When the brain is overloaded: how to quickly restore performance

We live in an era of multitasking and information noise. But sometimes, due to stress and overload, the brain begins to “strike” – often make mistakes or work too slowly. We offer two methods to quickly restore the working capacity of the brain.

The subconscious mind processes information not in the form of words and numbers, but in the form of images and images. The creation of mental images is directly related to the nervous system, which regulates the basic functions of the body, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion.

The mechanisms of mental image processing intelligently manage our lives, ensuring the consistency of actions. In other words, they connect our inner world with the outer. Two techniques that will help organize your thoughts and make the right decision.


Often we are faced with a choice. At this point, it is necessary to soberly assess the pros and cons of alternative options. Here are a few steps to help you make the right choice.

1. Stop talking and try to even out your breathing

Narrow your options as much as possible. There should be no more than four. Choose the most reliable paths that are most likely to lead to the desired result.

2. Consider each opportunity in detail

Turn on the imagination and imagine all the risks, obstacles, chances and conditions. This is a long process that requires attention and effort, but the quality of the solution depends on it.

3. Make the best decision

Explain to yourself why this decision seems to you the most reasonable. Even if this choice does not lead to the desired result, if the decision turns out to be wrong, at the moment you made it, it was the most reasonable one.

This is the only way to make a vital choice and gain respect. Our choice shows who we really are. This technique increases self-confidence and teaches us to notice and appreciate the relationships that arise in our lives.

At the epicenter of events

This technique is effective in stressful situations that happen in everyone’s life – in the family, at work, at sports competitions. It will help you stay calm and overcome the crisis.

1. Remember that you are facing an event that you have little or no control over.

Some events occur against our will, and you should not waste your energy on worrying about this. The goal is to deal with the situation as quickly as possible with minimal losses.

2. Stop talking and try to even out your breathing

Shift your focus from the storm that is raging around you to the calm place you have inside. Your inner world is a lifeline that provides support.

3. Switch thoughts away from negative events

Concentrate on positive actions that you can regulate – inhaling and exhaling. Through calm, even breathing, you will gradually gain control over the situation and feel the power.

The mantra will help you: “My behavior is the only thing I can control, but it’s not enough at all.”

4. Imagine this: you are going through a storm and coming out of it healthy, focused and wise.

This technique helps to find a center of calm and discipline within yourself, and also gives confidence that in the future you will be able to adequately accept any challenges.

About the author: Guy Joseph Eil is a psychologist and vice president of the Asia Pacific Psychological Association.

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