When the patient’s blood was drawn, their jaw dropped. «It looks like raspberry juice with white chocolate»

A photo has been released on the web that works very strongly on the imagination. And it can be an effective deterrent – better than any verbal cautions. This is specifically about what blood donors found in one of their patients. See as a warning!

Extremely high levels of triglycerides. “Ticking bomb”

The authors of the Facebook profile “Medical Rescue – we share a common passion”, who are revealing the secrets of their daily work, this time shared a terrifying photo. It is not known where exactly it comes from (certainly not from Poland). The only information that is given is that the photograph is about a 49-year-old woman.

«Such blood when collected… (4400 triglycerides). A ticking bomb … » —We read in the description for the photo, which shows that the blood drawn in the syringe is largely white. Why? From an excess of triglycerides, which are fats.

  1. See also: How to lower your triglyceride levels? Eight healthy ways

A gruesome result

Like raspberry juice with white chocolate

Fat man

I thought it was Panna Cotta or some drink

I have never seen such blood in my life

– Internet users commented, not hiding their surprise.

Triglycerides – what are they and what are the standards?

Triglycerides are simple and complex fats that are used by the body as a building block of adipose tissue and as a source of energy. They are produced by the liver from fatty acids and carbohydrates, but only to a certain extent. Most of them go to the body along with the provided food.

Norms of triglycerides in individuals

The triglyceride values ​​are as follows:

  1. fixed standard: up to 150 mg / dl,
  2. women: 35-135 mg / dl (0,40 – 1,54 mmol / l),
  3. men: 40-160 mg / dl (0,45 – 1,82 mmol / l),
  4. children: below 100 mg / dl (1,13 mmol / l),

See also: Triglycerides

High triglyceride values ​​can coexist with many serious diseases. Among them, diseases such as, for example:

  1. obesity,
  2. atherosclerosis,
  3. type II diabetes,
  4. stroke,
  5. myocardial infarction,
  6. fatty liver,
  7. Hypothyroidism.

See also: Doctors warn: these habits raise cholesterol

Buy a supplement with Omega 3 – N ° 1 Omega VIT acids now, at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. What are the elevated triglycerides evidence?
  2. Hyperlipidemia – types, causes, symptoms, treatment, diet [EXPLAINED]
  3. Spices can alleviate the bad effects of fatty foods on the heart

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