When masculinity fails. How to treat erectile dysfunction?

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In Poland, there is a method of treating erectile dysfunction that allows you to achieve it at any time and for as long as you want. It is used in men for whom the “blue pill” has not worked.

The inability to achieve or maintain an erection affects about 3 million men in Poland. However, only 15 percent. of them seek help from a specialist. Meanwhile, such problems can be symptoms of many diseases that need to be treated. Modern medicine deals effectively with erectile dysfunction. This is not only important for maintaining a good relationship. Research proves that sexual activity reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Erection as a measure of health

– The most common cause of erectile dysfunction in the age group of adolescents and young men are psychological problems, largely related to complexes, lack of experience or fear of unwanted pregnancy of the partner. In middle-aged men, the main factors are stress, overwork, and problems in personal relationships. They can also be caused by atherosclerosis, diabetes and arterial hypertension. About 50 percent. men over 40, erectile dysfunction is associated with cardiovascular disorders – explains angiologist Dr. Zbigniew Klimczak. Therefore, erection problems should not be treated as a medical condition, but as a symptom.

– Erectile dysfunction may herald, inter alia, coronary heart disease even eight years before its appearance. Remember that penile blood vessels, like all other blood vessels, become less permeable in the case of atherosclerosis. That is why the blood is not able to fill the cavernous bodies of the member so as to achieve a satisfactory erection – explains urologist Dr. Stefan W. Czarniecki from the HIFU CLINIC Prostate Cancer Treatment Center, operating in cooperation with the Medicover Hospital. He adds that untreated urological diseases, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, inflammation of the prostate gland or recurrent infections associated with urolithiasis, may also have a negative impact on the quality of a man’s sexual life. “All these diseases can be diagnosed during routine urological control, and their treatment is relatively simple,” she emphasizes.

To improve your erection, try ginseng root.

Erection in training

According to Dr. Czarniecki, the first step in erectile dysfunction should be to quit smoking, take care of a healthy, varied diet rich in antioxidants and increase physical activity. And it’s not about walking, but training, lasting up to half an hour, at least three times a week. It can be cycling, swimming, running, tennis, etc. – Physical activity definitely affects the quality of erection, he emphasizes. He adds that you should also measure your blood pressure, check your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. If the results are abnormal, you should first modify your diet before starting treatment.

– Don’t hesitate. If the disorder is psychological, sometimes just having an erection pill solves the problem, she says. However, after the age of 45 or 50 (depending on whether the family has a history of prostate cancer), you should visit the urologist’s office regularly in order to detect this disease early. – I dream that in Poland men visit a urologist systematically and treat this specialist as their general practitioner, just like women trust their gynecologists – says Dr. Czarniecki.

If you want to improve the quality of your sex life, you can reach for Hemp4Love for sexual satisfaction – a dietary supplement with CBD, whose active ingredients support a proper erection and improve libido.

Treatment as needed

There are several medications for erectile dysfunction available in Poland that meet the different needs of men. Some are taken right before intercourse. There are also those that allow you to do it within 36 hours of taking the drug. – Another method of treatment is the so-called Shockwave (LSWT – linear shock wave therapy). It causes the production of factors that initiate the development of new blood vessels in the penis, among other things. The treatment must be repeated at least four times. The cost of the therapy is PLN 4. zloty. It is a non-invasive method, bringing positive effects to about 70 percent. patients – informs Dr. Czarniecki. Another possible therapy is injections into the corpora cavernosawhich is done in the penis just before intercourse.

– Unfortunately, they are painful and probably not very romantic. Over time, they also cause fibrosis at the injection site. Such changes usually appear after two years, he says. However, there are men who have blood vessels that are so damaged that these methods do not work on them. This also applies to men with back injuries who use wheelchairs. There is also a group of patients who cannot be found causes of erectile dysfunctionand drug therapy has no effect. Then a special device comes in handy, which allows you to get an erection immediately for any time.

  1. Consult an online doctor and talk about your problem of impotence or erectile dysfunction

Erection on cue

The device consists of three parts. The first is a reservoir with 150 ml of dissolved saline. It is implanted in the area of ​​the right lower abdomen. The second part is a tiny pump that is hidden under the skin of the scrotum. The third one is two cylinders implanted in the cavernous bodies of the penis. All elements are connected to each other. It is enough to press the skin of the scrotum, where the pump is hidden, a few times to achieve a satisfactory erection. It allows you to experience orgasms with normal ejaculation. The erection continues until the pump mechanism is released. Such an implant is completely invisible after implantation. – I had a patient who, in order to save the marriage, implanted himself with an implant. His wife found out about this accident only after two years – says Dr. Stefan Czarniecki.

Read also:

  1. A midlife crisis. What is it manifested and how to deal with it?
  2. Urinary incontinence in men
  3. Prostate – what should worry you?

Erectile dysfunction without refund

The implant is inserted during a surgical procedure under general anesthesia. The operation takes about two hours. The entire device is inserted through a single cut in the scrotum, which is completely invisible after healing. The patient stays 4 – 5 days in the hospital, where doctors monitor the healing process. After about six weeks, it can begin regular sexual intercourse. Implantation of such an implant costs about 50 thousand. zloty. Unfortunately, the National Health Fund does not refund this procedure. For this reason, few of these procedures are done in Poland. Even many doctors do not know that such a method is available with us. Meanwhile, in Great Britain and France there are centers where several hundred implants are implanted annually.

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