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Confused voice, wet palms and the same sucking in the stomach: slight nausea, rumbling and discomfort in the intestines. What is this problem, why does it arise and how to deal with it?
Cramps, colic, bloating, intestinal discomfort, stool disorders … Even in the absence of diagnosed problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such symptoms can occur in response to anxiety, stress, intestinal infection and other external factors. Experts call this phenomenon “irritable bowel syndrome,” or IBS.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional gastrointestinal disorder that does not imply a pathology of any organ or tissue and is manifested by the appearance of symptoms such as spasms, colic, bloating, impaired gastrointestinal motility (diarrhea, constipation, or their alternation).
Stress or other external factors activate the release of chemicals that alter the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. This becomes the reason for the uncoordinated communication between the brain and the intestine, and as a result, the latter begins to overreact to changes, causing the symptoms characteristic of IBS.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a fairly common disease – about 30% of people between the ages of 25 and 50 suffer from it. Unfortunately, women experience IBS 2-4 times more often than men.
Of course, irritable bowel syndrome can somewhat reduce the quality of life, provoke psychological discomfort, affect self-confidence during important events … However, do not be upset – there are modern and quick ways to cope with IBS symptoms!
First of all, it is necessary to remember that an integrated approach is important in the fight against IBS. It is not necessary to collect a huge list of medicines for each of the symptoms: simethicone – for bloating, antidiarrheal or laxatives to restore normal stool, antispasmodics to relieve pain, colic and other uncomfortable sensations …
This approach is not entirely correct, because individual symptoms will disappear, but IBS as a complex phenomenon can return regularly. To fully combat irritable bowel syndrome, it is better to use a complex drug that not only eliminates the symptoms, but also affects the cause of IBS.
An excellent example of such a tool is
It is especially important that the selective action of Neobutin® does not affect other organs and tissues and, in comparison with other antispasmodics, does not additionally reduce blood pressure in hypotensive patients and does not increase the number of heartburn recurrences in persons susceptible to it.
Neobutin® is a comprehensive remedy for IBS symptoms that will help you regain self-confidence!