When not to vaccinate a child? Contraindications to vaccinations

Beloved, contraindications to vaccinations are one of the most important elements of qualifying a child for vaccination. Many parents ask themselves whether a runny nose is already a big problem and vaccination should be postponed? Is an allergic reaction that occurred after the previous vaccination a reason for postponement? One thing is for sure, the decision to postpone vaccination of a child is made by the doctor after examining the child, not by the parent himself!

Let’s start with this when we postpone vaccination?

  1. when the vaccine contains live viruses and the child has been treated with blood preparations or immunoglobulins;
  2. when the vaccine contains live viruses and the child has received a “live” vaccine in the last 4 weeks;
  3. when the child has symptoms of a serious illness (e.g. fever above 38,5 ° C) or the child’s chronic illness is exacerbated.

Then, for a certain period of time, we must withdraw from vaccination, but we do not completely abandon it. The doctor decides when to vaccinate. Remember that the time by which vaccination should be delayed after administration of blood and blood preparations may be as long as 3-11 months. Conversely, when our child received a live vaccine (measles-mumps-rubella or chicken pox), and after 2 weeks it required treatment with blood products or immunoglobulins, we consider such vaccination invalid and need to be repeated.

DO NOT vaccinate, if:

  1. your child has ever had a severe allergic reaction;
  2. the child has had a severe allergic reaction to a previous dose of the vaccine;
  3. the child has a severely impaired immune system and the vaccine contains live microorganisms.

There are also many illnesses and health conditions in your baby that are not a contraindication to vaccination. In such situations, we can vaccinate the child:

  1. train;
  2. a slight infection with a fever of up to 38,5 ° C or without a fever (however, your doctor may decide to postpone the vaccination by about 1-2 weeks until your child recovers);
  3. cough;
  4. diarrhea;
  5. occasional mild vomiting;
  6. allergy;
  7. atopic dermatitis (AD);
  8. bronchial asthma;
  9. hay fever;
  10. wheezing through a stuffy nose;
  11. prematurity;
  12. low birth weight;
  13. malnutrition;
  14. breast-feeding;
  15. seizures in closest relatives (parents, siblings);
  16. taking antibiotics;
  17. use of inhalation;
  18. skin inflammation / infection (then we can give the vaccine elsewhere);
  19. heart diseases;
  20. kidney disease;
  21. nervous system diseases (e.g., cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, epilepsy);
  22. physiological jaundice of newborns.

Vaccinations against specific diseases are also associated with certain limitations.

Tuberculosis (BCG)

We do not give the tuberculosis vaccine:

  1. in severe immunodeficiency (including AIDS);
  2. after tuberculosis was contracted by a child or mother;
  3. premature babies weighing less than 2000 g;
  4. if the child has had an acute infection in the last 4 weeks.

Hepatitis B

There are no additional contraindications for hepatitis B.

Also read: The disease affects 50 every year. kids. Unpleasant consequences can be avoided

Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (DTP)

We do not give the whole cell vaccine against whooping cough (DTPw) to children:

  1. after 3 years of age;
  2. with neurological diseases;
  3. with severe reactions after the administration of the previous dose of DTPw.

We do not give the acellular pertussis vaccine (DTPa) to children:

  1. after 7 years of age;
  2. with progressive neurological diseases;
  3. who developed severe neurological disorders after previous vaccination that cannot be explained by other causes.

Children who develop severe NOP after administration of DTPw (fever> 40,5 ° C, convulsions, prolonged and uncomfortable crying, pallor and laxity) should be administered during the next DTPa vaccination.

Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib)

There are no additional contraindications for Hib vaccination.

Measles mumps rubella

A child with severe immunodeficiency cannot be vaccinated.

An allergy to chicken eggs is not a contraindication to vaccination.

If we suspect that our child has had measles, mumps or rubella, we can vaccinate it. Confirmation of the incidence of these diseases requires virological tests, which are not normally performed, so we do not have 100 percent. certainty that the previously made diagnosis was unambiguous.

We do not vaccinate:

  1. for 3-11 months after treatment with blood or immunoglobulins;
  2. if you have haemorrhagic spots on the skin (ecchymosis), especially after a previous dose of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.


There are no additional contraindications for pneumococcal vaccination.


There are no additional contraindications for meningococcal vaccination.


We do not vaccinate children:

  1. after completing 32 weeks of life (8 months of age);
  2. with defects of the digestive tract or after intestinal obstruction;
  3. with immunodeficiency.

Also read: Parents intentionally infect children with viruses. Doctors warn that this is very dangerous


We do not vaccinate children:

  1. with severe immunodeficiency;
  2. for 3-11 months after treatment with blood or immunoglobulins.

If the child is being treated with acetylsalicylic acid, it must not be administered for 6 weeks after vaccination. Blood products should also not be administered within 2 weeks of vaccination against chickenpox. If we need to treat the child in this way, the vaccination should be renewed.


We do not vaccinate children:

  1. before 6 months of age;
  2. who have had a severe allergic reaction to egg white.

Hepatitis A

There are no additional contraindications for vaccination against hepatitis A.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

The HPV vaccines are “killed” vaccines. There are no additional contraindications for HPV vaccination.

Tick-borne encephalitis

We do not vaccinate children allergic to egg white.

The text comes from: doktorekradzi.pl

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