When the heat in Volgograd ends, when the heat in Volgograd subsides, the weather in Volgograd

Irina Dmitrieva, gastroenterologist:

– Don’t overload your digestive system with heavy foods. For some reason, in the summer everyone relies on kebabs, but, on the contrary, it is necessary to limit the use of meat. And eat vegetables and fruits: the stomach will thank you and replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals. Just try to eat vegetables and fruits from the dacha or buy from friends, now, alas, there are many products on the market that are stuffed with chemicals.

In the summer, I would even recommend drinking cold drinks with ice, eating ice cream, so you will not overheat if you walk in the sun. Only everything is within reasonable limits!

Two liters of ordinary water a day is the norm at any time of the year, and in the summer you can and should drink more. If suddenly you have been in the sun for a long time or do not feel well, drink cold mineral water with gas: this way you will quickly bring your condition back to normal and prevent overheating.

During the hours of solar activity, try not to go out into the sun unnecessarily.

Svetlana Dryaba, psychiatrist:

– Take a shower more often! A hot shower is more effective – it dilates blood vessels, and as a result, heat exchange improves and you can more easily endure the heat.

Wear light, loose clothing made from natural fabrics, in such heat, clothing made from synthetic fabrics can lead to skin diseases.

Everyone knows about drinking plenty of fluids and limiting fatty and fried foods, but I will repeat!

Andrey Zhidkikh, pediatric cardiologist:

– My advice to mothers is not to walk with children in the very heat. Children’s time on the street – early morning and evening. If you still went for a walk during the day, look for shade, direct sunlight is dangerous for children. We choose clothes for babies only from light natural fabrics, put on a panama hat on our head, and give them more to drink. Physical activity for children in the heat, unlike adults, should not be limited. If the child feels good, he will not sit still for sure!

Sergey Ivanov, masseur:

– In the summer, especially in the heat, our skin, like no other time, requires cleansing and moisturizing. After all, it is the skin that is exposed to the sun’s rays and is open to all winds. The power of ice, which rejuvenates and heals, has been known for a long time. A well-known example from the history of the French court, 20th century. Diane de Poitiers, a favorite of King Henry II, used crushed ice for skin care to preserve her youth and beauty. She was almost XNUMX years older than the king, but despite this, her skin looked great and so young that the courtiers even talked about how he had sold his soul to the devil in exchange for eternal youth … What is the magic power of ice ?

When it is used, blood flow is increased, metabolic processes are improved, as a result, the skin is cleansed and moisturized, its tone increases, pores are narrowed, wrinkles are smoothed, and aging processes are slowed down. A natural glow appears on the face.

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