Physiologically, by the age of 20, we are fully ready to conceive and give birth to a child. Our fertility peaks at 25, stays high for a decade, after which it declines.
You dream of motherhood, but you’re not sure if it’s the right time. There are many reasons for postponing decisions – you will wait until you strengthen your professional position, pay off a few more years of credit … There are so many matters that should be closed first.
Fertility Peak
the most suitable time to get pregnant is before the age of 30, which for many young women interferes with gaining education or professional experience. Our body is fully developed, we have plenty of energy, but we do not necessarily feel the maternal instinct. It is worth considering when we want to take on a new role in our lives, how to plan professional development, because our fertility, unfortunately, has a limited time. We may not be able to get pregnant after the age of 25, but there are cases where infertility is diagnosed as early as age XNUMX. Postponing this decision indefinitely is unfavorable as the probability of genetic defects, including Down syndrome and chromosomal aberrations, increases with age, and the risk of complications or failure to carry a pregnancy increases.
Interact on the right days
14 days before menstruation, the follicle of Graf ruptures and releases an egg, which is when ovulation takes place. If we have decided to become pregnant, we should make love during pregnancy and in the days around ovulation. In pharmacies, we can buy an ovulation test, which is available without a prescription. Another way is to keep a calendar of fertile days, which involves daily observation of mucus and temperature measurement, which is quite troublesome. There are calculators on the internet to calculate the fertile days. Undoubtedly, the most pleasant way to get pregnant is frequent intercourse. Sex every two to three days will ensure optimal sperm count.
Before pregnancy
Three months in advance, be sure to test for rubella antibodies, get vaccinated against it if the result turns out to be negative. This will reduce the risk of heart and hearing defects in the baby, miscarriage. It is important to perform an ultrasound examination of the nipples and reproductive organs as well as cytology tests. Don’t forget the toxoplasmosis antibody test. Check blood sugar, urine, and complete blood count, because low levels of erythrocytes and hemoglobin indicate anemia, and elevated leukocytes indicate reduced immunity. Check the presence of cytomegalovirus and HBS antigens. There is a risk of a serological conflict when a woman has the blood group RH- and the child inherits RH+ from the father, in which case the antibodies will destroy the child’s blood cells.