When potatoes are planted in the Moscow region in 2022: in spring, in May

The procedure for planting potatoes is not as simple as it seems at first glance. One of the most important points is to choose the right time when you need to plant potatoes in the Moscow region and other regions. There are no clearly defined dates, so gardeners take into account many nuances, ranging from their own experience, the climate in the region, the weather forecast for spring, and ending with folk signs and recommendations of the lunar calendar.

When to plant potatoes in the Moscow region in 2022

Planting potatoes in the Moscow region is started no earlier than the substrate warms up to 8-10 ° C, and the daytime air temperature is set at 15-18 ° C. Given the peculiarities of the local climate, the procedure can be planned for the last days of April or the first half of May.

When potatoes are planted in the Moscow region in 2022: in spring, in May

Early ripening varieties and hybrids are often planted in the summer – up to the tenth of June

In addition to the long-term weather forecast, gardeners often rely on folk signs. According to them, you can start planting potatoes in the Moscow region and other regions in April-May when:

  • bird cherry blossoms;
  • dandelions begin to “scatter” fluff;
  • birch leaves are roughly comparable in size to penny coins.
Important! Excessively early planting of potatoes in the Moscow region will not provide the gardener with a faster harvest. And if you tighten it too much, you can’t wait at all, the tubers in the ground will not endure the first frosts.

Planting potatoes in the Moscow region in 2022 according to the lunar calendar

Taking into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar is a method popular with gardeners for choosing the most favorable days for planting potatoes in the Moscow region and other regions. According to him, the full moon, the new moon, as well as the day preceding and following it are immediately excluded.

It is necessary to plant tubers and root crops during the waning of the moon, when all the “vital juices” of plants are concentrated precisely in the root system. In addition to the phase, they also take into account in which zodiac constellation the satellite of the Earth resides.

The “fertile” signs include:

  • Taurus;
  • Cancer;
  • Libra;
  • Scorpio;
  • Capricorn;
  • Fish.

Neutral are:

  • Twins;
  • Virgo;
  • Sagittarius.

The most unfavorable time for planting potatoes in the Moscow region is when the moon is at:

  • Aries;
  • Lion;
  • Aquarius.

Accordingly, in 2022, planting potatoes in the Moscow region can be planned for the following days:

  1. April. The waning period of the moon is 17-28.04. In the “fertile” signs of the Zodiac, she is 17-18.04 (Scorpio), 21-22.04 (Capricorn), 26-27.04 (Pisces).
  2. May. The period of the waning of the moon is 17-29.05. In the “fertile” signs of the Zodiac, she is May 19-20.05 (Capricorn), May 23-24.05 (Pisces), May 27-29.05 (Taurus).
  3. June. The waning period of the moon is 15-28.06. In the “fertile” signs of the Zodiac, she is 15-16.06 (Capricorn), 19-20.06 (Pisces), 24-25.06 (Taurus).
When potatoes are planted in the Moscow region in 2022: in spring, in May

The influence of the changing phases of the moon on the development of plants has been confirmed by scientific experiments, but not all gardeners “recognize” it.

Important! The recommendations of the lunar calendar cannot be followed literally. For example, even if the day is considered fertile, but the temperature dropped sharply or heavy rains began, it is clearly not suitable for planting potatoes in the Moscow region.

Do they plant potatoes before winter in the suburbs

The climate in the Moscow region, compared to many regions, is quite warm. Winters are most often snowy and not too severe; frequent and prolonged thaws are not typical for them. All this makes it possible to plant potatoes in the Moscow region before winter and get early harvests.

Growing potatoes in the Moscow region in the open field

There are no specific features in planting potatoes and caring for them in the Moscow region compared to other regions. The nuances of agricultural technology are determined by the characteristics of the selected variety or hybrid.

Soil preparation

A place for planting potatoes in the Moscow region is chosen based on the following criteria:

  • good illuminance;
  • the presence of protection against sudden gusts of wind and drafts;
  • a substrate that combines fertility with medium density;
  • neutral or slightly acidic pH (5.0-5.5);
  • lack of prerequisites for constant waterlogging of the substrate.

Preparation of a site for planting potatoes in the Moscow region necessarily begins with digging the earth to a depth of 25-30 cm. At the same time, the garden bed is cleared of weeds and other debris. The “standard set” of fertilizers includes organic matter (humus or rotted compost) and complex mineral top dressing.

