When to cut off arrows from garlic and why is it necessary?

Every gardener who grows winter garlic on his plot knows that some of its varieties are capable of forming arrows – green shoots with inflorescences at the top. In the future, small seed bulbs ripen on these shoots, used as planting material. However, if obtaining seeds is not the ultimate goal of growing a crop, then garlic arrows should be removed. This agricultural technique will allow you to grow larger heads, and thereby increase productivity.

Why cut off

Winter garlic fully ripens by mid-summer, and in early June, as soon as the plants fully grow and form feathers, arrow varieties form long dense shoots – arrows with peduncles at the top. Arrows appear from the middle of the leaves, just in the center of the neck of the bulb. This arrangement contributes to the fact that biologically active compounds from the bulb begin to move into the arrow.

When to cut off arrows from garlic and why is it necessary?

For the growth of the inflorescence, the formation and maturation of seeds, many nutrients are required. As soon as the arrow has formed, the plant directs all the forces and resources to seed maturation, which is why it is so important to remove the arrows of garlic before flowering. If this is not done on time, due to the outflow of nutrients, a delay in the development of the bulbs will begin to occur.

It is noticed that as soon as these dense shoots are removed, the bulbs grow again, and vice versa, if they are not removed at all, the heads will grow small, and the overall yield will decrease by a third. Another negative point is that the ripening of arrowhead garlic is delayed by 2 weeks, or even more.

It is not necessary to cut off all the arrows of garlic. Many gardeners leave a few pieces and use them to determine the degree of ripeness of the garlic. If the seed box at the end of the arrow is cracked, you can start digging out the heads. And if you let these air bulbs ripen to the end, you will get an excellent seed.

When to cut off arrows from garlic and why is it necessary?

When to cut off

There are several opinions on when it is better to remove garlic arrows. Some vegetable growers believe that this should be done as early as possible – as soon as they become noticeable. If you remove them immediately, then the appearance of shoots with peduncles is guaranteed not to affect the growth of the plant and the formation of bulbs.

However, early plucking of arrows also has disadvantages – at this stage, the growth of the shoot does not stop, and even without the top, it continues to develop. This leads to the fact that over time, the arrows of garlic need to be removed repeatedly, and sometimes more than once.

Some gardeners advise cutting off the arrows when they begin to twist. Removal at this stage eliminates the possibility of regrowth – there simply will not be enough time before harvest. But this option also has disadvantages. For such a long time, the arrows of garlic will have time to take a lot of useful substances from the plant, which does not have the best effect on the size and timing of the ripening of the heads.

When to cut off arrows from garlic and why is it necessary?

It is considered more correct to remove the arrows during the period when their length reaches 10–15 cm. These are the optimal periods at which it is likely that the shoots will not have time to grow back, and at the same time they have not yet had time to consume many useful substances from plants.

It should be said that there are no exact dates or signs by which garlic arrows are removed. Each gardener carries out this procedure at his own discretion: someone cuts off several times during the season, and someone waits for the shoots to straighten. It is important to remember the most important thing: it is imperative to cut off the arrows, and the sooner you do this, the more likely you are to get a high yield.   

How to cut off

There can be several ways to remove shoots from garlic, and which one you use does not matter. The main thing is that the plant is not damaged in this process. The arrow must not be pulled out, as the stem may be torn. Outwardly, this is not noticeable, but the plant soon begins to turn yellow, and the leaves dry, which, of course, affects the yield. In addition, there is a danger that the plant will be damaged by the root, or it will break out of the soil completely.

When to cut off arrows from garlic and why is it necessary?

Alternatively, the arrows of garlic can be broken out with your hands or simply pinched off at the base (in this place the shoot is the most fragile). The method has several minor disadvantages, which can be completely avoided. Firstly, when plucking, the cut of the arrow will be uneven, so this place will take longer to heal. And secondly, there is also a possibility of damage to the plant, since the roots of garlic are very thin and close to the surface, and the bulb can be accidentally pulled out or the root system torn.  

Ideally, the arrows should be cut with special tools: secateurs, garden shears. These devices are necessary if the arrows have grown too large or stiff. Young shoots can be easily removed with ordinary scissors and even a kitchen knife.

The procedure for removing arrows is recommended to be carried out in the morning, preferably on a sunny day – then during the day the cut of the plant can dry out. You need to cut off the arrow not at the base, but about 1 cm higher so as not to damage the stem.

Broken shoots should not be thrown away – many housewives prepare delicious snacks from them, preserve them in a variety of ways.

Video “What to do with garlic arrows”

This video shows what to do with the arrows and why you need it.

Arrows at the garlic. What to do with them. 24.06.15/XNUMX/XNUMX.

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