When to harvest winter garlic in Siberia

Some of their varieties of garlic are successfully grown in the cool climate of the Siberian region. This takes into account the requirements for soil treatment and subsequent care of plants. To determine the optimal time for harvesting garlic in Siberia, the characteristics of cultivation are taken into account depending on weather conditions and the timing of its ripening.

When to harvest winter garlic in Siberia

Varieties for growing in cool climates

For planting on Siberian soil, varieties with increased resistance to disease and cold are selected. Good indicators of development and productivity in this region have such varieties of garlic:

  1. “Siberian”. It is often planted in this region. In shape, the bulbs of this variety are rounded flat, with a slight pointed upwards, weighing from 19 to 28 g. The upper scales have a grayish-violet tint. If the plants were planted in autumn, then in March the first sprouts appear. Each bulb has an average of 4 cloves of mauve color.
  2. Variety of garlic Novosibirsk 1 characterized by increased resistance to winter cold. The bulbs reach an average of 19 g. Their shape is almost round, with an upper layer of pale pink scales. In one bulb, there are up to 10 cloves with a semi-sharp taste. From one square meter of area, you can get up to 1,4 kg of this variety. A positive characteristic of Novosibirsk 1 garlic is its resistance to Fusarium.
  3. Peninsular variety Alcor refers to a winter species with a high yield. It is grown both in household plots and on an industrial scale. Up to 3,6 tons of garlic are harvested from one hectare. Alcor bulbs can grow up to 36 g. Each contains up to 5 cloves. Differs in good keeping quality and resistance to diseases.
  4. Siberian variety “Scythian” matures 95 days after planting. Bulbs weighing up to 29 g. Up to 0,8 kg of bulbs can be harvested from one square meter. The scales are quite dense with a white-lilac tint. Successfully resists bacteriosis and white rot.
  5. In a mid-season variety “Cheese-10” flat-round shape of the bulb, weighing up to 30 g. Each consists of 9 teeth of medium density. The variety has increased winter hardiness and the ability to resist diseases. A popular variety for use in canning. The taste is quite spicy. “Syr-10” poorly resists the effects of bacterial rot. The growing season is approximately 87 days. From one square meter, 0,43 kg of garlic is harvested.
  6. Grade “Autumn” – universal. The bulbs are large, weighing up to 41 g. The scales are purple, and the teeth are cream-colored. The bulb has 4 cloves. This variety is considered early maturing. It has good winter hardiness and high yield. In the regions of Siberia, its planting is practiced after the harvest of winter crops at the beginning of the summer season.
  7. Grade “Bashkirsky-85” with flat-round fruits. The bulbs are very large, weighing up to 70 g. Resistant to diseases. It is usually grown commercially. From one hectare it is possible to collect up to 70 tons. To determine when this garlic can be harvested in Siberia, the day of germination is noted, since it reaches technical ripeness 90 days after this moment.
  8. Garlic “Grodekovsky” has good winter hardiness, but low yield. It is possible to collect only 3 tons from 1 hectare. The growing season is about 85 days.
  9. Grade “Reliable” tolerates frosty months well. He has an average degree of maturation. The bulbs are large, 70 g each. This variety has a very good keeping quality, it can be stored up to 11 months.

When to harvest winter garlic in Siberia

Planting technology

To determine the required time for planting winter garlic in Siberia, the need for its rooting before the onset of cold days is taken into account. The optimal period for planting is from late September to early October, and about 45 days remain until frost. If planted at an earlier date, then leaf germination and a decrease in the plant’s resistance to winter temperatures are possible.

Planting winter garlic with bulbs grown at the ends of the arrows is carried out before winter, and the next year they are not dug up, but allowed to overwinter in the soil again. Only a year later, fully formed garlic with several cloves or bulbs consisting of one large head is obtained. This type of garlic planting is most popular in Siberia.

Harvesting garlic

It is wrong to believe that the time is not essential When harvesting winter garlic in Siberia. It is unforgivable to do this ahead of schedule or just a week late. Being in the ground for an extra couple of days can negatively affect the keeping quality. The main condition is that the vegetable is fully ripe. It is necessary to be able to determine the moment when to start digging. Excess time spent in the soil of the heads leads to the fact that the bulb begins to disintegrate, and the scales easily peel off.

Attention! Digging up the garlic ahead of time will cause the bulbs to lose moisture and dry out.

For the cathedral of garlic, planted before winter in the Siberian region, the second half of July is considered the optimal date. At this time, the seed box opens at the ends of the arrows.

Spring garlic is planted in Siberia from the second half of April to May. Unlike winter varieties, they do not shoot arrows. Spring garlic is stored better than planted in the fall.

For faster germination, garlic is soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, wrapped in a cloth moistened with water and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

When to harvest winter garlic in Siberia

The time to dig spring garlic is usually 2 weeks after the start of the collection of winter varieties. This happens from the first half of August and can continue until September 15th. The term varies depending on the vegetation period of the variety (100-125 days), the time of their planting in the ground, as well as on weather conditions and care during cultivation. Prolonged heat leads to the fact that the harvest is carried out earlier than usual.

A signal when to dig up winter garlic in Siberia can be the formation of cracks in the ground in the garden. The dug bulbs must be removed under a canopy to dry for a period of 2 weeks, after which the stump is cut off to 2-3 cm.

When to harvest winter garlic in Siberia

It is not always recommended to cut off arrows from garlic. Some of the varieties do not respond well to such a procedure, and after removing the arrow, the bulbs stop gaining mass. Varieties of garlic brought to the Siberian region from Asia do not tolerate such a procedure, but in local varieties, after the breakage of the arrows, the bulb gains from 10 to 15% of the weight.

The time when garlic planted in spring should be dug up is determined by its appearance. This period usually occurs from the last week of August to September 10th. The leaves by this time become yellow, and the neck of the false stem softens. When dug up, the bulb should be strong, fully formed and undamaged.

You can focus on the lunar calendar or the weather. Cleaning should only be done in dry weather. The bulbs are dug up with a pitchfork and left in the garden until they dry out.

Warning! To ensure the duration of storage, one of the main conditions is not to damage the integrity of the heads.

If the weather is very hot or it rains, then the crop is brought under a canopy to dry it. This process is very important for laying the crop for storage. To make it easier to preserve the garlic, its roots are shortened, leaving 2 cm each, and 7-8 cm are left from the stem so that you can braid or tie the bulbs in a bundle and hang the bunch on the wall.

Storage of garlic

After the garlic has been dug up, 2 methods are used to preserve it in the winter: warm and cold. For thermal storage, garlic is laid out in cloth bags or cardboard boxes, and placed in a dark place with a cool temperature. For cold storage, use a place in a refrigerator or cellar, where the temperature is not higher than +5 degrees.

Sometimes these two methods are combined. At the same time, after six months of storage in a warm room, the garlic is lowered into the basement or put in the refrigerator for 2 months. This stimulates the growth of planting material after it is planted in the soil.

When to remove the garlic. How to find out the cleaning time?

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