If the quality of the substrate leaves much to be desired, in the process of preparing the beds for planting potatoes in the Moscow region, certain shortcomings can be corrected. For example, coarse sand is introduced into heavy soil. Acidified “neutralize” with slaked lime, dolomite flour, crushed chalk. In an alkaline substrate, the pH is normalized by adding peat, fresh sawdust of coniferous trees, needles.

When potatoes are planted in the Moscow region in 2022: in spring, in May

It is enough to dig a bed for planting potatoes to a depth of about one bayonet of a shovel

Important! As in any other region, a potato bed in the Moscow region is being prepared last fall. The only exception is winter landings.

Preparing the tubers for planting

Preparation of potato tubers for planting in the Moscow region begins with their thorough examination. Instances, even with minor damage, are immediately rejected. “Conditioned” are sent for germination in a bright room with good ventilation and a constant temperature of 12-15 ° C.

Further actions are determined taking into account the characteristics of the potato variety or hybrid chosen for planting: its susceptibility to certain diseases, the tendency to be affected by certain pests, and general endurance. Depending on the “weak points”, the tubers are treated with solutions of suitable biostimulants, insecticides or fungicides, using both purchased preparations and folk remedies. They are also practiced by “warming up” at a temperature of about 40 ° C.

When potatoes are planted in the Moscow region in 2022: in spring, in May

Germination of tubers contributes to the rapid emergence of seedlings and the development of plants – this is especially true for late varieties and hybrids

Landing scheme

The standard scheme for planting potatoes is the same for the Moscow region, and for any other region. The approximate interval between tubers is 35-40 cm, the row spacing is 60-70 cm. However, the dimensions of adult plants must be taken into account. If the bushes are very sprawling and / or tall, the distance between the tubers and between the rows of plantings is increased by 15-30 cm.

Important! The depth of planting potatoes in the Moscow region depends on the degree of “heaviness” of the substrate. In clay or peat soil, it is 7-8 cm, in sandy soil it increases to 13-15 cm.

Growing potatoes in a greenhouse

Potatoes can be grown year-round in heated greenhouses. In the “cold” tubers in the Moscow region, they start planting no earlier than the end of March. A more realistic timeframe is the first half of April. By this time, the temperature of the soil at a depth of 10-12 cm should be at least 6 ° C, and the air should warm up to 18-20 ° C.

Potato varieties for “greenhouse” planting in the Moscow region are chosen early or ultra-early. Tubers, as well as for open ground, are germinated, treated with insecticides and fungicides. The recommended landing pattern is 20×40 cm. The holes must be covered with humus.

Potatoes in greenhouses need more frequent watering than in open ground (every 10-12 days) and high-quality fertilizer. It is also necessary to regularly inspect plantings for the presence of symptoms characteristic of disease and pest attacks.

When potatoes are planted in the Moscow region in 2022: in spring, in May

“For themselves” potatoes are rarely grown in a greenhouse, most often this is practiced on an industrial scale.

Important! To ensure quick heating, it is necessary to orient the greenhouse from west to east and equip it with a gabled roof.

Care after landing

Basic agricultural technology for potatoes in the Moscow region is limited to:

  1. Watering. In the absence of precipitation, potato beds in the Moscow region are watered every 15-20 days. It is also desirable to moisten the soil about 3 weeks after planting and at the stage of mass bud formation. 12-15 days before the expected harvest, watering is excluded.
  2. Loosening. In the “packed” soil, the normal development of tubers is impossible, therefore it is recommended to loosen the beds every 2-2,5 weeks and “out of schedule” (after watering and heavy rains).
  3. Top dressing. If the soil is fertile, the bushes will have enough nutrients introduced during the preparation of the beds. The standard scheme includes three top dressings: nitrogen when the stems reach a height of 8-10 cm, and complex during flowering and 7-10 days after it.
  4. Hilling. Helps increase productivity. Potato plantings are spudded at least twice – when the stems stretch 12-15 cm and 2-2,5 weeks after the first time.
When potatoes are planted in the Moscow region in 2022: in spring, in May

The main thing is to prevent the soil from drying out during flowering, it is at this time that tubers are formed.

Important! An optional, but very desirable agrotechnical event for potatoes in the Moscow region is mulching plantings. It helps to retain moisture in the soil, prevents the growth of weeds, and allows you to loosen the beds less often.


It is necessary to plant potatoes in the Moscow region on time, otherwise you can not count on a good harvest. It is necessary to determine the terms annually “individually”, each gardener has proven methods. No less important for the future harvest is the preliminary preparation of beds and tubers, adherence to the planting algorithm, and knowledge of the basic principles of crop care.

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