When should I have a food intolerance test? Symptoms of intolerance

Food intolerances mean that our bodies react inappropriately to a certain component of our food. In other words, some food components can negatively affect our health. The problem of intolerance is becoming more and more common and it may concern up to 50% of people. population. Unfortunately, intolerances are often a hidden problem, and its symptoms are difficult to associate with a given food, because symptoms appear even 2-3 days after eating a given product. Check when it is worth doing a food intolerance test.

Symptoms indicating intolerance – types of symptoms

U people with food intolerances antibodies bind to food allergens into special complexes. The highest concentration of IgG antibodies and their complexes appears about 1-2 days after eating harmful food. Since these complexes can be located in different places in the body, they can lead to the development of inflammation in a given place, which gives specific symptoms. When the IgG level reaches its maximum level, symptoms appear that last for about 4 days.

Food intolerances can have a wide variety of symptoms. First of all, we associate them with ailments from the digestive system. The symptoms related to the digestive system include:

  1. nausea;
  2. belching;
  3. feeling of fullness;
  4. diarrhea;
  5. flatulence and gas;
  6. constipation.

Next a group of symptoms of food intolerance there are neurological symptoms. They are mainly:

  1. hyperactivity;
  2. migraines;
  3. behavioral changes;
  4. anxiety and depression;
  5. blurred vision;
  6. difficulty falling asleep.

Food intolerance may also manifest itself in problems with the osteoarticular system. After eating a given product, pain in muscles, bones and / or joints may appear.

As a result of food intolerances, skin changes such as acne, dry skin and itching, and even psoriasis may also appear.

In addition, as a result of food intolerances, immunity may decrease, as well as aggravation of symptoms of various autoimmune diseases. Among other symptoms of food intolerance include loss of appetite, constant fatigue, and difficulty losing weight.

These symptoms often occur at the same time and vary from one to another type of food intolerance. Some of them are so characteristic that they allow for an initial diagnosis, and the commissioned tests are only to confirm it. Therefore, if you are wondering when to perform tests for food intolerancethese symptoms may be an indication. Especially when we notice a certain regularity between the food consumed and the moment when certain symptoms appear.

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Symptoms indicating intolerance – comorbidities

Symptoms of food intolerances often appear in people with various chronic diseases. These intolerances can worsen their symptoms, therefore their detection and appropriate treatment may facilitate the treatment of these diseases. The diseases that may accompany food intolerances include:

  1. Crohn’s disease;
  2. Hashimoto’s disease;
  3. irritable bowel syndrome;
  4. rheumatoid arthritis;
  5. ADHD;
  6. depression;
  7. insulin resistance;
  8. obesity;
  9. SIBO;
  10. autism.

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Symptoms indicating intolerance – diagnosis of food intolerances

Food intolerance is diagnosed by tests carried out on a venous blood sample taken at the collection point or at the patient’s home. Laboratory tests for food intolerances are available in most clinics, both within the National Health Fund and privately. On the other hand, mail order testing for intolerances is gaining more and more popularity today. Currently, they are offered by many private medical networks.

Various variants of mail order tests for food intolerances The offer includes, for example, Food Detective Laboratory – a mail-order test for food intolerance for 50 different food products and a mail-order test for food intolerance Food Print in three different variants for 80, 120 or 200 products.

After purchasing a mail-order test, the patient receives a kit for self-collection of a blood sample from a finger. The sample should be taken in accordance with the attached instructions and sent to the address of the laboratory.

Another method of testing for food intolerance is genetic testing. These tests allow you to determine the risk of developing a specific food intolerance. In addition, genetic testing for food intolerance also allows you to eliminate harmful products and re-arrange the diet so that it does not harm our health. These tests can be performed, for example, in Diagnostyka facilities throughout Poland, e.g. in the field of food intolerance to gluten, lactose and fructose.

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Symptoms indicating intolerance – causes

Food intolerances are a common problem. They result from leakage of the intestinal barrier. These leaks allow undigested food proteins, as well as bacterial toxins and pathogens to enter the bloodstream from the gut. There are a number of reasons why leakages in the gut can occur. It is also a consequence of chronic treatment, i.e. taking antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or cancer treatment, e.g. with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In addition, they are affected by an inadequate diet.

The development of food intolerances is also influenced, for example, by eating too much meat and too little vegetables and fruit, as well as highly processed food. It is also influenced by infections leading to intestinal disorders as well as poisoning, diarrhea and constipation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and disorders of the intestinal microflora. Autoimmune diseases, immune disorders and cancer are also important. Food intolerances also develop much more often in people who abuse alcohol, smoke cigarettes and lead a stressful lifestyle. They are also often a consequence of abdominal surgery.

Symptoms indicating intolerance – treatment

People who notice any problems with themselves should consult a specialist. Once you get referrals, it’s worth doing diagnostic tests for food intolerances and consult the results. The next step should be to visit a dietitian who will help you create a diet adapted to the new recommendations. Treatment usually consists of introducing:

  1. rotation diet – it is used in the case of weak and moderate reactions of the body after eating a given product. This method is based on the interchangeable consumption of foods that are well tolerated and those that are harmful to us;
  2. elimination diet – a diet consisting in the complete elimination of products that cause strong reactions, therefore it is recommended primarily in these cases;
  3. the use of probiotics, i.e. products containing live bacteria cultures that have health-promoting properties.

Note that IgG-mediated intolerances are reversible. This means that the use of the above methods may reduce the symptoms and even completely reverse the disease.

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