When suddenly everyday life becomes impossible. 5 tips that will make the daily toilet of a dependent person easy again

There are various reasons why elderly people find it difficult to take care of their hygiene. Due to many diseases, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, surgery, intensive treatment, disability or problems with joints, even simple tasks become difficult to perform. Helping a loved one in need can help to improve their health and hygiene as well as the quality and comfort of life.

Proper hygiene is very important, because if it is not followed, various skin diseases may develop, infections may appear, or simply the sick person may be accompanied by an unpleasant smell.

Fitness people take their hair or shower washed every day for granted, but for the elderly or the sick, these seemingly simple and easy activities cause a lot of trouble. It is enough to think about the number of diseases our parents or grandparents suffer from, about the fact that they do not have as much strength as they used to. That is why we present some ideas and tips to help people dependent on hygiene.

Safe and warm bathroom

Taking care of hygiene will become easier for our loved ones if their apartments and houses are properly adapted. The elderly and the sick have problems with moving and performing many activities that are trivial to us.

The bathroom is perhaps the most critical part of the house. It is here that each of us cares about our hygiene, but it is also here that the greatest dangers lurk: slippery floor, high and slippery bathtub and cool surfaces. So let’s make sure that the bathroom has appropriate anti-slip mats on the floor and in the shower or in the bathtub. Elderly people are very afraid to slip so as not to lose their balance, because firstly they will not be able to get up and secondly, their bones are very prone to fractures. Therefore, it is also worth installing handles that the patient can hold on to or lift on them. If our patient is weak, you can use walkers, and in the shower and in the bathtub put a specialized chair or stool on which he can simply sit.

It should also be warm in the bathroom. Older people feel cold more acutely than young people. So let’s take care of the right temperature and, for example, a warm, soft bathrobe.

Toilet – overcome the depression of an elderly person, lower the standards yourself

This is somewhat strange advice, but very important. Older people may find it difficult to wash and hygiene regularly for several reasons, depression being one of the more common. When we feel depressed and depressed, we have no desire or motivation to wash ourselves, and depression very often affects our loved ones. Older people also wash less often, because they often simply forget about it. Another reason is, of course, the limitations of their diseased bodies and the fear of slipping in the shower, for example.

So let’s talk to our parents or grandparents and learn about their ordinary everyday problems, which they do not always want to talk about, so as not to worry anyone. It is also worth helping the elderly, for example by simply reminding them or providing appropriate hygiene measures.

Older people are often very stubborn and faithful to their beliefs and habits, and it is very difficult to persuade them to change their behavior. In that case, let’s be consistent and patient, but lower our expectations. Perhaps it is not worth arguing every time about the lack of hygiene of our loved ones.

Practical gadgets and a “healthy” motivation for hygiene

Here are some tips for caring for your elderly skin, hair and teeth.

The skin is the largest organ in our body. In the elderly, it is very delicate, sensitive to pressure and rubbing. Additionally, there are many folds and kinks in the elderly. The skin should be washed with gentle agents intended for the elderly, and after the bath, the creases can be smeared with special creams or ointments for chafing. We should pay attention to the fact that an elderly person should also wash these hard-to-reach places, which prevents the occurrence of infections and unpleasant smell.

It is also worth noting that we do not need a shower or bath every day. The skin under the armpits and around the groin can be washed with a damp cloth or special moist wipes.

There are products for washing without water on the market. Products that do not require rinsing with water are a perfect complement to the traditional toilet of the body, they shorten the care time, while ensuring adequate cleansing and moisturizing of the patient’s skin.

Hair is very important to the elderly, especially women. So let’s not underestimate the beautiful hairstyles that our mothers and grandmothers strive for. Let’s help them, e.g. invite a hairdresser who can come home and arrange their hair professionally.

Teeth and oral cavity can cause problems for the elderly due to diseases, such as diabetes, osteoporosis or treatment, including chemotherapy. They are conducive to dry mouth, ulcers, thrush and mycosis. So it’s very important to brush your teeth and tongue gently every day. It is also worth recommending special mouthwashes to an elderly person. As it is problematic to hold the small handle of the toothbrush with your aching fingers, it is worth wrapping the handle with an additional cloth, for example.

Clean clothes and bedding – remind and help

It happens that the elderly neglect the cleanliness of their clothes and bedding. They do not wash because they think that the clothes are still clean, they forget about it or it is simply a difficult activity for them. Remember that the elderly have a dull sense of taste and smell and do not always feel that it is time to change clothes. Additionally, the problem becomes a nuisance if the elderly person suffers from urinary incontinence. Special covers and pads can be applied to the bed, and our loved one can use pads or absorbent panties or diaper pants for adults if the problem is serious.

Here you can check how to efficiently and safely change an absorbent product to a lying person:

Moreover, the very act of washing may become too difficult. Washing machines have a low opening, making it difficult for older people to bend down and wet fabrics are heavy. By placing the washing machine on an elevation, we will make their lives easier. Some elderly people prefer top-loading washing machines. If our parents or grandparents are no longer able to do the laundry themselves, let’s just do it for them.

Specialist help

If our loved ones are not able to perform many activities alone, and we cannot support them often enough, we should provide them with specialist help, e.g. a qualified nurse or people from care centers. Such people can shop, clean, cook or help wash. Qualified nurses will help you change dressings, empty the catheter or perform other necessary and difficult activities for an elderly person. It is not uncommon for our parents or grandparents to approach such solutions reluctantly and then it is worth persuading and persuading them for a long time – such a solution will benefit both parties.

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