When to pick mint for the winter

When to pick mint for the winter

The essential oils present in the stems of the plant have a beneficial effect on the human body. Mint is used in medicine and cosmetology, as well as cooking.

When is it time to harvest mint for the winter and how to dry it?

You should start harvesting mint for drying in the middle of summer. To do this, you need to choose a dry day. The plant should not be wet during assembly. The time of day also affects the quality of the greenery. In extreme heat, a greenhouse effect is created. Because of this, the foliage becomes sluggish. The collection should be carried out early in the morning or late in the evening, when there is no scorching heat.

The time when it is time to collect mint comes at the beginning of flowering.

After a season of prolonged heat, the plant needs moisture. It should be washed with water and then allowed to dry. Only then can you start cleaning. To get a high-quality second crop, it is necessary to leave short shoots protruding above the ground when cutting. They can be harvested again at the beginning of autumn.

Mint must not be dried in the oven. So it will lose nutrients and lose its exquisite aroma.

The mint leaves are dried for several days. They are wrapped in cloth or paper and then placed in a dark place. The foliage is regularly turned over. This helps prevent moisture build-up, which can damage the plant. During the drying process, it is necessary to isolate it from any heat sources. A stove or battery can cause essential oils to break down.

When is mint harvested: before or after flowering?

The collection of mint leaves should be carried out after the flower ties have formed on them, but have not yet begun to bloom. Useful substances during this period reach their maximum concentration. The stems can be cut at the time of active flowering. When to pick the mint determines its color and aroma after drying. If this is done before flowering, there will be insufficient essential oils in the plant. When dried, it will fade and lose its odor. The same will happen with rough faded mint. In order for the grass to remain in its original form during storage, it is necessary:

  • Store it in a canvas bag or cardboard box – they do not impede air circulation;
  • The leaves can be removed from the stems and placed in a glass jar;
  • Choose a cool and dry place for storage.

Dry mint can be stored for up to 2 years. During this period, it retains a pleasant aroma, green tint, taste and benefits.

It is better to pick mint at the time of flowering. Its flowers contain a large amount of essential oils with healing properties and a pleasant smell.

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