To grow a living green carpet in front of the house, and maintain its condition from spring to late autumn, it is necessary to regularly apply special fertilizers for lawn grass to the soil. Soil poor in nutrients, frequent mowing, temperature changes and other negative factors contribute to the depletion of the grass cover – the vegetation becomes dull, turns yellow and eventually loses its original appearance. This problem can be solved only by periodic feeding of the lawn using traditional organic fertilizers, as well as modern balanced complexes.
What substances to use
Until recently, gardeners and summer residents preferred natural lawn fertilizers, such as humus, peat, compost. Now, ready-made complex mixtures containing a complete set of mineral and organic substances necessary for growing and maintaining lawn grass are more popular. Of course, the composition of such mixtures can be different, but the basis of each of them is three main substances:
- Nitrogen. In the complex fertilizer for the lawn, it must be present. Nitrogen contributes to the development of plants: accelerates the growth of grass, improves the density and intensity of color. The substance tends to evaporate from the soil, as well as to be absorbed by the roots, so its reserves need to be replenished several times during the season, mainly in spring and summer.
Particular emphasis on nitrogen fertilizers should be done in early spring, when the active growth of grass begins. During this period, complex fast-acting mixtures containing high concentrations of nitrogen are used. In autumn, nitrogen fertilization of the lawn should be minimal, since intensive grass growth before wintering is undesirable. From organic fertilizers, a lot of nitrogen contains manure, bird droppings. Peat is not very rich in nitrogen, therefore, when it is applied in spring, additional fertilizing with minerals is required.
- Phosphorus. Promotes the strengthening and growth of the root system, improves grass nutrition, thereby accelerating its growth. After fertilizing with phosphorus, side shoots begin to actively develop near the grass, and soon the lawn turns into a thick green carpet. Fertilizers containing phosphorus, are introduced into the ground in spring and autumn.
- Potassium. Increases the resistance of grass to diseases and the effects of natural factors: drought, frost. Potassium is no less important for the lawn than phosphorus and nitrogen – it prolongs the green period of plants, and helps to preserve the color. Potassium fertilizers are applied in spring and also in autumn.
Video “Necessary information for gardeners”
What you need to know about lawn fertilizers.
Lawn fertilization
Lawn fertilization is carried out in stages during the spring-autumn season. In the spring, before digging up and sowing the grass, starter fertilizers are applied to the soil, which increase the properties of the soil. It can be both complex granular preparations and herbal mixtures, which have already added useful components. For depleted soil, before laying the lawn, it is recommended to sow green manure – plants that, after being embedded in the ground, turn into an organic fertilizer similar to peat, manure. Green manures such as mustard, lupine, buckwheat are suitable as top dressing for the lawn. The most suitable time for planting them is spring and summer, so that by autumn they can be processed, and over the winter they have turned into humus.
With a strong depletion of the soil, green manure is recommended to be sown 2-3 times during the summer. As soon as the green mass grows, it is dug up with the ground, after which the landing procedure is repeated. Green manure allows you to solve many problems with soil fertility and is a good alternative to other organic materials: peat, manure, manure.
Seasonal top dressing is carried out in spring, summer and autumn. The best top dressings for spring are complex mixtures with a high concentration of nitrogen, as well as phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers, which include these components, are applied to the soil in early spring, immediately after the snow melts. The granulated mixture is evenly scattered over the lawn, after which it is plentifully watered. Simultaneously with ready-made dressings, peat and compost can be introduced into the soil.
For summer top dressing, fertilizers are used, which include potassium. If the lawn has lost its brightness, weeds and moss have begun to grow, potassium will help restore the condition of the grass and return the coating to its former luxury. Many gardeners also use Fertik brand fertilizer for this purpose. This company produces several types of products that can be used for the lawn: “Lawn Fertik”, “Spring-Summer Fertik” and “Autumn Fertik”.
“Lawn Fertika” is a dry granules that need to be laid in the soil in the spring. After applying the drug, the soil should be well watered, and only then the grass should be sown. In the future, fertilizer is applied 1 time per month after cutting. The consumption of Fertik for lawns is 5 kg / 100 sq. m. To maintain a healthy appearance of the grass cover, Fertik’s preparation is recommended to be used from early spring to August.
In the process of preparing the lawn for winter, Fertik Autumn fertilizer is used. The last top dressing is carried out immediately before digging the site in early autumn. The consumption of granular fertilizer in this case is 1 bag/30 sq. m. In mid-autumn, when lawn grass needs to be prepared for wintering, potassium-phosphorus top dressings are introduced into the soil with a predominance of phosphorus. This component strengthens the roots and promotes the development of side shoots, which helps the grass survive low temperatures. Potassium increases the protective functions of plants, prevents the development of diseases. Also, during the autumn feeding, peat, or other organic materials, are introduced into the soil for the lawn.
How the weather affects
Before fertilizing the lawn, it is recommended to study the weather forecast for the coming days.
In order for nutrients to dissolve more quickly and more fully assimilate, the soil must be moist. Therefore, the days after precipitation and before the onset of rain are considered ideal for fertilizing, when the earth is wet and the greenery is dry. It is also good to fertilize before the rainy season, but in this case, before fertilizing, the soil should be wetted.
During a drought, experts do not advise feeding the grass. If the spring or summer turned out to be dry, and the condition of the lawn requires immediate action, then suitable conditions must be created artificially. The lawn cover should be thoroughly watered the day before fertilizing, and then watered again a couple of days after application.
Fertilizer technology
There are several most acceptable ways to fertilize your lawn:
- Manual entry. The simplest method involves evenly distributing one half of the fertilizer along the lawn and the other half across the lawn. The method is equally good for complex and pure organic fertilizers such as peat and manure.
- With a sprayer or watering can. These devices are convenient to use for liquid fertilizers in the form of a concentrated solution, which is diluted with water. Also, by soaking, you can prepare top dressing from peat, mullein. When working, observe safety measures: wear protective clothing and rubber gloves, wash your hands thoroughly after work. For a large lawn, it is better to purchase a special sprinkler in the store – this will help save time and effort.
- mechanical way. In this case, a special seeder is used, which must be carefully moved across the lawn. This method allows you to disperse the fertilizer more evenly. After applying top dressing, the seeder should be thoroughly washed and dried.
Any of the above methods is effective only if:
- proper breeding of top dressing in accordance with the instructions;
- uniform distribution of the composition over the surface – uneven application of lawn fertilizer leads to grass burning and staining.
In addition, at the end of the feeding procedure, the lawn must be watered well.
Video “How to properly maintain a lawn”
An informative video on how to properly care for and maintain a green lawn.