When the roach goes to spawn, the water temperature

When the roach goes to spawn, the water temperature

The beginning of spawning of roach, like some other fish species, depends on many factors, such as water temperature, water level, weather conditions and the climatic zone in which roach lives. Roach spawning is a serious and responsible moment that deserves everyone’s attention. When many factors begin to indicate the beginning of spawning, roach gather in large flocks and begin to spawn in order to continue their kind.

When does roach spawning start?

When the roach goes to spawn, the water temperature

The spawning process in roach may begin in March-April, although the specific date can be mistaken due to some factors affecting the spawning process:

  • type of reservoir;
  • region;
  • water temperature;
  • weather.

Almost all factors have a significant impact on one factor – water temperature. It is on this factor that the beginning of roach spawning depends.

Water temperature

When the roach goes to spawn, the water temperature

As soon as the water in the reservoir warms up to + 12ºС, the roach begins to spawn. In the colder regions of Russia, roach gather for spawning already at a water temperature of +8ºС. This is due to the fact that here the water warms up quite slowly and the roach is not going to wait until the water warms up to a temperature of +12ºС. This indicates the fact that the fish have adapted to such weather conditions.

Type of reservoir

Reservoirs can be different, both large and small, both deep and shallow, both with stagnant and running water. The start of roach spawning depends on the rate of water heating. Naturally, in reservoirs with stagnant water, roach will spawn earlier, since the water in them warms up much faster, especially if the reservoir is not deep. In this case, roach spawning may begin as early as the end of March. In large reservoirs, lakes and rivers, the spawning process may be delayed by 2-3 weeks due to the slow warming of the water. However, large volumes of water require more energy to heat up.


When the roach goes to spawn, the water temperature

The spawning period of roach depends on weather conditions. With established warm spring weather, spawning can start early and end quickly. If it gets colder during this period, then the fish can postpone spawning and restore it only after another warming. With a protracted spring, roach spawning may not begin until May. Despite this, the fish will definitely spawn and after a while the offspring of roach will appear.


As a rule, roach starts spawning from the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. Somewhere in late March early April, she goes to spawn. Then, gradually, with a period of one week, fish spawning continues towards the northern regions. The farther from the heat, the later the fish leaves to spawn. In the middle lane, roach spawning falls in mid-April. In the reservoirs of Belarus, spawning begins in the same way, somewhere in mid-April, and if the spring is warm, then in early April. Closer to the northern regions of Russia, roach spawning begins at the end of May. Naturally, this is not accurate data and annually this period may shift in one direction or another. And yet, you should be guided by these data. There are only rare exceptions when these terms do not coincide.

How is roach spawning

When the roach goes to spawn, the water temperature

Before going to spawn, the fish begins to actively feed. This is the so-called pre-spawning zhor. Having gathered in numerous flocks, the roach begins to grab everything edible that may be in its path. After all, it is very important for fish to gain strength in order to successfully spawn. For fishermen, the most productive stage of catching fish is coming. At the same time, nevertheless, it should be remembered that how much fish will remain for our descendants depends on uncontrolled catches. Two weeks before the start of spawning, males develop small pimples that look like warts. If you look at the fish, you are unlikely to notice anything, but if you take the fish in your hands, then these pimples are felt immediately, which indicates the readiness of the roach for spawning. Females remain smooth, but are covered with a kind of mucus, which is designed to protect the weakened body of the fish from diseases and parasites. After spawning, during the first week, such signs disappear, and the fish begins to live a measured life.

When the roach begins to spawn, it is almost impossible not to notice what is happening, because it behaves quite noisily. The fish jumps out of the water and falls back into the water with a noise, and also rubs against the reeds and other algae. Favorite places for spawning roach are:

  • factory;
  • backwaters;
  • oxbow lakes and places of blockages of bushes or trees;
  • coastal zones.

Roach has very sticky eggs, therefore, it leaves it on last year’s underwater vegetation, on the roots of trees that are under water, on stones and other objects. She chooses places where there are artificial barriers or heaps of fallen branches.

The roach chooses rather small (up to 20 cm) areas, which leads to the frequent death of offspring due to the premature departure of water from its spawning grounds. Quite often, this happens on artificial reservoirs, where the water level can drop sharply due to the release of water. Therefore, the discharge of water from reservoirs must be coordinated with the relevant services. Recently, more and more often, caviar is dying, and fish from uncoordinated descents of water.

The development of eggs and the appearance of fry

When the roach goes to spawn, the water temperature

It takes about two weeks before the fry appear, if the weather conditions are suitable. After birth, the fry remain for some time near the spawning grounds, hiding in the coastal vegetation. Roach fry are able to stay on the leaves of vegetation due to the sticky enzyme that is secreted in the lower part of the stigma. After a few days, the fry gather in flocks and go to the shallows in search of food.

In the 2nd or 3rd year of their life, young roaches will be able to lay eggs in order to continue their genus. As a rule, they will go to the places where they themselves were born. Unfortunately, only a few will survive. In the process of growing fry, a lot of dangers await. After all, predators such as perch and asp do not mind chasing the fry. Among other things, the human factor also has a significant impact. It is very important to give the roach an opportunity to at least spawn.

Roach spawning, video

Fishing 3. Roach went to spawn

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