that, due to their unusual color, they can be confused with poisonous grebes. It is very important to know what edible rows look like, when to collect them and in what forests.

The rows themselves are very tasty, you can cook many amazingly healthy dishes from them and make excellent preparations for the winter. About 250 species of edible rows grow on our territory. They can be found in almost all forest areas. The most common rows are gray, poplar, purple, giant, massive, and also yellow. Matsutake mushroom is also considered no less popular, but in Our Country it can only be found in the Primorsky Territory.

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Where do rows grow and when to collect them?

When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?[ »»]Before you know when you can start picking mushrooms, you need to note what forests and soils they prefer. So, these fruiting bodies choose mainly mixed and coniferous forests for their settlement. They often grow on sandy soil or forest floor. Very often rows grow in rows or circles, forming the so-called “witch’s rings”. Thus, from one small area you can collect more than one basket of delicious fruiting bodies.

When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?So, when can you collect rows in the forest? First of all, it must be said that the vast majority of rows are autumn mushrooms. They can be found from the end of August to the end of October. Sometimes rows can be found even in the middle and end of November: everything will depend on the climatic characteristics of a particular area.

The most abundant fruiting is observed after the first September cold weather, as well as in early October, when the “Indian summer” comes.

When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?Some rows are “lost” in time and begin to grow in the month of May, but this happens quite rarely. However, it is best to go to the forest with the onset of the first month of autumn or when all the foliage has already fallen. When to pick rowing mushrooms, how they look and how to distinguish them from inedible and poisonous species are the main questions that every mushroom picker should know the answers to.

When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?When to pick rowing mushrooms in the forest?

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