Deciding to go on a diet is undoubtedly the first step in improving your health. When we are determined enough, however, the question arises which diet to choose? Which will be effective and safe at the same time?
One of the diets that has become particularly popular in recent years is the ketogenic diet. Both people who want to lose unnecessary kilograms and those who are looking for new and healthier nutritional models for themselves go to it. What is the ketogenic diet and when is it beneficial for us?
Ketone bodies
Ketone bodies are metabolites formed by the metabolism of fatty acids. These include compounds such as acetoacetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid and acetone. In a healthy body, only a small amount of ketone bodies is physiologically formed.
As is commonly known, the basic energy material for cells is glucose. When there is little glucose or it cannot be used efficiently by cells, the body increases its energy production from alternative sources. Such alternative sources include, for example, fatty acids. Their increased metabolism leads to an increase in the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood and urine.
Low-carbohydrate diets – ketogenic diet
The basis of low-carbohydrate diets is a reduced daily intake of carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet can be classified as a more restrictive variant of a low-carbohydrate diet, which assumes a daily carbohydrate intake of about 10% of the total energy requirement. Let us remind you that the indicated daily intake of carbohydrates is approx. 50-55% of the total energy requirement.
The difference in values is therefore huge, and all this is to “switch” the body to obtain energy from fatty acids. It is also worth emphasizing that limiting carbohydrate consumption is associated with an increased supply of fats.
Who is the ketogenic diet for?
A ketogenic diet can be used to reduce body weight or improve biochemical parameters, such as the lipid profile. However, the ketogenic diet should not be implemented permanently. The optimal duration is from 6 to 12 months – in the long term, it turns out to be less beneficial to health and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
All restrictive diets are not physiological diets, i.e. their use exposes the body to deficiencies of various micro- and macroelements as well as metabolic disorders. The ketogenic diet is contraindicated for people with liver, kidney or pancreatic diseases, whose metabolism is significantly impaired. Starting a low-carbohydrate diet and the associated ketosis can cause symptoms such as constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, and drowsiness.
How do you monitor your ketone levels?
Under physiological conditions, the concentration of ketones in the blood is low. When using low-carbohydrate diets, ketone synthesis increases. It is then recommended to constantly monitor their level to avoid the risk of serious complications (i.e. ketoacidosis), which may be a consequence of an excessively restrictive diet.
Ketone bodies are kept
Devices for measuring ketone bodies in the blood make it possible to test at home. They are intended, inter alia, for people on a low-carbohydrate diet and suffering from diabetes type I and II. Measurement of serum ketone levels is essential when using ketogenic diets. Thanks to regular tests, you know whether your diet is effective – whether the concentration of ketone bodies is higher than physiological – and safe – whether their concentration is no longer dangerously high.
You can buy the MultiSure GK ketone tester at
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