When the hair is sick – alopecia, mycosis, seborrheic dermatitis

The most frequently discussed topics related to hairy scalp diseases are dandruff and hair loss. These ailments are not only an aesthetic problem, they can also be a symptom of serious diseases.

Hair loss and dandruff are often the result of improper scalp care (e.g. dryness) or the use of an incorrect diet. In some cases, however, the problem is much more serious.

Alopecia – not only a male problem

In general, it is a physiological process based on hormones (the so-called androgenic alopecia). The tendency to male pattern baldness is inherited and is associated with the hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to testosterone derivatives. In women of this type, alopecia may be the result of ovarian dysfunction, most often in the climacteric period. Hair loss is a gradual process, starting from the frontal angles and the top of the head.

Other types of alopecia – alopecia areata and generalized, appear suddenly and are caused by factors such as: hormonal disorders, internal and dermatological diseases, infections, poisoning, and may also be caused by mental experiences. In alopecia areata, the hair often grows back over time.

Supporting hair loss, you can reach for a dietary supplement with saw palmetto or a Delpos dermocosmetics set for hair loss.

Parasitic fungi on the scalp

One of the common diseases of the scalp is mycosis caused by fungi classified as dermatophytes. Symptoms of the disease are very varied – there may be single or multiple lesions covered with gray-white scales with broken hair at the same height close to the skin surface or at different heights (shearing mycosis).

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If within the lesion there are earwax discs that adhere well to the scalp, we are dealing with the earwax form of mycosis.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Among the common diseases of the hairy skin, specialists also mention seborrheic dermatitis. The underlying causes of this disease are increased sebum secretion, chronic, mild inflammation and infection with the fungus Pityrosporum ovale. The disease manifests as erythematous foci with fine-flaked exfoliation, sometimes there is an accumulation of gray-yellow scales saturated with sebum.

Hair loss and scalp exfoliation can also be a symptom of many other diseases, such as psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, syphilis, lichen, etc. Therefore, any disturbing symptoms should be consulted with a doctor and treated as soon as possible.

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